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Thread to discuss negative things in a very general way, just see where it goes y'know?


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On 9/17/2024 at 12:21 PM, Nuke said:

ive come to the conclusion that the forever internet is just a myth. bit rot and neglect are real, and capacity has its limits. information theory has a lot in common with thermodynamics, namely entropy. storing data costs energy (not as much as moving data) and the things you store that data on are subject to wear and data loss. data can only be kept indefinitely in so far as people care to as it requires some effort in backup and verification. and while keeping your data alive is what everyone tries to do, at some point it will be someone else's problem, and they may as well just delete it to make room for their stuff. thus my preferred backup solution is deletion. say bye to all my bad code from the '90s.

Yeah, the idea of it never going away is a total joke when you think about the aridification going on around the world and the amount of water needed to cool data centers.

It’s not a bad thing at all though. I get that it can be cool to scroll back through your email and see correspondences from X years ago, but realistically there’s so much that should be thrown away.

There’s a reason people tend to keep a couple old love letters from their youth rather than a dedicated shed of them with its own insulation, AC and lighting.

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On 9/16/2024 at 6:37 PM, AstroWolfie said:


I cant see the image

VK blocked where you are? Let's try again, more places have reposted this.




Tertiary links




Bonus: same guys sell laser-etched titanium icons, also consecrated




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I’ve been getting tuned back in to my Sovietophilia after a long hiatus, but I have no interest in watching the For All Mankind spinoff that’s supposed to showcase how the Soviets landed on the Moon first in that world.

The main thing is the description says it’s about the lives of the engineers and cosmonauts as well as “the intelligence officers embedded among them.”

First point: I find it really sad how after WWII ended, we (American filmgoers) were getting nuanced (if maybe sometimes flawed) views of the Axis, especially in films like Tora, Tora, Tora! in 1970, but a similar amount of time as roughly passed since the end of the Cold War (roughly 30 years) and the way the USSR is represented is basically the same as it was in the 1980s. And I don’t mean to get political, but I don’t understand how this can be when the PRC still exists and it literally has gotten better treatment in films like the Independence Day sequel despite actually being described as a current threat to the US.

Okay, second point: This premise is just ridiculous.

It’s one thing for the KGB to find out an engineer traveling to the US is in a relationship with an American engineer and then trying to steer that affair towards the extraction of information, which happened.

But then last season we found out this engineer was a KGB asset the entire time and had been since the 1960s. What???

Forgoing that there is no historical evidence any engineers were ever made to do this, the idea is completely nonsensical. Why would they need to do this? The Party and military already literally had direct control over the space program, its tasks, etc. They could not do anything without their approval, so there was no danger of them going off and doing their own thing… apart from actually getting permission to do their own thing from the government which is why there are so many wacky proposals out there from Korolyov and Chelomei.

Fear of defection? My understanding is this didn’t rely on having people monitoring each other as instructed by a KGB officer. Especially working in the aerospace industry at that time, it was probably just common sense to make sure no one was planning on doing anything crazy, whether it be for love of country or fear for the persons wellbeing. And there certainly wasn’t much of a reason to defect. Engineers received relatively lavish amenities compared to the average citizen, and were exempted from mandatory conscription (the latter at least while Korolyov was alive).

Even during the Stalin era this sort of thing did not exist. They just built up their own case and didn’t need to instruct the others around the suspect to play along because they were so feared. Glushko was not an “NKVD asset” he just did what he had to to save himself once Korolyov was arrested.

I find the Soviet space program fascinating, specifically because its flaws were so human, as were its dreams. Meanwhile every other country that has a space program still exists and is blinded by the idealism that bogs down not only space endeavors but by the same mechanism, the whole of society.

I just can’t watch it be sullied for things it never did while the space program of the country the upcoming drama is made in is rife with bureaucratic and cultural issues eerily reminiscent of the actual issues the Soviet space program had, which the creators of the show are trying to set themselves apart from by demonizing the Soviet aerospace industry.

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Looks like the deal for a film adaptation of Atomic Heart has been inked.

Have they learned absolutely nothing from all the flops?


1 hour ago, SunlitZelkova said:

And I don’t mean to get political, but I don’t understand how this can be when the PRC still exists and it literally has gotten better treatment in films like the Independence Day sequel despite actually being described as a current threat to the US.

The Chimerica phenomonon is curious and its cinematographic reflection was bizarre. It usually featured very childish prostrations.

At the same time, when American media figures get on the anti-Chinese high horse, their mental image is very much similar to what you describe. The mental model I have for this is that any different way of life is viewed as abnormal and impossible to sustain without constant coercion. There has to be a KGB officer in the room, or people would start listening to RFE/RL broadcasts immediately, because democracy is non-negotiable inevitable.

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3 hours ago, Nuke said:

am i a bad person for putting german sausage in a polish dish? its like 1939 all over again.

I went to a German restaurant once.  The first thing I noticed on the menu was Polish sausage.


The discussion went downhill from there, and would probably not go over well on the forum.

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I am coming out from the shadows because things in my world are not good. I am currently facing the prospect that I may lose my mother in the next 2-3 weeks according to my father and her care givers at the home she is in. I am trying to remain optimistic as to her outcome, but, I also need to be realistic and start planning for what will ultimately be a cataclysmic loss. I am very fortunate that for 39 out of nearly 43 years of life I was privileged to be able to live in the same house as my mother. While not exactly a typical way to reach adult life, let alone nearly 40 years old, I had my mother at my side as a shield against the world and in March 2021 I was forced to place her in a care facility as her needs eclipsed my capability as her son to provide them. I am now facing the very real prospect that I may not see my 43rd birthday, less than a MONTH away, with my mother in my life. I am beyond terrified and scared of what is to come. I barely processed the loss of my best friend, who for all but blood was my brother, and I have no clue how I am going to handle the loss of my mother, whether that is 2-3 weeks from now or 2 years with out my best friend or anyone really beyond my friends parents to stand with me through this. My father will fly up with me to bury her when the time comes, but, even then, i will still be very alone. I do not know how to cope with or process this. Any advice or well wishes right now would be greatly appreciated. 


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6 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

I am coming out from the shadows because things in my world are not good. I am currently facing the prospect that I may lose my mother in the next 2-3 weeks according to my father and her care givers at the home she is in. I am trying to remain optimistic as to her outcome, but, I also need to be realistic and start planning for what will ultimately be a cataclysmic loss. I am very fortunate that for 39 out of nearly 43 years of life I was privileged to be able to live in the same house as my mother. While not exactly a typical way to reach adult life, let alone nearly 40 years old, I had my mother at my side as a shield against the world and in March 2021 I was forced to place her in a care facility as her needs eclipsed my capability as her son to provide them. I am now facing the very real prospect that I may not see my 43rd birthday, less than a MONTH away, with my mother in my life. I am beyond terrified and scared of what is to come. I barely processed the loss of my best friend, who for all but blood was my brother, and I have no clue how I am going to handle the loss of my mother, whether that is 2-3 weeks from now or 2 years with out my best friend or anyone really beyond my friends parents to stand with me through this. My father will fly up with me to bury her when the time comes, but, even then, i will still be very alone. I do not know how to cope with or process this. Any advice or well wishes right now would be greatly appreciated. 


No advice from me, but just prayers for you and your family. Just remember that everyone on this forum is here for you.

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9 minutes ago, Zozaf Kerman said:

No advice from me, but just prayers for you and your family. Just remember that everyone on this forum is here for you.

Appreciate it. I cant adequately express just how terrified I am right now. Ive lost 4 grandparents, 2 uncles and a few cousins but compared to my mother it feels like I felt nothing at their deaths (in fairness for 2 of my grandparents ((fathers side)) I was too young to process his fathers death and his mothers death.) I was 1 when one cousin passed, and never knew one cousin as he was the son of another cousin, so their deaths really had no impact, nor did my grandmothers brother (the first uncle I knew that died) and my mothers brother who passed August 2023 I was not on good terms with, so I was sad for my mother who doesnt know he passed (dementias one grace) but was apathetic for myself. I was sad when my mothers mother died, attended her funeral. Missed my grandfather (mothers father) funeral but didnt cry for him. I miss him but didnt cry. I cried when my best friend passed, but this? This is a whole new fresh level of terror. How does one cope?


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apparently i qualify to get $40/hr 20 hours a week for doing what i already do as my mom's caregiver. mom refuses to sign the form because she might lose some of her entitlements.

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Guys, I am beyond scared, and so far past terrified I dont know what to think or do. I want to run a thousand directions at once, I want to scream until my lungs bleed. I want to protect my mother, fight for her, buy her more time, better time. But I cant. I cant do anything but sit back and wait. I am so so alone right now. I am so frightened and feel so helpless. I just want to hear her say my name once more. Sing me a lullaby, hug me, tell me I will be ok, that she is proud of me, that she knows that I can handle this, that she knows I am ready to do this adult thing with out her watching from the shadows. But I do not feel that I will be ok or that I can handle this or ready to be in a world with out my mom. I want my momma. Im going to be 43 next  month and I want my momma. I am by no means religious and moderators forgive a terrified man this, but, any of you who read this and are religious or know any who are please pray for me and my mom. again i want my momma.


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1 hour ago, AlamoVampire said:

Not even an hour after my above post, at 1853 this evening my beloved mother passed away. Im devastated. 210309222024

I’m extremely sorry for your loss, and I wish there was something I could do to help.  I really don’t know what else to say except for my sincerest condolences to you and your family

Edited by Zozaf Kerman
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1 hour ago, AlamoVampire said:

Not even an hour after my above post, at 1853 this evening my beloved mother passed away. Im devastated. 210309222024

I'm sorry to hear that.

I've been dealing with several health incidents with my mother the last few months, so I've been preparing for the worst, but I know I'm not ready for it.  I can only imagine what you're going through right now.

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@Zozaf Kerman @razark thank** you both. Im numb, in shock, you name it. I just saw her alive mere hours ago then bam gone. Its surreal. Its unfathomable. I dont know how to handle it or process it. I dont know what to think or say… its just… i have no words. Ive had to live the last few years with her in that facility so i had grieved that loss, now that shes passed? Im grieving again. Deeper, harder. Im 42 years 11 months and 4 days old. I was her adopted son for 42 years 11 months and 1 day. Would have a day or two more but i was born with gestational jaundice so i wasnt released by doctors for 3 days. All i want is my momma. One more hug, more i love you momma. I urge and implore you ALL cherish your mothers, fathers, brothers. For one day they will be gone.

225409222024 grief induced spelling error

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2 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

Not even an hour after my above post, at 1853 this evening my beloved mother passed away. Im devastated. 210309222024

I'm very sorry for your loss. I will say a prayer for you and your mother tonight.

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