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[1.9.1] BDArmory Continued v1.3.4 & BDArmory Multiplayer [17/09/2021]


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Alright, @jrodriguez and @TheKurgan, I have a missile problem this time around.  Game version is 1.7.3.

I've made a custom missile using an edited texture and a scaled-down mesh, as well as some CFG editing for the part.  But the thing is that the missile won't fire no matter what I do.  AI locked and loaded?  No dice.  Loaded on a rail?  Won't fire.  Floating and offset?  Won't fire.  Clearance checks turned off?  Still won't fire.  Manually clicking the "Fire Missile" button in the right click menu?  STILL won't fire.  I can jettison the missile and detonate the missile via right click menu.  Those work perfectly.

I've swapped models in case it was a model issue for some reason, and that didn't fix it.  I looked through the BDA documentation to see if I'd missed something, and it doesn't seem like I have.  I've gone through the CFG as best as my untrained eyes are able and looked for anything I might have missed or glossed over from similar missiles (both heat-seeking and radar-guided) and that didn't fix it either.  Any help you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated.  ;.;

CFG text linked below in Spoiler Tag.

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Edited by Ryugi
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I didn't see anything wrong with your config at a glance...

But I'm relatively sure your missile does not have RCS transforms... I could be wrong.

Try this. It has most all of your settings transferred over:

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Oh, and maxTurnRateDPS = 90 will make the missile go boom. it will pull too many Gs

maxOffBoresight = 180 No need to go over 180 **edit I could be wrong about this, leave it at 270.
lockedSensorFOV = 2 // this is the accuracy of the missile
radarLOAL = true // if you want it to have active radar.

Edited by TheKurgan
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@TheKurgan  You, Sir, are a miracle worker. 


Never in 1000 years would I have suspected the RCS stat was the thing screwing up my missile config.  I don't know if you changed anything else, but regardless, the missile now fires.  At this point literally everything else I could say is irrelevant compared to just that fact.  Thank you so much for your help and insight.  Myself and my competitors will sincerely thank you for the new toys!  :D

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@Ryugi No problem,  very happy I could help!

At one point or another,  I have re-tuned / re-configured 99% of the missiles in BDAc and SM_Industries including the HE-KV-1 Space missile in BDAc... and most of the torpedoes too. So if you ever need some assistance,  just PM me.

Edited by TheKurgan
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Hi all,

I just released a new version of BDArmory for KSP 1.8.1. 

You can download it from here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/tag/v1.3.2 or from CKAN as soon as it is indexed.


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Special thanks to: @SuicidalInsanity , @Eidahlil and @HebaruSan for their contributions.

I'd like also to remark that there is an annoying issue in KSP since 1.7.x regarding sounds that it is affecting BDArmory. Every sound from every vessel will not fade with distance that means that you will be hearing all the engines from all your vessels at the same time! (not only the engines but every single part emitting sound)

I have opened a bug in the squad bug tracker, It would be great if you could upvote these two bugs:

Finally, I'd to announce that this mod will enter in the Basic Maintenance mode for me. That means that I don't have plans to implement nothing new. Of course I will review and release new features, enhancements or fixes implemented by other contributors or even hand over the development to other developers with enough motivation.

On the other hand I have plans to continue working a BDAMultiplayer for LMP and eventually to provide a BDAMultiplayer version that works for both single player and multiplayer, thus making obsolete the current BDArmory.

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  On 11/10/2019 at 6:02 AM, Xd the great said:

@jrodriguez Did you nerf the guns? My M1 tank guns can no longer reliably blow tank armour (150) up.


Nope. I suggest to review all the commits of the last release to see if there is anything that could affect this. Most part of the code changes were done by @Eidahlil Or @SuicidalInsanity

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Hey all.  1st of all what a great mod.  Countless hours of fun I had with it.  I recently stumbled upon a problem and did not find answer. 

The radars install on my battleship don't get EC.  I have plenty and the parts should cross feed resources like EC.  It saddens me as I wanted to test it's defense in defend mode.


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  On 11/11/2019 at 2:06 PM, Davaeron said:

The radars install on my battleship don't get EC.  I have plenty and the parts should cross feed resources like EC.  It saddens me as I wanted to test it's defense in defend mode.


Hi not enough information there or in the screenshots, have you tried right clicking on the radar PAW and selecting activate? Have you tried activating the radar using the BDA window, selecting modules and the radar/s you'd like switched on? Do you have a weapon manager fitted ? Are you running the correct version of BDA for the version of KSP you are using?

If the answer to any of those questions is yes, a  zipped copy of your ksp.log will be required to aid further diagnosis

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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Thank you for your quick reply SpannerMonkey.  Issue is resolved. I suspected a conflicting mod since boosters also  were reporting no solid fuel in game so..   I don't know which one mod was faulty but just got a few updates done on ckan and everything is fine again.   I only kept the top radar, the two others were for testing.    Now I let the ship sits near KSP and I try to sink it with different planes.  This mod is a lot of fun. !

Thank you

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 BDA v1.3.2 PRE 1.17 and ModuleManager, no other mods. Docking/undocking with countermeasures or radar jammers gives the same result as in previous versions


Scripts error after docking two crater crawlers equiped with countermeasures, when I undock them they explode

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