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Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion - Grand Discussion Thread


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15 minutes ago, Rocket Farmer said:

Found a fun bug.  Take a rocket in the VAB, attach the small pistons.  Extend them to full length. Connect parts on the other end of them.  Retract.  The parts stay in their original location when they were hooked on but are still connected.


I had a rocket take off with floating attachments.

I was just about to mention this. Pistons go through objects. It seems impossible to attach something to it. Sad cause that was the part I was looking forward too the most.

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Having a blast with the new parts, but I seem to be encountering a bug, or maybe I just don't understand how this all works.

Haven't figured out how to replicate it consistently yet, but sometimes (often!) between VAB and launch my tracks that I made for the controller part are disappearing. Which is a real pain as I then have to remake all of them. Currently using lots of hinges on 4 separate controllers to make a "blooming flower" solar array. I have like 11 hinges on each controller, and the play button on all the controllers action grouped to custom 01. Sometimes this works BEAUTIFULLY! But occasionally after I fiddle around a bit in VAB, everything's working good, then I launch and the controllers have forgotten all of their tracks. It might have something to do with the fact that I've been using symmetry to edit all of the tracks (apparently if you attach controllers using symmetry and edit one, they all update their tracks accordingly, which is nifty).

I know without being able to replicate it consistently this isn't much help, but I thought I'd leave a note in case anyone else is having similar issues. If I figure out how to replicate I'll do a proper report.

But man, when it works it is a thing of beauty! This DLC is fantastic and I haven't even left the ground.


EDIT: Figured it out. I don't think it's a bug, I just wasn't using symmetry and robotics the way it was intended, I think. If robotic parts are added by symmetry, just click *one* of them to add to a single controller. This will automatically apply the track you make to its symmetrical partners. What I was doing that the game didn't like was applying symmetrical controllers to the symmetrical parts and then editing one of those. This will also work sometimes, but it seems to make the multiple controllers "forget" their tracks after one launch. Another technique that caused problems was adding all of the symmetrical parts to one controller.

In sum, when you want multiple robotic parts applied in symmetry to follow the same track, just add *one* of each symmetrical component to a single controller, and the game will take care of the rest. I didn't expect it to work that simply, so I tried to do it more manually and it caused problems because it was anticipating the simple approach.

Edited by Opus_723
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Soooo... I just got BG from the KSP Store... its my first KSP DLC...

I got an .exe file... run it, and it keeps telling me KSP isnt installed in this folder....

how do non-Steam users install this? My KSP install is in a non-C: drive folder... on a different partition...
PLEEEEZZZEEEEE tell me this installer *DOES NOT* require a C:/ProgramFiles install :mad:

and before anyone ssays anything, I have just about *every* mod ever made for KSP on my HDD, and I *DO* know how to manually install them *all* ... ;)


Edited by Stone Blue
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From this:



folds to this omg Im so happy. No more clunky landing pods that are unstable and weird. huraaaaaay




EDIT: I had to re-do the foldable engine thing because weight (obviously) is a thing. I found out the fuel pipes extend with the folding engines so I used the largest alligator hinge and actually landed successfully on the moon. This was amazing.



Edited by Vakarian
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22 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

I got an .exe file... run it, and it keeps telling me KSP isnt installed in this folder....

What directory is the .exe file in?

Is KSP installed in that directory?

What happens if you run the .exe in the directory KSP is installed in?

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Now that I've had a quick tinker with the new parts, here's what I said I'd make as soon as I had the new DLC.

It's a bit rough at sea (pulls to one side when using more than x2 physics warp) and it's a bit slow as a rover, but as a concept it does work.

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25 minutes ago, Constan7ine said:

Does anyone know if you need to make a new save for the surface features to spawn on planets? I heard that in a preview youtube video and would like some clarification.

ShadowZone has mentioned that you can modify an existing save game to make the features appear. But obviously that is without warranty and at a “use at your own risk” type of deal. 

Check out his recent videos on YouTube and I am sure you will find something in the description or comments. 

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3 hours ago, lekkimsm2500 said:

* New game setting - Shadow casting for CBs.

Every day we stray further from the Sun's light....

Seriously though, this sounds great. One less mod feature I'll need! Does anybody know if there's a range limit for this?


Edited by Cydonian Monk
Edit: Mobile forum still sucks.
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20 minutes ago, Cydonian Monk said:

terrain shadows are already a thing

been so long since I played with stock graphics I couldn't remember if they were or not :P celestial body shadow would be awesome, hope someone has a screenshot soon

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Well, im quite happy with it sofar, even though ive yet to make anything walk properly without falling over itself or just exploding.

Heck, even the ground stuff is pretty neat and while i only play sandbox mode, being able to deploy the ground experiments makes land facilities look way more alive and immersive :).

Now back to attempting to make a working battlemech (and after a simple 2 legger stops falling on its arss, ill try my best at making the spider walker tank thing from wild west).


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4 hours ago, steuben said:

Three words: Value Bundle, [emphasis redacted -ed.]

I might consider buying another copy of KSP if it came with the DLCs, and was cheaper then buying all three separately.

Oh and merch... can't forget about the merch... a figure with the new tron line suit that glows.

Cable Company business model.

Steep discounts to get fresh customers.

A middle finger to existing customers. Will wait for the next sale to get the new DLC.

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Just found this in the settings.cfg


I changed it to True. Don't know what it does yet.

EDIT: Sadly it doesn't do what I thought it would: Enable eclipse shadows. Oh well :)

Edited by 5thHorseman
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4 hours ago, Rocket Farmer said:

Found a fun bug.  Take a rocket in the VAB, attach the small pistons.  Extend them to full length. Connect parts on the other end of them.  Retract.  The parts stay in their original location when they were hooked on but are still connected.


I had a rocket take off with floating attachments.

It seems that you have to connect a node to the Hydraulic Cylinders for them to work as intended. So simply put a Cubic Octagonal Strut between the piston and the surface attachment part.

Edited by Weltenbrand
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10 minutes ago, Weltenbrand said:

It seems that you have to connect a node to the Hydraulic Cylinders for them to work as intended. So simply put a Cubic Octagonal Strut between the piston and the surface attachment part.

Tried this. Same result

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