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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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21 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

JNSQ is specifically made to break SSTOs. OPT spaceplanes can't handle it! Believe me, I've been trying.



I guess that experience on stock Eve helped.

[Update] It can re-enter too, but those FL-T tanks are heat-sensitive. I used a ten degree AoA to start, then was able to up that to fifteen after reducing speed to 2 km/s. Negative flaps seem to help until the worst is over, like on the Razorforce Seven. Setting PE to 40 km directly above the KSC put me above the island airfield by the time the worst had past.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Update on prototype's performance
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1 hour ago, OncaLupe said:

Without seeing more info, my guess is aero forces are trying to flip the craft, and the pilot is doing their best to hold retrograde. Eve has 10x Kerbin's atmosphere at surface, RCS will do nearly nothing and any lift or drag will be quite strong. If you turn off SAS/RCS, it'll probably tumble.

winner, winner, oceans of boiling lead dinner!

I went back and took another look, as i said i suspected it "makes more sense given the planet's nature", and it was probably just a flaw on my side.

So, the lift was SO great, since i was attempting a flat bottom pod landing kind of thing, that the almost imperceptibly slight offset between my CoM and my CoL was pushing me about 5 degrees off! Thats hilarious! Its odd, i never found a problem like that with stock Eve, but I probably always had everything evenly balanced. Thank you!



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2 hours ago, Barzon Kerman said:

Build an SSTA, please. Then Galileo need only change a letter in the loading text, because an SSTO on a planet with 45atm is surely not possible. 

In stock, yeah probably not. Bradley Whitstance only recently managed a stock Eve SSTO, and that was with every single dirty trick known to kerbalkind, including a few he invented specifically for the purpose.

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6 hours ago, Gordon Fecyk said:
6 hours ago, Galileo said:

Well, time to change the loading tips lol

I'm torn between finding the feat fabulous, and the design of the craft to be absolute sin. I assume the design is particularly mass efficient?

In any case, you've done well and I honor that... Now do it without FAR. :P


5 hours ago, Barzon Kerman said:

an SSTO on a planet with 45atm is surely not possible. 

There is always someone...................

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26 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Now do it without FAR.

Those wet wings weren't full at launch.

An earlier design added more Big-S strakes, but I had an excessive amount of dead weight in liquid fuel. Top up the tanks, maybe add another pair of strakes, spend more time gaining speed in the air, and this thing could make orbit without FAR.

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On 6/14/2019 at 10:08 PM, jefferyharrell said:

While we're on the subject, though, something odd about my game is that I always seem to have a low frame rate and the yellow MET clock sitting on the launchpad and also below like 30,000 meters or so. Doesn't matter what kind of vehicle I'm launching, and it always clears up at altitude. Any guess what might be causing that?

When I worked on Alien Space Programs, I noticed that home worlds without an ocean would bog frame rates with complex craft. I had to add a placeholder ocean to clear that up.

Further, with Scatterer in use it expected a complete Ocean{} configuration or I'd expect a similar frame rate drop.

In both cases, this only happened with the home world. No other worlds, atmosphere or no, ocean or no, caused this drop. JNSQ shouldn't experience this particular problem with its reimagined Kerbin and its fully defined configuration.

On 6/14/2019 at 10:36 PM, Galileo said:

I made serious changes to the scatter in stock and BG to improve performance. Would love some feedback regarding that if you want to test it out.

I grabbed that earlier today. I think there's a measurable improvement when landing in a scatter-heavy area, with today's master than with the 0.6.0 release. Ultimately, I get the best performance with today's master plus Textures Unlimited and -force-d3d11.

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Did I read correctly, and an SSTO is not possible without cheating while using this mod\planet pack?

I just did it effortlessly with OPT and Deepsky/Thortech... which may be considered cheating lol

Are we talking using only stock parts?

Edited by TheKurgan
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Playing a career in .4 JNSQ...

Seem to have an issue with EVA. Not sure if issue or known about (or even confirmed).

Whenever I EVA either for a rescue contract, or getting a science report, upon reboarding or rescue, the Crafts orbit is wildly changed.

For example a 100k Kerbin orbit might be slightly sub-orbital after boarding.

This is happening regularly enough in my save that I think its a thing.

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On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 11:24 AM, TheKurgan said:

Did I read correctly, and an SSTO is not possible without cheating while using this mod\planet pack?

It's not impossible.  But the scale of JNSQ is intended to make it more difficult.

On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 11:25 AM, Ratwerke_Actual said:

Seem to have an issue with EVA. Not sure if issue or known about (or even confirmed).

I've performed dozens of EVA in low Kerbin orbit without incident.  Although I can't completely rule out JNSQ, it seems unlikely to me that it would cause the problem you describe.  It's possible something else is the cause.

Edited by OhioBob
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Hello all,

I created my own version of earth a while back, and I want it to have an orbit that takes 365.256 days.

This would put it in nearly the exact same orbit as Kerbin in JNSQ.

Is there a way I can put it in the same orbit, but say on the opposite side of the sun?

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 Pulling my hair out trying to figure out why the planet modifications wont load. Was snooping around the Kopernicus thread and learned the mod has a hard-coded version check. And is not updated to 1.7.2. So unless I roll KSP back to 1.7.1 am I dead in the water until the update?

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2 hours ago, TheKurgan said:

Did I read correctly, and an SSTO is not possible without cheating while using this mod\planet pack?

I just did it effortlessly with OPT and Deepsky/Thortech... which may be considered cheating lol

Are we talking using only stock parts?

Shhhhh. We don't speak of Thor Tech in JNSQ. :ph34r: I've deliberately ignored that and tried to engineer my way around it.

At large, the No SSTO thing applies to stock machinations as that's what is most prevalent. There are so many Mk1 and small Mk2 SSTO craft around that it's annoying.

Just now, Motokid600 said:

 Pulling my hair out trying to figure out why the planet modifications wont load. Was snooping around the Kopernicus thread and learned the mod has a hard-coded version check. And is not updated to 1.7.2. So unless I roll KSP back to 1.7.1 am I dead in the water until the update?

Yes. You are dead until you roll back to 1.7.1 or Kopernicus updates. Copy your game out of Steam so this doesn't happen again. ;)

25 minutes ago, TheKurgan said:

Hello all,

I created my own version of earth a while back, and I want it to have an orbit that takes 365.256 days.

This would put it in nearly the exact same orbit as Kerbin in JNSQ.

Is there a way I can put it in the same orbit, but say on the opposite side of the sun?

Open the Kerbin config in JNSQ and copy its entire Orbit {} into your Earth config, overriding what's already there. Then either set longitudeOfAscendingNode to 180 or change meanAnomalyAtEpoch to meanAnomalyAtEpochD and give that the value of 180.

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21 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Shhhhh. We don't speak of Thor Tech in JNSQ

LOL! ok so it is cheating... I only used the shildnir thingy majigger...

21 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

change meanAnomalyAtEpoch to meanAnomalyAtEpochD and give that the value of 180.

Thanks, I used hyperedit, changed the meanAnomalyAtEpoch manually until Earth was aprox 180 degrees away from kerbin... then I copied that value in the Earth.cfg file, and it worked perfectly.




The cheaty SSTO: WARNING!! long and boring... pretty ship though.




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38 minutes ago, Ravien said:

From visual point of view - could Lindor get a ring ? Maybe re-purposed one from Tellumo.

Turn up your gamma? It's the "barely there" kind of ring. Like Jupiter's own.

32 minutes ago, TheKurgan said:


My job is done.

Thor Tech's offerings are only cheating if you like stock things and stock performance characteristics, or if you find Thor Tech simply makes certain things too easy. Overall its features aren't really meant for use on stock Kerbin-- preferably it's meant for use anywhere but kerbin: in all atmo without oxygen, on large and dense planets, and in upscaled games.

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On the SSTO topic, a pure rocket SSTO should still be possible in JNSQ, though I'm not sure if you could re-enter and recover it and your payload fraction will be lousy. But then that's true to life too, it's been noted that some first stages could theoretically SSTO a light payload, it's just that for an expendable launcher it's much more sensible to have two (or more) stages.

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4 hours ago, TheKurgan said:

Did I read correctly, and an SSTO is not possible without cheating while using this mod\planet pack?

I just did it effortlessly with OPT and Deepsky/Thortech... which may be considered cheating lol

lol... I was just thinking of commenting to JadeOfMaar, about how bloated OPT is (488MB for both mods), as well as other parts packs IMHO are required to make full use of OPT, and how running them with JNSQ could potentially bring computers to their knees, for no purpose if spaceplanes are a no-go in JNSQ anyways

Edited by Stone Blue
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