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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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  On 9/13/2019 at 9:50 PM, TackleMcClean said:

Maybe a stupid question.. but I've been scanning Duna with Scansat looking for biomes, and it only seems to be 4 different ones. Low, mid and highlands + ice caps.

In vanilla it has like 14 different.

Is Duna simplified or am I just blind? :)


Biomes are something that is not yet fully developed in JNSQ.  Duna specifically need some love.  You're right, it only has the four basic biomes at the moment.  Thanks for the reminder, we need to work on that.

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Well, I think it was stated a few months ago, but we intentionally made bodies have only a few obvious biomes, and left the rest to be discovered and named by users who stumbled upon cool areas. There was even a thread started about it. All we need is coordinates and a name, and preferably some screenshots.

Biomes take way too much time and effort to find and name them all. Ain't nobody got time fo dat!

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  On 9/14/2019 at 8:35 AM, AVaughan said:

but personally I think the stock game has too many biomes.


It really does. Practically every stock world (except Jool and Sun) has 12+ biomes. Add to that the KSC mini-biomes that can't be removed.

  On 9/13/2019 at 9:50 PM, TackleMcClean said:

I've been scanning Duna with Scansat looking for biomes, and it only seems to be 4 different ones.


Actually that's going to change. This chat reminded me that I had a halfway-done project to revise Duna's biomes and so I just finished it so the total is now going to be 13 with resemblance to what was done for JNSQ's Mun:

  • Lowlands, Midlands, Highlands, Mountains, Ice Caps
  • Craters (Notable, Voronoi, Rare, Exotic)
  • Bonus ones: Volcanoes, Plains, Notable Mountains, Trenches (really, corridors between some tight mountain formations).

Ideally, as mentioned by @Galileo there is supposed to be contribution by the playerbase for coordinates and screenshots to make biomes out of but nobody seems to be aware and exploring to produce these contributions. If enough of these happen for a given body, the generic Lowlands, Midlands stuff could be replaced entirely. The "Plains" biome might not make it to release. Duna itself is quite abundant in smooth terrain in my experience, so I can turn all that back into Lowlands.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Made a 3 man mission to Duna, first trip there with this mod and without using a dV map. Ended up getting home with just 28 dV left. Had to re-do the landing a couple times, and the take off a couple times, just to save the extra dV I needed to get home lol. Not to spoil anything, but lets just say the first landing was definitely a surprise. ;)

Edited by MechBFP
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I noticed that this mod doesn't have any city lights effects that come with stock EVE, so I made it myself.



Basically all I did was create a texture map for the EVE citylight plugin and I used slightly modified (made the night version a bit brighter and less yellow) city textures that come with the stock EVE config. The map is 1/2 texture size but it could probably be made even smaller or baked into the alpha layer of one of the JNSQ Kerbin textures. Unfortunately I just can't get EVE to recognize my alpha layers.

I'll also make new city textures that tile better sometime soon.

Edited by Sulfur
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  On 9/17/2019 at 3:15 PM, Sulfur said:

I noticed that this mod doesn't have any city lights effects that come with stock EVE, so I made it myself.



Basically all I did was create a texture map for the EVE citylight plugin and I used slightly modified (made the night version a bit brighter and less yellow) city textures that come with the stock EVE config. The map is 1/2 texture size but it could probably be made even smaller or baked into the alpha layer of one of the JNSQ Kerbin textures. Unfortunately I just can't get EVE to recognize my alpha layers.

I'll also make new city textures that tile better sometime soon.


The city lights are already done in JNSQ, but thank you for the awesome post. I can't remember if they were included in the last update, but anybody can download the master file on GitHub and get them.


Screenshot by @Zorg as I dont have any videos or screenshots of my own lol 

Edited by Galileo
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  On 9/17/2019 at 6:50 PM, Galileo said:

The city lights are already done in JNSQ, but thank you for the awesome post. I can't remember if they were included in the last update, but anybody can download the master file on GitHub and get them.


Screenshot by @Zorg as I dont have any videos or screenshots of my own lol 


They’re not in the 0.7. Any plans on a 0.7.1 release or are you guys holding off for the big 1.8 update?

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Downloaded the master, I see the lights now. Oh well. But I'll still keep my texture map, I like the density of the cities.

BTW, I also reduced all the heightmap and normal maps of the mod by 1/4 to see how much of an impact it would have visually and on my hardware. It reduced my RAM load by 2GB and as far as I see there's been no decrease in visual fidelity. Because the color texture is so big, and most of the detail is actually stored there, reducing other textures doesn't really leave a noticeable drop in quality. Might be useful for those struggling with RAM usage like I was.

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