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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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1 hour ago, OhioBob said:

I don't understand.  But JNSQ is not configured to use Parallax.  You should not be using it with JNSQ.

The parallax developer will not write a config for the JNSQ. I posted the issue here, so that the developer of the JNSQ can make the necessary changes in configs.

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2 hours ago, xtasy said:

The parallax developer will not write a config for the JNSQ. I posted the issue here, so that the developer of the JNSQ can make the necessary changes in configs.

We have no current plans to do that.  If somebody else wants to write and release Parallax configs for JNSQ, they are welcome to do so.

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Is this bright green terrain expected with JNSQ? I looked at other images of JNSQ Kerbal and their terrain is a different shade of green. It's a fresh install using KSP v1.12.3.


Edit: After reading previous posts in this thread reference:


@OhioBobIf anyone has had an issue with the surfaces of celestial bodies in JNSQ turning bright colors, there is a solution.  These colors were used for debugging back when JNSQ was first developed and are meant to be turned off.  But a recent change to Kopernicus has switched the colors back on as a means to fix something else.  So by fixing one problem, it created another.  The remedy is to remove the colors by installing the below patch.  Just copy the following into a plain text file, save it with a .cfg extension, and place the file anywhere inside your KSP's GameData folder.

							@color = 0,0,0,0
							@noiseColor = 0,0,0,0



Edited by SoRobby
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Posting this here for general comment, suggestions, and anyone looking for something similar in the future. I'm completely enthralled with KSP again and am using JNSQ as my base. I'm getting excellent results running the current version of Parallax and even with Sigma Dimensions rescaling to 6.4x. I'm also using PSA's Toast mod for tilting the entire system to Earth-like values. Because of that I've relocated the KSC to a nice little piece of real estate at 28.58N latitude.  I upscaled the system to 6.4x using SigmaDimensions. I only went to 6.4x since I simply cannot play without BDB, and their BlueSmurff patch only is effective to 6.4x.

My KSC relocation MM patch.


                    @absoluteOffset = 300                                       // elevation ASL of map decal
                    @angle = 0                                                  // rotation of map decal
                    @position = -0.4404504557,0.47869185795,-0.759511344196     // position vector of map decal, with X,Y,Z coordinates as follows:
                                                                    // X = cos(latitude)*cos(longitude)
                                                                    // Y = sin(latitude)
                                                                    // Z = cos(latitude)*sin(longitude)
                    @radius = 8200                                  // radius of map decal
            @latitude = 28.58                                        // latitude of KSC center
            @longitude = -120.066                                   // longitude of KSC center
            @repositionRadiusOffset = 293                           // elevation ASL of KSC
            @reorientFinalAngle = 30.11                             // rotation of KSC, should be equal to 270-longitude


My Sigma Dimensions patch to get everything scaled up to 6.4x. Resize and rescale at 2.4 is due to JNSQ already being at 2.7x stock scale. 


    // Base Settings
    Resize = 2.4
    Rescale = 2.4
    Atmosphere = 1.2
    dayLengthMultiplier = 2
    // Advanced Settings
    landscape = 0.64
    geeASLmultiplier = 1
    resizeScatter = 1
    resizeBuildings = 0
    groundTiling = 1
    CustomSoISize = 0
    CustomRingSize = 0
    atmoASL = 1
    tempASL = 1
    atmoTopLayer = 1.3334
    atmoVisualEffect = 1.2
    lightRange = 1
    scanAltitude = 1

        @altitude *= 0.62


RealAntennas MM patch to put ground stations at various points around Kerbin. I used KK base locations as the basis, but KK is not required.


// Insert stock ground stations into Kopernicus structure
                // DSN Tracking Stations
                    name = DSNTrackingStation
                    objectName = Kerbal Space Center
                    isKSC = True
                    lat = 28.6 // -0.037779
                    lon = -120.11 // -91.8112
                    alt = 61.5
                    enabled = True
                    name = DSNTrackingStation
                    objectName = Woomerang Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 45.292469168494982
                    lon = 136.11264416820407
                    alt = 1499
                    enabled = True
                    name = DSNTrackingStation
                    objectName = Darude Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -6.504763656266169
                    lon = -144.02834704934483
                    alt = 317
                    enabled = True
                    name = DSNTrackingStation
                    objectName = Yeager Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 6.0021000000000004
                    lon = 26.842099999999999
                    alt = 61.5
                    enabled = True
                // VHF/UHF Only Tracking Stations
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = McAuliffe Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 10.101246432181441
                    lon = -67.222886902004106
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = Tereshkova Station
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 9.7752999999999997
                    lon = 103.99469999999999
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = N32A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 32.753995571086115
                    lon = 30.11383875911087
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = N46A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = 46.143966380212746
                    lon = -67.059062463918721
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = S37A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -37.7425
                    lon = 13.680199999999999
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = S28A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -28.010610493256991
                    lon = 134.03003179590334
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = S28A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -24.646599999999999
                    lon = -75.930199999999999
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                    name = TrackingStation
                    objectName = S00A
                    isKSC = False
                    lat = -0.13780027830397137
                    lon = 161.95664905795817
                    alt = 20
                    enabled = True
                // Tracking Station Antenna Information
                    !Antenna,* {}                   // Delete and rebuild all antennas
                    %commnetStation = False
                    RACommNetStation = True
                        referenceGain = 1           // Everyone gets a weak VHF
                        TxPower = 40                // 10W
                        TechLevel = 0
                        RFBand = VHF
                        AMWTemp = 1340.8            // 7.5dB, https://archive.org/details/nasa_techdoc_19630042971/page/n21
                        ModulationBits = 1          // BPSK only
                        referenceGain = 3           // Everyone gets a weak UHF
                        TxPower = 40                // 10W
                        TechLevel = 3
                        RFBand = UHF
                        AMWTemp = 1340.8
                        ModulationBits = 1          // BPSK only
                            visibleRange = 30000
                            keepActive = False
                            model = BUILTIN/Dish
                            scale = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
                            delete = False
                        @referenceGain = 20         // DSN gets some array
                        %referenceFrequency = 150
                        @TxPower = 50
                        @referenceGain = 20         // DSN gets some array
                        %referenceFrequency = 430
                        @TxPower = 50
                        referenceGain = 49          // Original S-Band 18m, -3dBi vs 26m (module 102)
                        referenceFrequency = 2250
                        TxPower = 63                // 2KW
                        TechLevel = 4
                        RFBand = S
                        AMWTemp = 290
                        ModulationBits = 1

                            TechLevel = 5           // "Advanced Comms" 1967-1971 tech node (1967-1970)
                            referenceGain =    60.5    // 64m Antenna: +8dB?  1967
                            AMWTemp = 80            // Noise reduction 1968, block coding 1969
                            TechLevel = 6           // "Deep Space Comms" 1972-1975 tech node  (1971-1974)
                            referenceGain = 62.5    // Antenna improvements 1971-1972, Convolutional coding ~1973
                            TechLevel = 7           // "High Data Rate Comms" 1976-1980 tech node
                            AMWTemp = 40            // X-Band introduction ~1975, concatenated coding
                            ModulationBits = 2      // MW noise reduction ~1980
                            TechLevel = 8           // "Massive Scale Comms" 1986-1997 tech node
                            referenceGain = 63.6    // 70m antennas +.8dBi 1988
                            TxPower = 73            // 20KW
                            TechLevel = 9           // "Efficient Comms" 1998-2008 tech node
                            AMWTemp = 17.6          // Super-cooled maser & feed 1995, Ka-band 2004
                        referenceGain = 73.5        // X-Band 64m
                        referenceFrequency = 8450
                        TxPower = 70                // 10KW
                        TechLevel = 5
                        RFBand = X
                        AMWTemp = 40
                        ModulationBits = 2

                            TechLevel = 8
                            referenceGain = 74.3
                            TxPower = 73
                            TechLevel = 9
                            AMWTemp = 12.8
                        referenceGain = 79          // Ka-Band 34m
                        referenceFrequency = 32000
                        TxPower = 54.8
                        TechLevel = 7
                        RFBand = Ka
                        AMWTemp = 20
                        ModulationBits = 2


Edited by thunder175
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18 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

Doesn't Parallax need a dedicated config for JNSQ?

It can run without one,  however there are a few issues. 

New planets added by JNSQ will have no scatter. All surface scatter is used uniformly across working  planets due to how Parallax uses biome names in its blacklists. This is most noticeable on Kerbin where there is no under-sea plant life and icebergs are in all seas.

I have also seen a few texture issues and floating objects, mainly on steep on slopes.

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2 hours ago, OHN said:

It can run without one,  however there are a few issues. 

New planets added by JNSQ will have no scatter. All surface scatter is used uniformly across working  planets due to how Parallax uses biome names in its blacklists. This is most noticeable on Kerbin where there is no under-sea plant life and icebergs are in all seas.

I have also seen a few texture issues and floating objects, mainly on steep on slopes.

Hmm... didn't realize I was 'missing' things. I was so giddy just seeing the grass, flowers, and trees surrounding KSC. When I did a landing on the Mun the new presumably Parallax scatter looked fantastic. But yes, obviously a dedicated JNSQ Parallax patch would be best.

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Just to be clear, Parallax is not supported by JNSQ.  If it works with JNSQ, that's probably just because JNSQ uses the same planet names as stock KSP.  Parallax is apparently applying its stock configs and textures to JNSQ.  But those configs and textures are made for the stock bodies, not for JNSQ.  So even though Parallax may at first appear to be working, I suspect there may be cases where things are not working, or where things don't fit JNSQ either in scale or style.  If anyone does run into issues, do not expect to get support from the JNSQ team.  Our official position is... don't use Parallax with JNSQ.

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11 hours ago, OhioBob said:

Just to be clear, Parallax is not supported by JNSQ.  If it works with JNSQ, that's probably just because JNSQ uses the same planet names as stock KSP.  Parallax is apparently applying its stock configs and textures to JNSQ.  But those configs and textures are made for the stock bodies, not for JNSQ.  So even though Parallax may at first appear to be working, I suspect there may be cases where things are not working, or where things don't fit JNSQ either in scale or style.  If anyone does run into issues, do not expect to get support from the JNSQ team.  Our official position is... don't use Parallax with JNSQ.

Yes. This is entirely accurate.

Allow me to clarify what I am saying;

- Is Parallax intended to be run with JNSQ? No, not in the slightest.

- Do either author intend for you to use both mods? No.

- Do they  run the way the authors intended? No.

- Can you do it anyways? Yes.

- Would it work significantly better with a community patch? Absolutely.

JNSQ is in no way designed to run with Parallax. Any compatibility is simply down to the fact that JNSQ uses default planet names for may bodies. Any new planets added by JNSQ will not be changed by running Parallax. Modified stock planets will have tessellation and ground scatter, however they will not function as intended.  For a proper experience your best bet is to wait until a community patch is created.

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1 hour ago, OHN said:

Yes. This is entirely accurate.

Allow me to clarify what I am saying;

- Is Parallax intended to be run with JNSQ? No, not in the slightest.

- Do either author intend for you to use both mods? No.

- Do they  run the way the authors intended? No.

- Can you do it anyways? Yes.

- Would it work significantly better with a community patch? Absolutely.

JNSQ is in no way designed to run with Parallax. Any compatibility is simply down to the fact that JNSQ uses default planet names for may bodies. Any new planets added by JNSQ will not be changed by running Parallax. Modified stock planets will have tessellation and ground scatter, however they will not function as intended.  For a proper experience your best bet is to wait until a community patch is created.

It works surprisingly well to be honest.

The only real issue I've noticed is the swarms of icebergs all over the place.

The undersea features aren't something I've even looked for as of yet.

The scatter and the rather wonderful JNSQ Mun look like they were made to work together it's that good.

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13 hours ago, cxg2827 said:

Out of curiosity, anyone else who landed and returned from JNSQ Eve mind sharing pics of their crafts?

Transfer Station and 4 vehicles docked: a rover, a miner, and two Eve's one-off landers: unmanned and manned with the same design:




Unmanned, first stage is just 2 propellers, that able to throw on ~100m/s to 15km,
second stage is LFO, and argon engines + reactors on the 3rd stage. 



the same design is used for the crewed vehicle, inside opened service bay there is small heat shields, that helps with the stability (large drag) 







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Just updated to 1.12.3, with a clean install. I only have the latest versions of Kopernicus and JNSQ and their dependencies and Breaking Ground DLC installed. Kerbin is a disgusting neon green and I don't know why, I've tried reinstalling both mods and the game itself and nothing is fixing it. It worked fine in 1.11.1 earlier today.

Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/BEJ0WB3Y-h_Q

KSP log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/omwq3txt03ou2uy/KSP.log?dl=0

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On 9/16/2022 at 9:57 PM, SoRobby said:

Is this bright green terrain expected with JNSQ? I looked at other images of JNSQ Kerbal and their terrain is a different shade of green. It's a fresh install using KSP v1.12.3.


Edit: After reading previous posts in this thread reference:



Just scroll up to find the answer. 

It always pays to read the last few thread pages before you post!

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16 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

But why is a problem everyone has not on the first page?

Because only Galileo can edit the opening post, and he's not around anymore.  I would if I could, but I can't.

16 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

Why isn't the patch included in the download?

Because the current JNSQ release predates the problem.  If and when there is a JNSQ update, the problem will be fixed.


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Does anyone else get the problem (only happens to me in JNSQ thus posting here) that the game thinks their comms are out of range for transmitting science, even though the ability to control the vessel is fine, the signal widget in the upper left shows a perfectly fine strong signal, and they're able to control the craft with it?  It's only science transmission that believes there's no comms connection.  Everything else agrees that there are comms connections.

And yes my DSN mulitplier is set to 4.01 and my antenna range multiplier is set to 1.01 as the instructions say (or as close as possible to what the instructions say - I have it at 1.01 instead of 1.0 because of the slider widget on the difficulty screen not letting me type a number directly and that's the closest it can get.  I did also try editing the persistent.sfs file to force it to be exactly 1 just to see if that fixed it and it didn't.

For now I'm enabling the "cheat" of turning off comms when I transmit, then turning them back on.  But I'd rather not have to do that if anyone knows how I can fix this problem.

EDIT: I just discovered that, weirdly enough, even though this probe cannot transmit its OWN science back home, other probes CAN use it as a relay through which they transmit *their* science back home.  Weird.  (Perhaps it has something to do with the vessel being packed and on rails when the focus is on some other vessel using it as a relay - i.e. the transmission works when this probe is on rails but not when it's fully loaded into focus.)

Edited by Dunbaratu
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