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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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6 minutes ago, kspnerd122 said:

Question, Um, Is RR required to play this mod, I want to play JNSQ, As I want a challenge, but, I do not want to have MORE MKS issues with resources, Is there any way to dissable it,(Or just negate it)

It is not required.  To play without it, just omit the RationalResources folder.

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2 hours ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

I'm considering an MKS-based playthrough at some point, since the Orion Pulse engine pack uses a subset of that. What issues between MKS and Rational Resources came up?

@JadeOfMaar's compatibility explanation from the Rational Resources thread:

On 2/14/2021 at 12:27 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@KawaiiLucy RR works well with USI, except that RR purges these resources: Dirt, Karbonite, Karborundum, and places Rock instead of Dirt, and doesn't add ISRU chains that are particularly useful to, or by any means directly related to USI. I can recommend that the two be used together but I don't.

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18 minutes ago, PocketBrotector said:

RR purges these resources: Dirt, Karbonite, Karborundum, and places Rock instead of Dirt, and doesn't add ISRU chains that are particularly useful to, or by any means directly related to USI.

While the unobtanium resources could go away, I might be able to swap Rock for Dirt on any MKS parts that use it, or rename Rock in RR to Dirt, or something. It would make things interesting to be sure.

That's a long ways away besides. There are at least ten more worlds to visit in my current playthrough.

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22 hours ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

I'm considering an MKS-based playthrough at some point, since the Orion Pulse engine pack uses a subset of that. What issues between MKS and Rational Resources came up?

Orion doesn't use MKS at all except for one thing - it will consume Machinery if the setting is enabled in the game settings menu. I.e. it doesn't *require* MKS, just supports it.  I've used it in JNSQ without MKS with no ill effects.

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I really wanna try JNSQ, but it didn't work for me. I'm trying to install the mod on 1.11 version of KSP, sowhere in this topic i saw a comment, that the mod working on 1.11. The game starts, but after creating a new save just stucks on loading. First i thought that the problem is in some of my mods also installed, then i just deleted all the mods and installed JNSQ on clear game(of course i have Kopernicus and MM, i also try with EVE and scatterer). What's the problem?

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4 hours ago, MikoYurei said:

I really wanna try JNSQ, but it didn't work for me. I'm trying to install the mod on 1.11 version of KSP, sowhere in this topic i saw a comment, that the mod working on 1.11. The game starts, but after creating a new save just stucks on loading. First i thought that the problem is in some of my mods also installed, then i just deleted all the mods and installed JNSQ on clear game(of course i have Kopernicus and MM, i also try with EVE and scatterer). What's the problem?


1 hour ago, kspnerd122 said:

Play on 1.8.1

I'm currently playing JNSQ on 1.10.1 so you might not have to go back to 1.8.1.  I've not tried 1.11.1 myself so I can't advise you on that version.  Note that, officially, JSNQ is good only for 1.8.1 but many have found that it works in most, but not all, later versions without a problem.

In general, when you're asking for help with a problem, it's very worthwhile to post more information than "It doesn't work".  See the link in my sig block for a topic that you should read so that you can post more meaningful and useful information when you're asking for help.  Links to pictures of the problem that you see and of your GameData directory can also help diagnose many issues.

I'm sure there's assistance people can offer if you provide more context.


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2 hours ago, Kwebib said:

I've been playing JNSQ on 1.10.1 for a while with no issues. Just get the 1.10.1 stable Kopernicus, and you should be good to go.

Ditto with me for 1.11.0 and 1.11.1. You have to have the most recent build of Kopernicus (not the stable one) to use with 1.11.1 - but it's working fine. 

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30 minutes ago, panarchist said:

Ditto with me for 1.11.0 and 1.11.1. You have to have the most recent build of Kopernicus (not the stable one) to use with 1.11.1 - but it's working fine. 

That is not correct - you can most definitely use the stable version of Kopernicus that's built for 1.11.1; I'm using it right now!

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3 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

That is not correct - you can most definitely use the stable version of Kopernicus that's built for 1.11.1; I'm using it right now!

Yeah, my bad - it was updated. When I last tried the stable version, it was only updated through 1.10.1. Obviously I haven't kept up with the releases lately.

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5 hours ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

Alright, let's see if this works

How to build a JNSQ modified game of KSP, featuring KSP 1.11.1:

  Reveal hidden contents


Hopefully this helps.

Thanks for making this. Didn't know about a couple tips you had in here like deleting the JSNQ Breaking Ground dll

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I know I'm not the first, but I'm still proud of myself. A practical JNSQ SSTO, carrying two pilots and four passengers to LKO, using stock parts. Quite a bit hair-raising to fly, though - JNSQ doesn't take kindly to parts with lacking heat shielding. Pictures and craft file in the quote.

45 minutes ago, RyanRising said:

JNSQ has a loading message that reads "Deleting all craft files with the string 'SSTO'. " I think this was intended, but I took that as a challenge.






Craft File & Description on KerbalX. This thing is downright scary to fly, even if you're doing it right. If you're not, you burn. Still, how do you like me now, Galileo?

Unrelatedly, can I get some kind of response on this Scatterer issue? Do I need to provide more information, or structure the question differently?

Edited by RyanRising
Improved post structure.
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14 minutes ago, Kwebib said:

Unfortunately, I have no idea what the fix is for this. I saw this post, and decided to downgrade to 0.0632 myself. Have you noticed any major issues playing on 0.0632?

I've been playing with 0.0632 as well, and haven't noticed any major issues, only the sunlight/flare not seeming to appear as early as they should when rounding a planet. I suspect it's a configuration issue, something that needs to be updated for the newest Scatterer, but I don't know that. All I know is it doesn't look right. I'm hoping one of the maintainers/developers of JNSQ can shed some light here, that might help make it clearer what the steps required are to fix it.

Edited by RyanRising
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