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What lore do you want to see?


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After going through dev posts and etc one thing always popped up. "[The] player's curiosity will be rewarded."


Now, it's something we don't know, so it's not new and cool tech, so it's one of two things. First off, it's aliens. Second, it's a lore. (If it's a third, tell me!)


Being long time fans of KSP, I'm sure the devs know about NovaSilkso's lore idea. (REMEMBER, it was just an idea, not an actual plan, so please don't bombard him with questions about it!)

Now, they probably thought that was cool and did something like that. Maybe there's aliens. Maybe there's a hidden planet on which the Kerbal's ancestors died off on. My question is, what lore would you like to see?

P. S. I don't mean story mode! Just Easter eggs that lead to a planet or something.




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I’d like to see anomalies scattered around, but nothing more than that. I actually like how KSP1 provides little lore - it’s up to the player to create their own, which I personally enjoy, having created my own complicated (perhaps overly complicated :Pbackground story and lore for my Kerbals’ universe.

For me, the developers adding in official lore/some sort of story would feel a bit limiting. I love the creativity of KSP, and that creativity often extends beyond just building rockets.

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I want to see at a bare minimum green monoliths to return, though I would love it if every celestial body had at least one unique anomaly.

Some Ideas:

Having a statue of every mission to go to a kerbal body's real life counterpart, like a MESSENGER statue on Moho, or a Huygens one on Laythe. Statues save on texturing time, and don't give a overdone "IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG" impression.

Busts of people connected to a Kerbol body's counterpart, like Clyde Tombagh on Eeloo, Elon Musk on Duna, or Galileo on Tylo.

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I kind of want to have more interesting anomalies, maybe hinting of a precursor race that was previously in the system, like the ufos on kerbin and mun, and the face on duna, etc. But more like perhaps an alien space station that you can reverse engineer a interstellar drives, it would be nice if anomalies had a integral part in the game.

Edited by DunaManiac
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I'd like to see a nice, 36" thin crust pizza with black olives, mushrooms, bell pepper, pepperoni, Italian sausage, feta cheese, and a hint of crushed red pepper on my table. Yum.

Oh, wait, yes to the anomalies but I would not want some sort of mandated story mode to go with them. Let me have my fun my way. I lose interest in any game that has a story line and will not let me have free play.

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  On 9/6/2019 at 10:11 PM, razark said:

Very much agree.

I also find it kills any desire to replay a game if I'm just going through the same thing over again.  (This is also something the early part of KSP career suffers from.)


I agree. I have a box full of older PC games that had story lines. I didn't buy Starfleet Academy for the story line. I actually bought it to "fly" the Enterprise...

I've got a healthy imagination and that's why I play in Sandbox mode. I can set my own agenda, my own goals to complete, and my own story line. I like having fun "my way."

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  On 9/6/2019 at 1:09 PM, Concodroid said:

My question is, what lore would you like to see?


To put it simply, as much as possible. Especially stuff regarding the Kerbal species, the artificial nature of the Kerbol system, the easter eggs etc.

  On 9/6/2019 at 9:22 PM, DunaManiac said:

I kind of want to have more interesting anomalies, maybe hinting of a precursor race that was previously in the system, like the ufos on kerbin and mun, and the face on duna, etc.



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  On 9/6/2019 at 1:09 PM, Concodroid said:

P. S. I don't mean story mode! Just Easter eggs that lead to a planet or something.


Right.  I don't want to see ANYTHING that imposes preconceived conceptions of what Kerbals are, how their society is structured, or anything like that.  And I don't want any explanation of Monoliths or any other anomalies.  Let the players spin whatever yarns they want off what's provided, so the game should NEVER give any definitive answers. 

So basically, I want ZERO "lore" incorporated into the game.  None, nada, zip, zero, zilch.

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Similarly, I want very little. I don't particularly want anything like a precursor race hinted at, more than the fact that some artifacts exist. That's would be another thing that takes away from the core thing of the game - building, flying and exploring. 

I especially want at least one of the new solar systems to be completely devoid of any sort of structure that could have possibly been built. 

If anything, they could put in little hints about the nature of the kerbals like they do already - that they are excitable, prone to being a little silly sometimes, the sort of thing that is already in some of the flavour text. 

Anything they do include should be vague, and open to a wide range of interpretation. 

I would be OK with some vague references to lore that has developed and sort of been embraced by the community, like the Kraken, jokes that Dres does not exist, or maybe even a reference to a "Kerbin City" after that group project that got part way done. 

But only if such does not contradict the vague and genericness thing I mentioned above. 

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I've seen some people have the attitude that it detracts from the experience, and that "oh, it's all up to the player to make their own lore". To that I say go live a little and stop being so boring :sticktongue: Lore is fun when handled right and non-intrusively.

I'd really like to lean more into NovaSilisko's ancient Kerbals, but nothing revealing - some small easter eggs found scattered around systems, that when researched via science experiments/samples, suggest things but never really reveal any explicit details. Things like the Dunian face, pyramid and SSTV signal, and the Val ruins were perfect. They have no effect on the game, but provide a basis for roleplaying and imagination.

Anything more than small snippets would take away from the magic and mystery.

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  On 9/6/2019 at 9:22 PM, DunaManiac said:

I kind of want to have more interesting anomalies, maybe hinting of a precursor race that was previously in the system, like the ufos on kerbin and mun, and the face on duna, etc. But more like perhaps an alien space station that you can reverse engineer a interstellar drives, it would be nice if anomalies had a integral part in the game.


To be honest, while I really do want some more hints towards a precursor race, I reckon what you suggest might be a bit excessive. I quite like the idea of an ancient station orbiting around, say, some gas giant in an interstellar system, or even a wreckage of a precursor ship on a distant moon, but nothing that you can really reverse engineer into useful tech. At that point, resources need to be devoted to programming that tech, making part files, etc., and the devs have gone on record saying that they don't want to have magic technology. Once you start making interstellar aliens integral to the core game, the game begins to lose some of its special pizazz for those who want to avoid that stuff.

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Special lore? Memorials for your "fallen kerbal ancestor astronauts". Randomly generated, and Kerbals can read them for fun. Hint that a reckless species came before kerbals.

Finding them gives rep boost (because kerbals honour bravery and stupidity).

Or maybe some reeeeeeaaaaally old parts models, found on kerbin.

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  On 9/7/2019 at 9:29 AM, Bartybum said:

I've seen some people have the attitude that it detracts from the experience, and that "oh, it's all up to the player to make their own lore". To that I say go live a little and stop being so boring :sticktongue: Lore is fun when handled right and non-intrusively.


The lore level in KSP1 is about as intrusive as it can be without ruining the game.  You have a few unexplained objects lying around that can be interpreted however the player wants, or even ignored entirely.  I don't want any more than that.  I mean, Monoliths are a thing and will doubtless be in KSP2, but I never want the game to explain them.

See, KSP is all about creativity.  This is MUCH more than simply stacking rocket parts in different arrangements, or doing the same mission using different methods.  Really and truly, it all boils down to story-telling.  Even if you choose not to share your stories in this forum, you still need some sort of narrative outline in your own mind to justify what you're doing and the manner in which you're doing it   This justification (what SF authors call "MacGuffinite"), however, only makes sense in the context of Kerbal society as you envision it.  So, the more you play, the more you envision Kerbal society, too which ultimately causes you develop your own backstory of Kerbal origins, evolution, biology, history, and social structure, all which focuses down to the need to perform this specific space mission in this particular way.

The cool thing about KSP1 is that once you have such a mental image of all things Kerbal, you can change it at any point and come up with something totally different.  Kerbals can have any sort of origin, biology, government(s), you name it.  This is because KSP1 has essentially zero lore.  Adding built-in explanations for how Kerbals got to be where they are now reduces the scope for players to invent their own universes, which ultimately decreases the replay value of the game for them.  Furthermore, it robs this community of entertaining stories told in vastly different Kerbal universes.  This is why built-in lore is bad.

So, returning to the above quote, I define "boring" has having a lot of built-in lore.  It might be fun to unlock the story once, but then you're stuck with it forever and it's always the same story, no matter who tells it.  "Living", OTOH, is making your own story, and reading the stories others have written.

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Things to discover and mysteries to solve as much as they want, but I would like to have nothing about Kerbal history, goals or motives, the "main story" should be up to the player.

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  On 9/7/2019 at 2:41 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Adding built-in explanations for how Kerbals got to be where they are now reduces the scope for players to invent their own universes, which ultimately decreases the replay value of the game for them.


While I don't care for explicit answers (and instead much prefer suggestions which keep me imagining), I'm not sure I'm inclined to agree that it reduces the scope for inventing head-canon/lore. After all, fan fiction is quite popular in all sorts of fandoms, so clearly people find it easy to come up with their own stories/head-canon. It's very easy to ignore lore in KSP because of how physically huge the world is.

  On 9/8/2019 at 3:27 AM, Bill Phil said:

planets are actually supramundane worlds suspended over black holes using dynamic orbital rings and Kerbol/the Sun is also an artificial body.


Again, I really think that's taking lore to the extreme. It's like one of those small things in Star Wars that sect of the really hardcore fanbase want in-depth details about, and then it just comes off as reading like fan fiction.

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