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How did you find out about KSP?


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The many mentions of KSP in xkcd comics finally got my interest, so I looked into it.  Looked fun, and the fact that they had a Linux version is what did it for me.  Bought it outright, without even waiting for a sale or trying the demo.

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I was watching something on youtube and after, one of the recommended videos was a Scott Manley "What KSP doesn't teach about...."  video.  It was something about rocket engines & looked interesting.  And after watching one or two more of his videos, I wanted to know what this KSP thing was he kept referencing in his video titles.  It looked interesting, so i downloaded the demo with the idea that if I could figure out how to get into orbit, I would buy the whole game.  Two or three days later, I was installing the full version & making my wife hate my computer.

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I'd seen assorted random YouTube videos -- this was around four years ago, so most of the videos were based on 1.1.3 or 1.2.2 -- and then I heard there was a free demo.  Ho hum, I run Linux, not Windows (i didn't know then that the game was available in Linux native version, but I knew the demo was Windows).  Then i found instructions on getting the demo to run in Linux (well behaved program, easy setup).  I tried it, instructions handy on how to build a rocket in demo that could reach orbit.

I bought the game the next payday (fortuitously, it had gone on special, so I paid half the then-current price).  Far and away the most entertainment I've ever gotten for fourteen bucks (plus another sixteen or so for the Making History DLC -- still have to buy Breaking Ground).

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An acquaintance of mine posted an image of his first Mun landing back in 2012-2013 (don't recall exactly when), and based on that image, I looked into the game.  Bought it pretty much then and there, although according to Steam, I missed the cutoff for the free DLC by a month or so.

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I even can't remember...
Exactly I've discovered it on my then new job in 2012 while surfing pop-computer sites on a break.
Somebody somewhere mentioned it there in comments.
Possibly it was habr.ru, but maybe not.
So, it was 0.13.

Edited by kerbiloid
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  On 2/8/2018 at 3:18 AM, 5thHorseman said:

I was bored one day and remembered this guy who was trying to walk to the Far Lands in Minecraft. I wondered if he was still doing it, so I searched for him on YouTube.

Not only was he still going, but he had started playing this game about running a space program.

4.5 years later, he's still going to the Far Lands and I'm still playing KSP.


Correction: 6.5

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To me (and I am very new to KSP) I got it from a few peeps on utube. Since my retirement I am now making flying model rockets (again) and into building plastic models, mostly rockets and Aircraft. (yea always loved stuff that fly's) and saw  topics from Scott Manleys content about space and Kerbal. What the heck is a Kerbal..... Well got the demo and loving it. So cool!

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I accidentally stumbled upon a video that seemed to be from ShadowZone. I liked his video. And I started looking for videos from Russian-speaking bloggers. But watching videos is not at all like playing.
I played and realized that I was obliged to buy a license. And bought a licensed version in Steam.

sorry for my bad english

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