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Kerbal Space Program 1.8: “Moar Boosters!!!” Grand Discussion Thread


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So I am not having any issues at all, and my install was originally a heavily modded 1.7.3 install. Here is what I did, so maybe it will help some of you too.

1) Removed all my mods by deleting everything in the GameData folder EXCEPT "Squad" and "SquadExpansion".

2) In the main folder I deleted "PartDatabase.cfg", "Physics.cfg", and "settings.cfg", and then verified files in Steam to re-download them.

3) I then started up the game and reconfigured all my settings.


EDIT: Also I forgot to mention, but the performance increase is INSANE for me.

Edited by MechBFP
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  On 10/16/2019 at 12:41 PM, UomoCapra said:

Hello everyone!

New gadgets are coming from the Research and Development facility, the kind that will get Kerbals screaming: MOAR BOOSTERS!!! A brand new update is here and with it comes better performance, fresh new features, improved visuals, and new parts being added to our players’ creative repertoire! 


WOW!  Awesome news :)

Looks like an absolutely flabbergastingly humungous update there; wasn't expecting it for a while yet!

Scuba diving just got cancelled this (long) weekend due to weather, so now I know what I'll be doing!  Yup: Updating mods LOL.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 1:47 AM, Pi_ said:

It has to do with a minor graphics glitch with one particular liquid fuel tank, the T-100.  The glitch itself is no big deal and is easily corrected using the Move Tool.  In fact I would guess most players don't even know it exists.  But since a new patch is out, and this particular glitch is over 6 years old now, I figured this was a good time to mention it.  I went back through my old version saves all the way to version 1.21.1, which is the earliest version I have containing the T-100 tank.

The actual glitch is this... whenever the T-100 tank is surface attached to another tank, it clips into the tank it's attached to.  Again, I know this is trivial and everybody is thinking "So what".  At this point I'm just curious if the devs never heard of the glitch?  Or for whatever reason,  it actually is impossible to fix (from a coding viewpoint).  I'm guessing it has to do with the colliders on this particular tank.





Its been a bug for 5+ years thats unfortunately had it’s reports closed twice without being solved. 

It needs a “0.5” to be changed to a “0.625” in a .cfg file, and can be fixed in less than a minute.  Instructions in the bug report on how to fix it yourself.  Please vote up the current bug entry to increase it’s chance of being fixed in the future.  

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Found a couple strange issues.

1) My aircraft always accelerates backwards for no obvious reason. Presumably something to do with the landing gear. Even with the brakes on it slowly slides backwards. Happens 100% of the time.

2) While in the R&D screen if you rapidly right click on the various parts it starts adding all those extra details into the pop up altogether with each other. IE if you clicked on a booster, and then an engine it would show the pop out info of the engine AND the booster in the engine pop out. Happens randomly and randomly fixes itself before breaking again. Very easy to reproduce.

3) When my command pod is landed the ground shakes like there is a small earthquake going on, but the pod doesn’t move at all. It’s like the texture itself is moving instead. Happens 100% of the time. 

I don’t have time at the moment to submit a bug report so if someone else wants to in the meantime feel free, just @ me so I know.

Edited by MechBFP
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  On 10/16/2019 at 11:35 PM, SirGouki said:

Did you guys do something to the altimeter?  Mine is blank after installing the update.



  On 10/16/2019 at 11:42 PM, MechBFP said:

Bug. Change your scale back to 100%



  On 10/16/2019 at 11:45 PM, SirGouki said:

Never changed my scale from 100%.  Will try adjusting it and see if that fixes.

Edit:  Changing the scale did nothing, but specifically clicking "Reset FlightUI scaling" fixed it.  Thanks.

Edit2: The *NavBall* scaling has to be >= 95% to draw the Altimeter correctly now.  When you said scaling, I assumed general UI scaling or Altimeter scaling, which were both at 100%.  I had my navball at 90%.  At 94% only the first 4 zeros draw on the altimeter.


@SirGouki, I missed your posts when I first scanned through this thread.  Thanks for the info. 

My altimeter was also blank, with my navball scale being at 90%.  As each new patch comes out, I always have just copied the previous settings.cfg file into the new patch.  This has worked fine for the last 4 or 5 patches. It's funny how a few percent difference on the scale affects how many digits are displayed.  At 94%, my altimeter was missing only the 2nd to last digit... wierd.  I wonder if it's due to the Unity upgrade?  I should have followed my usual procedure of not installing the ".0" version of a new patch, and waited for the ".1".

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  On 10/17/2019 at 3:55 AM, klesh said:



Its been a bug for 5+ years thats unfortunately had it’s reports closed twice without being solved. 

It needs a “0.5” to be changed to a “0.625” in a .cfg file, and can be fixed in less than a minute.  Instructions in the bug report on how to fix it yourself.  Please vote up the current bug entry to increase it’s chance of being fixed in the future.  


Thanks for the reply.  Unfortunately, it's gone unfixed for so long now, I don't think any amount of upvoting will make a difference. 

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Are the Thrusts of the Mite and Shrimp actually correct?

The Mite has 11kN ASL and the Shrimp 26.5kN ASL
They seem incredibly underpowered for SRB's.
The Mite has less thrust than even the Sepratron, despite having a huge exhaust plume.
Wouldn't these be a lot more useful they had around 80 to 100 kN respectively?
I can't even use them as a launch escape system, which was my primary intent for them.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 4:38 AM, T1mo98 said:

The Mite has less thrust than even the Sepratron, despite having a huge exhaust plume.


I believe the issue here is the Sepratron is way OP.

I just put a Mite under an Okto with a nosecone, hit T and space, and got to space. In fact, my Ap was over 300km. The nosecone almost exploded, even. Granted, that's a pretty small payload but I personally imagine these being used for small payloads.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 4:59 AM, 5thHorseman said:

I believe the issue here is the Sepratron is way OP.

I just put a Mite under an Okto with a nosecone, hit T and space, and got to space. In fact, my Ap was over 300km. The nosecone almost exploded, even. Granted, that's a pretty small payload but I personally imagine these being used for small payloads.


My issue is that these now have very limited uses.

If they increase the thrust, you can always adjust it down. That way it keeps its current role whilst also gaining much more possibilities and varied roles.

And in that case the massive plume would make more sense. It looks amazing on my SLS replica, but it doesn't lift the capsule a centimetre.

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By the end of 1.7.3 the Kerbals have built a Large Kadron Kollider and determined the Kiggs Boson rest mass.

This has resulted into a one more global cataclysm, a Resonance Kaskade, overturning the whole world.

The physical laws had been disproven, the physical constants had changed. The world had changed.

A huge spherical shockwave of transformation keeps running across the Kerbal system.
Breaking machines which are no more working, making whole things disappear because even the light is another, the new, DXT5 light.

Whole planets are  transformed. The shadows get longer, sharper. The pits and peaks get deeper and higher.
Almost every second planet is changed, and the shockwave keeps running. It's next to Moho, next to Dres.

The saves don't save the saved. Who can hide from the Unity-class wave in a hide?

Welcome the 1.8.0: Kapokalypse.

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Rebalance decoupler, MK1-3, MK1 lander can, MK2 lander can, separators costs, crash tolerances, weight.

Anyone had time to look into this yet?  Could be significant, could be negligible.  Would it be so hard to be more specific in the patchnotes?

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  On 10/17/2019 at 2:11 AM, genbrien said:

I havent tested yet the breaking ground experiment, and I dont know if I'm doing it wrong, but they dont seem to work... Unless I'm missing something ?




i think you need to place each device with different kerbal. Both engineer and scientist is needed. Though i am not sure if that is needed for parts to be working at all, or is it needed just for higher efficiency of parts. 

Also i think you need CommNet signal. I dont know where you are testing the experiments, but if you are on far side of the mun, and you have no relay antena, your experiments will be useless. If you havent played the game with commnet so far, read some stuff on wiki. Good signal is important part of most of the missions.

EDIT i can see you are not using this part, Ground communotron



Also, are you testing it at night? maybe too little power to run all the  devices


thats all i can come up with for now, if you combine all above, it must be working : )

Edited by papuchalk
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  On 10/17/2019 at 6:21 AM, ExtremeSquared said:

Is mouse wheel behaviour reversed everywhere in game now? Camera nav in the VAB is reversed, which is arguably based on preference, but scrollable sidebars go backwards too, which is just wrong.


Seen nothing like this even during testing. My first instinct in such a case is always to blame Steam. The way it updates games has caused issues with KSP in the past, so it may have done so again? Go uninstall your game (your savegames will be preserved), make sure to delete settings.cfg for good measure (in case it has some wierd mouse settings saved), and reinstall cleanly.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 7:36 AM, Streetwind said:

Seen nothing like this even during testing. My first instinct in such a case is always to blame Steam. The way it updates games has caused issues with KSP in the past, so it may have done so again? Go uninstall your game (your savegames will be preserved), make sure to delete settings.cfg for good measure (in case it has some wierd mouse settings saved), and reinstall cleanly.


It's a from-scratch install in a clean VM. Odd indeed. There are some other documented texture bugs also, so I will revisit this in 1.8.1.
No complaints though -- this is pretty well polished for an engine upgrade.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 6:21 AM, ExtremeSquared said:

Is mouse wheel behaviour reversed everywhere in game now? Camera nav in the VAB is reversed, which is arguably based on preference, but scrollable sidebars go backwards too, which is just wrong.


If you’re on Linux? we are aware of the mouse wheel being reversed issue.

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  On 10/16/2019 at 9:35 PM, r3_141592654 said:

I'm not sure how to do that. Plus, it doesn't get my communications satellite network back in place, which too me a couple of weeks getting them around Kerbin, Mun and Minimus and then getting the near perfect orbits at precisely 120 degrees. I'm considering going back to vanilla career or just keep chugging along in 1.7.3. Any more restarts are going to be nigh futile since KSP 2 is launching in what, about 6 months or sooner? I'll be wanting to do that too. Ugh, not enough time to do it all!!!



  On 10/16/2019 at 10:22 PM, shdwlrd said:

Getting your funds, reputation, and science points back is just a matter of editing your save file.

Getting your comm sats back into place is easy. Just use hyper edit or the set orbit cheat. You may have to math out the positions though if you put them up one by one.


Instead of editing the save file you can use alt-F12 (the "cheat" menu) to give yourself funds/science. As mentioned by shdwlrd you can also use this menu to place a craft into any orbit around any body.

So... alt-F12 to give funds/science until you have the same tech level --> build your com-sats --> alt-F12 them into orbit where you want them --> enjoy 1.8!    ....I'd say it's maybe 15 min of work to get it the way you want it :)

Edited by Goody1981
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  On 10/17/2019 at 6:21 AM, ExtremeSquared said:

Is mouse wheel behaviour reversed everywhere in game now? Camera nav in the VAB is reversed, which is arguably based on preference, but scrollable sidebars go backwards too, which is just wrong.


Have a look at the hotfix reported here:


  On 10/17/2019 at 9:01 AM, JPLRepo said:

If you’re on Linux? we are aware of the mouse wheel being reversed issue.


Good to hear!

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Hello @Flying dutchman,

I see you are running E.V.E. Try removing the mod from your gamedata folder and see if you still have the issue and remember to to select the High Quality shader in the settings if you want to see the glorious new textures.

Edited by James Kerman
Added glorious texture
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