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[1.8] v1.0 Chrayol Design Org. - ISRO Mod


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1 hour ago, arconaut said:

This looks so good!! I was wondering if you were going to model the roll control thrusters on the S2 with the covers being jettisoned after the stage ignites.

Edit: after looking at the reddit post again the Location of the roll controll thrusters seem to be under the other two white covers since its easyer to controll roll with two thrusters 180 degrees apart instead of one.

Oh this is interesting!!!

I legit had no idea that was a thing, thanks for letting me know! I'm always glad to add new parts :D 

This is pretty much already modeled and textured, it's just a part of the engine mount atm, I'll go ahead and separate it and make it an rcs thruster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

v1.0: The Red Crayon Flies



B9 Part Switch is required for a few parts.


Recommended Mods:

-Real Plume for better looking plumes

-JNSQ for much better balance, along with nicer looking planets, 2.5x rescale also a good option

-Bluedog Design Bureau for beautiful historical parts

-Modular Launch Pads for a good set of launch clamps and towers


Special thanks to @JadeOfMaar, @Zorg, @CobaltWolf for the amazing help and tips, y'all made this stuff possible.

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5 hours ago, Joal ban Kluane said:

Nice mod!

FYI, the Spacedock link fails to load (but the Github link works). For Spacedock, did you publish the mod?

My bad, should work now :)


Edit: I also just realized that I never fixed where the parts are in the tech tree, just fixed that on github. I'll also be adding a couple new parts, and a few new texture variants, specifically for the psom boosters and second stage. Will put all of this together in 1.0.1 I guess. If anyone notices an issue go ahead and submit it on Github and I'll check it out.

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Got two new things into the game. The first is a new texture variant for the PSOM-9 boosters, which was only a thing on one flight, but I thought it was worth including. The second is an Aerodynamic Stabilizer for the PSLV-CA configuration. This is added to lower the center or pressure in order to make the vehicle more stable. Typically this is achieved with the boosters, however since this configuration doesn't have any, these are necessary. Both are on Github now, so grab em if you want! 

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ayy lmao


Anyways, I'm starting to work on the first payload for this, the SRE-1. This was a small spacecraft which was used for micro gravity experiments. The vehicle had heat resistant tiles to survive reentry, and was recovered off the coast of India. After this I'll probably do Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan, before moving on to a new rocket (eventually gslv but I'm planning something for a different mod).



Edit: Thanks to @mcdouble, Chrayol should now be compatible with Realism Overhaul if you grab the mod from the Github master branch. Happy flying :) 

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So this was brought up to me and I just had to do it. It's apparently the original concept for PSLV, and it's basically 3 PS1's, the normal 2nd stage, and then a couple solid stages in the fairing. This will obviously include a number of new parts, as well as mesh/texture switches. Should add a really nice variety of stuff to use so you're not just limited to making baseline PSLV. Also the verniers will now be it's own part instead of being integrated into the first stage, which makes things a lot better imo.

(probably worth noting that the nose cone, booster decoupler, fins, and tvc tanks aren't properly textured yet)


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  • 2 weeks later...

(warning, kinda long post ahead)

Hey so first off, thanks for TOTM! I'm seriously happy with the positive reaction to the mod, and I really am glad that people seem to be enjoying it! 

Looking to the future again, I'm working slowly towards Chrayol v1.0.1. This update will be somewhat larger than initially planned, and will include a lot of extra stuff that I think y'all will appreciate. The main focus of the update will be to add payloads. Before I showed a WIP model of SRE-1, but that's not all that will be included. I plan on making Mangalyaan-1, Chandrayaan-1, IRNSS, and Astrosat. Along with that, I'll be including the concept which I shared in the previous post, which will mean a new 4 segment PS1, a nosecone, booster decoupler, fins, new paint schemes for the 4 and 5 segment motors, as well as a new radial version for both. 

Here's some WIP images:



The verniers will also now be a separate part from the core


If you don't want or need the verniers, then you can put this cap on the bottom of the TVC tanks. It comes in red and white!


Here's a wip image of the SRE-1 tiles


Some in-game pics with the new boosters:



Hope you guys like where this is going! :D

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We have made an overpriced single-occupant Polar Kerbal Lauch Vehicle :cool: (images inside spoiler)








Just remembered that IRSO does have a manned capsule under development, the Gaganyaan. Any future plans of including it here?

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16 hours ago, nasaholic said:

We have made an overpriced single-occupant Polar Kerbal Lauch Vehicle :cool: (images inside spoiler)

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Just remembered that IRSO does have a manned capsule under development, the Gaganyaan. Any future plans of including it here?


7 hours ago, nepphhh said:

Just want to be the second to chime in about Gaganyaan. It's a beautiful capsule, a fairly unique design, and would be a lovely addition to round the mod out nicely.


I’m now realizing I haven’t linked my roadmap here yet :( 

but yes this is planned, actually I have more than this planned for manned stuff! There was a concept for a 2 crew spacecraft on GSLV MK1/2 so that’ll come when I do that LV. There’s also a space station concept in the works that I’d love to dive into when I do MK3.

Roadmap: https://trello.com/b/iHgGdiFb/chrayol-design-org

Edit: I’ll check out the plume issue, shouldn’t be like that

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I have a question about the S4 90F-K Solar Fuel Tank. Can the solar panels on it be used as... well... solar panels? It seems that no matter what kind of orbital dance I perform, they just wont generate a single bit of EC




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11 hours ago, nasaholic said:

I have a question about the S4 90F-K Solar Fuel Tank. Can the solar panels on it be used as... well... solar panels? It seems that no matter what kind of orbital dance I perform, they just wont generate a single bit of EC




Yeah this is a known issue, I’ve never done solar panels before so I’m still figuring it out :P 

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        name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
        raycastTransformName = sunCatcher
        secondaryTransformName = sunCatcher
        pivotName = sunCatcher
        isBreakable = false
        retractable = false
        resourceName = ElectricCharge
        chargeRate = 0.35
        panelType = CYLINDRICAL

After playing around a bit - this seems to do the trick. We are now slowly generating EC. Yay!


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