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[1.12.x] Bureaucracy - Monthly Budgets, Reimagined (1.7.2 - 30/11/2024 (Under New Management))


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@Gordon Dry  -sorry for the ridiculously late replies on these, I've been stupidly busy.


  On 9/15/2020 at 1:52 PM, Gordon Dry said:

Even after setting up

HandleKSCUpgrades = False

and loading that setting as described in the Wiki that message still apears as long as

ShowKCTWarning = True

when loading the save coming from main menu.

This could confuse people, so I suggest that in this case the warning popup does not appear anymore.


Fair point I will patch that into the next update

  On 9/15/2020 at 2:45 PM, Gordon Dry said:

Something different:

Perhaps this does not matter, I just stumbled upon it.



That's just different objectives. You are basically getting "free" reputation for recovering Kerbals which is bad for Bureaucracy so I patched it out. Whichever MM patch takes priority (probably Strategia) will be the default setting. I'm not going to play "patch wars" so feel free to set it up however you like.


  On 10/2/2020 at 3:12 PM, Gordon Dry said:

The UI in SPC should not show the tooltips belonging to the SPC buildings behind the window.


I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, would you mind providing a screenshot?

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  On 10/3/2020 at 11:23 AM, severedsolo said:

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, would you mind providing a screenshot?


When I don't forget I will do.

I try to rephrase:

I open the Bureaucracy window and hover with the mouse cursor over it, I can see the tooltips of the Space Center buildings behind the window as if I would hover over them without the window.

Edited by Gordon Dry
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  • 4 weeks later...

I think Bureaucracy and Strategia are having an argument.  My guess is it's the "Media Covering II" Strategia option, which adds +50 Rep on building upgrades and presumably is not compatible with the Bureaucracy building upgrade system.  The unfortunate outcome is a bunch of null refs and Bureaucracy buildings stop building.

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  On 10/25/2020 at 1:44 PM, Friznit said:

I think Bureaucracy and Strategia are having an argument.  My guess is it's the "Media Covering II" Strategia option, which adds +50 Rep on building upgrades and presumably is not compatible with the Bureaucracy building upgrade system.  The unfortunate outcome is a bunch of null refs and Bureaucracy buildings stop building.

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Huh, does this only happen on the admin building by any chance? It looks like the code that's failing is something to fix the number of active strategies that shows in the menu.

I can't see any obvious conflicts there, all Bureaucracy does is kick anyone else off of the upgrade button, but Strategia isn't touching that.

Usual checks will be needed - test Strategia by itself, test it with just Bureaucracy, if it's definitely the two conflicting I'll need a log.

I'll also tag @nightingale just in case I'm missing something stupidly obvious

Nightingale: Strategia code falling over and here's the relevant bit of Bureaucracy - other than the fact that they are both registered for onFacilityContextMenuSpawn I don't see an obvious conflict,

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  On 10/25/2020 at 3:37 PM, severedsolo said:

Nightingale: Strategia code falling over and here's the relevant bit of Bureaucracy - other than the fact that they are both registered for onFacilityContextMenuSpawn I don't see an obvious conflict,


I had a look, and couldn't reproduce.  I don't see anything wrong with the code either, but I'd be curious to see that log if we get one.

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  On 10/26/2020 at 1:37 PM, Friznit said:

I'll see if I can repro with just the relevant mods and get a clean log for science.


Thanks.  I already had a report for this against Strategia, so if you can post it there as well that would help me out.


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  • 3 weeks later...

How do I disable retirement?  I have looked around a bit and the code seems to reference a configuration option but I cant figure out where I actually set it.

I'd really like to disable it because it seems pretty fundamentally separate from the rest of what this mod does and I do not really want.

Edited by QuakeIV
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  On 11/16/2020 at 5:31 AM, QuakeIV said:

How do I disable retirement?  I have looked around a bit and the code seems to reference a configuration option but I cant figure out where I actually set it.

I'd really like to disable it because it seems pretty fundamentally separate from the rest of what this mod does and I do not really want.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @severedsolo!

First, thank you for this. I was skeptical that a replacement for Monthly Budgets would surpass it, but this does the trick.

A question: How does retirement work, as far as what happens to the retired Kerbal. I went to launch a mission and Jeb had disappeared from my game. The log didn't show anything unusual as far as Jeb was concerned, so I looked at the persistent.sfs. Jeb was not in the roster, although he was referenced by various mods (like Final Frontier). Fortunately, I use a backup save system, and I found a game from last night that still had him. Now, it is entirely possible his retirement date had past--the RNG gods had him set to expire before all others. But if so, I missed any messages that showed it, and as far as my current save is concerned, he done gone. Do retired Kerbals show anywhere in game?

Again, I don't have a log for this, as the disappearance apparently happened between 12 and 24 hours ago, and I have restarted a few times since, so the log has been overwritten many times. I do have the save files if you would find that helpful, but mostly I am just looking for information as to whether this could have been a retirement event or if it's not likely to be related to Bureacracy.


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  On 12/10/2020 at 8:31 AM, eightiesboi said:

A question: How does retirement work, as far as what happens to the retired Kerbal.



  On 12/10/2020 at 8:31 AM, eightiesboi said:

Do retired Kerbals show anywhere in game?


It may well have been Bureaucracy - retired Kerbals are deleted from the game. IIRC there is an on screen message and it also shows up in the crew report at the end of the month (although I wouldn't blame you for automatically deleting those without reading them, I do). I'd be interested in a save where he's still in it, the date you noticed he's gone and your homeworlds day/year length (I can correlate the data in the save to see if this was the case with this information) Current plans are for retirement to be taken out of Bureaucracy and spun into it's own mod anyway (quite a few players have expressed they don't like it, which is fair)

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  On 12/10/2020 at 1:04 PM, severedsolo said:


It may well have been Bureaucracy - retired Kerbals are deleted from the game. IIRC there is an on screen message and it also shows up in the crew report at the end of the month (although I wouldn't blame you for automatically deleting those without reading them, I do). I'd be interested in a save where he's still in it, the date you noticed he's gone and your homeworlds day/year length (I can correlate the data in the save to see if this was the case with this information) Current plans are for retirement to be taken out of Bureaucracy and spun into it's own mod anyway (quite a few players have expressed they don't like it, which is fair)


My game settings are the standard 6-hour days, 426-(or whatever)-day years. I uploaded two files to OneDrive and renamed them in a way that should make it apparent which is which.  You can find them here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zpgTEAHHGG8gHeCoFw?e=T6Om4n.  Thanks for looking into this. I am reverting to the previous save, and I didn't lose too much, but I need my Jeb! (I am okay with Jeb dying a fiery death of flaming, um, flames, but in the words of Switch, "Not like this... not like this.")

For what it's worth, I like the idea of retirement, and I will likely use it if you spin it into an independent mod, but I think I will probably change the settings for it. I was leaning towards a minimum service of 3, maximum of 7 to reflect the average civil service career in the real world OR making the mission retirement extension factor slightly greater than 1 but leaving the min/max alone, to reflect that the Kerbals who spend more time on missions are more likely to stay in the program. 

Again, thank you.

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  On 12/10/2020 at 1:04 PM, severedsolo said:

Current plans are for retirement to be taken out of Bureaucracy and spun into it's own mod anyway (quite a few players have expressed they don't like it, which is fair)


I like the retirement function, as it gives you a reason to hire and cycle through crew other than them getting killed on missions, you end up with new faces and new heroes and stories, but it would be nice if there was a record kept somewhere of those that had retired, so you could look back at those that once server your space program, and bonus points if there's a way to do it so those of us that use Nerid's final frontier mod don't find our kerbals who truly performed get acts and earned those ribbons to not vanish into the ether and take FF's record of their achievements with them. {I only just updated my version of bureaucracy to have the retirement function and have not yet had a kerbal retire, so I don't actually know yet if a retired kerbal loses his record in FF, or if he'll just show up as dead. I'm just thinking ahead after reading the last few posts.}

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@eightiesboi yeah it was a retirement event 99% certain, the timestamps match up

On the separate retirement mod thing: the idea is that the concerns raised would be addressed with that, as it could be more configurable rather than having to fit into Bureaucracy's framework. So, rather than just deleting kerbals we can hack the UI to make it show they are retired etc.

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  On 12/10/2020 at 5:48 PM, severedsolo said:

@eightiesboi yeah it was a retirement event 99% certain, the timestamps match up

On the separate retirement mod thing: the idea is that the concerns raised would be addressed with that, as it could be more configurable rather than having to fit into Bureaucracy's framework. So, rather than just deleting kerbals we can hack the UI to make it show they are retired etc.


Also the idea of bringing Kerbals out of retirement for rescue / asteroid intercept missions  just seems *so* Kerbal. :D

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  On 12/10/2020 at 5:48 PM, severedsolo said:

@eightiesboi yeah it was a retirement event 99% certain, the timestamps match up

On the separate retirement mod thing: the idea is that the concerns raised would be addressed with that, as it could be more configurable rather than having to fit into Bureaucracy's framework. So, rather than just deleting kerbals we can hack the UI to make it show they are retired etc.


Got it. You'd think he'd at least want a party and a gold watch. :)

Thanks for checking that for me. I must have simply missed the message. It's too bad there's no category for inactive but non-dead Kerbals. 

@vardicd, in my save file, the FF items for Jeb still showed, but since he was deleted from the game, he didn't show up in the in-game FF interface. I know very little about modding, but I suspect it would *not* be trivial to add a new status that FF or other mods would automatically pick up. 

@severedsolo, I am so sorry, but I have a couple of follow-up questions. I actually went through and manually edited the persistent save to return Jeb as he was in the previous save. I also turned off retirement so that he wouldn't be quickly retired again. I noted that in the Astronaut Complex, while the retirement dates no longer show, they are still in the persistent save under the CREW_MANAGER. I would love to reenable retirement, because I like the concept. 

1. If I reenable retirement, will it retire everyone who's expiration date has past? If so, is there a way around this beyond editing each Kerbal manually in the save file?
2. If the answer to #1 is "no", will the mod reconfigure new dates based on my new settings for retirement?
3. If the answer to #2 is "no", would I have to edit each Kerbal in the save to give them new dates?



Edited by eightiesboi
Asking more annoying questions
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  On 12/10/2020 at 8:32 PM, eightiesboi said:

1. If I reenable retirement, will it retire everyone who's expiration date has past? If so, is there a way around this beyond editing each Kerbal manually in the save file?
2. If the answer to #1 is "no", will the mod reconfigure new dates based on my new settings for retirement?
3. If the answer to #2 is "no", would I have to edit each Kerbal in the save to give them new dates?


1) Yes they will retire, no there isn't a way around it.

2) No

3) Yes

Having said all that, I consider the above behaviour a bug - or rather an edge case that I didn't consider it when coding it. There is an update coming at some point... well I'm not going to say soon, because I've had it partially completed for the last 4 months, but it's coming at some point. I've raised a Github Issue and when I finally get around to it (if I don't spin retirement off as a separate mod in the meantime) I'll fix it so it will reset the retirement dates when turning it back on.

  On 12/10/2020 at 8:32 PM, eightiesboi said:

@vardicd, in my save file, the FF items for Jeb still showed, but since he was deleted from the game, he didn't show up in the in-game FF interface. I know very little about modding, but I suspect it would *not* be trivial to add a new status that FF or other mods would automatically pick up. 


The plan to get around this is to do what Crew R&R does. Have the Kerbals listed as "Active" unless you are looking at the AC or Crew Selection screen. FF should have no issues picking them up then.

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  On 12/11/2020 at 6:35 AM, severedsolo said:

Have the Kerbals listed as "Active" unless you are looking at the AC or Crew Selection screen.


This will make Bureaucracy incompatible with any mod that have own launch routine such as KCT, KK, Walkabout.

However Crew R&R is compatible with KCT at least - that's for sure.

May be change their profession to "former astronaut" ("honorary astronaut" ?) and treat as tourists? - not sure if it feasible, but MKS somehow has custom traits (Never actually played that)]

Hell, KSC may actually pay them life time pension (unless you take them to unfortunate ride :sticktongue:)

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  On 12/11/2020 at 7:00 AM, evileye.x said:

This will make Bureaucracy incompatible with any mod that have own launch routine such as KCT, KK, Walkabout.


KCT isn't an issue, as it already checks the Kerbals "inactive" flag (Bureaucracy already sets this for training).

I'm assuming KK and Walkabout already have issues if they aren't checking those flags?

  On 12/11/2020 at 7:00 AM, evileye.x said:

May be change their profession to "former astronaut" ("honorary astronaut" ?) and treat as tourists? - not sure if it feasible, but MKS somehow has custom traits (Never actually played that)]


Certainly a good idea, but doesn't stop a Kerbal from being loaded onto the launchpad. Adding new traits is easy enough.

At this point I'm just spitballing anyway, I may find it easier to set them as "dead" and override the AC UI. I usually don't really nail this stuff down until I start coding.

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  On 12/11/2020 at 7:04 AM, severedsolo said:

I'm assuming KK and Walkabout already have issues if they aren't checking those flags?


I can check with KK - it has vehicle storage function. You store the vessel and then launch from storage. I'll let you know results

Not sure about Walkabout - not using it in my current playthrough...

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  On 12/11/2020 at 7:11 AM, evileye.x said:

I can check with KK - it has vehicle storage function. You store the vessel and then launch from storage. I'll let you know results

Not sure about Walkabout - not using it in my current playthrough...


If it does turn out they have issues, the modmakers will need to configure them to check the ProtoCrewMember.inactive flag before generating the crew list. It's a stock flag, so no worries about incompatibility (the stock game uses this for the "pass out due to G-Force" stuff, but it can be used to simulate Crew R&R type functionality too)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So do I need to do anything special to settings if I am using this along with Kerbalism?

I already figured out how to set the KCT settings just was wondering if there was something similar I need to do.

Looks like a well built mod I can't wait to get going with it.

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