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SimpleConstruction! (SCON) Stock rocket building


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6 hours ago, StormxWolf said:

Found the log, I was having an issue with one of my MM patches preventing a patch from being created. Fixed that but sadly still having issues with SCON. I added it to the github issue report.

@StormxWolf see GitHub issue for more details




you can watch the entire test on those links. 


No Kerbals were harmed in the launch of SCON-One; however their return to Kerbin is questionable.


I had no issues with building, releasing SSPX centrifuges; either retracted or extended - spinning or not - landed and while in orbit.

Wasn't full vessels - but that shouldn't matter concerning SCON. Plenty of other issues, again see GitHub issue for more details.

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  • 1 month later...

For some reason, when using this mod, my game freezes at some point. The last entries of the log are always:

[ERR 14:33:54.387] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ELSurveySkill' as it does not exist.

[ERR 14:33:54.388] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ELConstructionSkill' as it does not exist.

[LOG 14:33:54.388] [KerbalHealth] OnKerbalAdded('Lurey Kerman')
[LOG 14:33:54.388] [KerbalHealth] The kerbal is Unowned. Skipping.
[ERR 14:33:54.388] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ELSurveySkill' as it does not exist.

[ERR 14:33:54.388] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ELSurveySkill' as it does not exist.

It seems to me as if the game tries to spawn new kerbals, but the presumed non-existence of this "ELConstructionSkill"/ "ELSurveySkill" make it fail.

Could this have something to do with this mod? I installed it by downloading the zip file from GitHub and placing the "ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads" and "SimpleConstruction" folders into the GameData folder, am I missing some dependency?

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@zer0KerbalBeen racking my brain over this all day -- can't figure out why almost every part has no rocketpart cost or build time with? The only exception seems to be heat-shields which cost the correct amount of rocketparts and take time to build. 

Update: After a lot of investigation I believe there is a conflict with KSPCommunityFixes


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On 3/3/2023 at 7:42 AM, Athur Dent said:

For some reason, when using this mod, my game freezes at some point. The last entries of the log are always:

[ERR 14:33:54.387] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ELSurveySkill' as it does not exist.

[ERR 14:33:54.388] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ELConstructionSkill' as it does not exist.

[LOG 14:33:54.388] [KerbalHealth] OnKerbalAdded('Lurey Kerman')
[LOG 14:33:54.388] [KerbalHealth] The kerbal is Unowned. Skipping.
[ERR 14:33:54.388] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ELSurveySkill' as it does not exist.

[ERR 14:33:54.388] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ELSurveySkill' as it does not exist.

It seems to me as if the game tries to spawn new kerbals, but the presumed non-existence of this "ELConstructionSkill"/ "ELSurveySkill" make it fail.

Could this have something to do with this mod? I installed it by downloading the zip file from GitHub and placing the "ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads" and "SimpleConstruction" folders into the GameData folder, am I missing some dependency?

@Athur DentAm unable to help or comment more without logs. The plan is to do an update pass on SCON shortly and will look into it. Kindly file an issue on GitHub and include the logs the bug report requests. Please note, that my assistance will be limited if KSPCF or Harmony is installed due to legal restrictions.


On 3/5/2023 at 8:19 PM, whyalwaysmike said:

@zer0KerbalBeen racking my brain over this all day -- can't figure out why almost every part has no rocketpart cost or build time with? The only exception seems to be heat-shields which cost the correct amount of rocketparts and take time to build. 

Update: After a lot of investigation I believe there is a conflict with KSPCommunityFixes


correct @whyalwaysmike KSPCF mucks around inside KSP through Harmony and, well that statement is self explanatory; KSPCF fixes are well intentioned, but the laws of unintended consequences have bit them in the rear of their space suits.

I will state this in plain English - KSPCF is probably incompatible with most addons that don't use Harmony, and even some of those. Too many monkey patches affecting too many things. 

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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2 hours ago, Athur Dent said:

@zer0KerbalSorry for no providing an update sooner, I solved the issue. I installed the mod from github and wasn't aware that github does not contain all necessary files (the extraplanetary lauchpads folder is missing some).

Is this intended?

@Athur Dent glad to hear that!

for legal and liability reasons  am not putting archives (releases) on GitHub - and not including anything compiled in the repo itself. 

SCON bundles (with permission) the XPL dll - which is currently in a pre-release form so am only releasing on CurseForge; once XPL is in a release state will consider releasing on SpaceDock; but only if ckan is fully functioning first.


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Hey, when I an ready to smelt the ore there is no option on the ISRU to smelt them into metal or even anything new at all, what am I doing wrong?
Do I have to be on 1.12.4 for this to work? Running on 1.12.5 right now so that definitely could be the problem

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1 hour ago, Toaster355 said:

This mod doesn't work at all. Nothing has changed when I install it. I'm running the 1.12.4 version of this mod on KSP 1.12.4, and nothing new has been added or changed and I have no idea what to do.
Please help!!!

where did you download it from? CKAN and SpaceDock are no longer supported; and no longer updating this forum due to recent changes.

On 3/14/2023 at 1:15 PM, Guest said:

Hey, when I an ready to smelt the ore there is no option on the ISRU to smelt them into metal or even anything new at all, what am I doing wrong?
Do I have to be on 1.12.4 for this to work? Running on 1.12.5 right now so that definitely could be the problem

Sorry to hear that, need more information from you to answer. 1.12.5 works.

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1 hour ago, zer0Kerbal said:

where did you download it from? CKAN and SpaceDock are no longer supported; and no longer updating this forum due to recent changes.

Sorry to hear that, need more information from you to answer. 1.12.5 works.

Yeah, I downloaded it from Spacedock. I'll try Github.

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  • 1 month later...

I have CommunityCategoryKit, and this mod move al lot of parts (command pods, docking ports, ecc) in its category.


I tryed to remove "SimpleConstruction/Compatibility/CommunityCategoryKit.cfg" but this remove those parts from all category.


How can i  fix this?

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1 hour ago, urturino said:

I have CommunityCategoryKit, and this mod move al lot of parts (command pods, docking ports, ecc) in its category.


I tryed to remove "SimpleConstruction/Compatibility/CommunityCategoryKit.cfg" but this remove those parts from all category.


How can i  fix this?

easiest way is to adjust the tags is to create a personal ModularManagement patch:

something like

{ @tags ^= :\s*cck-sc cck-el\s*: : // removes tags so parts won't show up if CCK is installed }

replace the items between the brackets `[]` with the internal part names of the parts you don't want in the CCK listing and save to a discrete directory under GameData. The example above would remove the three parts from that category.

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8 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:

easiest way is to adjust the tags is to create a personal ModularManagement patch:

something like

{ @tags ^= :\s*cck-sc cck-el\s*: : // removes tags so parts won't show up if CCK is installed }

replace the items between the brackets `[]` with the internal part names of the parts you don't want in the CCK listing and save to a discrete directory under GameData. The example above would remove the three parts from that category.

Thanks for the fast response.

If i put @PART[*] it will remove all the parts from the category, isn't?

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36 minutes ago, urturino said:

Thanks for the fast response.

If i put @PART[*] it will remove all the parts from the category, isn't?


for better response GitHub issues/discussions is currently better.

yes, for all installed parts - so if that is the case - just remove CCK. Best to not use wildcards in patches because of best practices and law of unintended consequences. 

if you just want to remove all parts that have `cck-sc` or `cck-el` then the patch would read something like (off the top of my kerbal head)

{ @tags ^= :\s*cck-sc cck-el\s*: : // removes tags so parts won't show up if CCK is installed }

I use similar tech in other patches.

@urturinoNow included in the FAQK section of the GitHub repo - will add to the FAKQ page next update (plan is soon™) https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/SimpleConstruction/discussions/187 

@urturino kindly keep me informed to how it works so I can update the FAKQ and if needed help adjust the patch.

On 3/20/2023 at 6:46 PM, Toaster355 said:

Yep. The mod still doesn't work, and I'm absolutely braindead on what to do next.

@Toaster355kindly submit a bug report [here] make sure to include the KSP.log and ModuleManager.configcache, modulemanager.log, and the MMPatch.log (zip/rar and drag-n-drop into issue)

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13 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

@urturino kindly keep me informed to how it works so I can update the FAKQ and if needed help adjust the patch.

Unfortunately it didn't work.


The only way i found out to move back to their category all the parts is removing from every patch every "@tags = #$tags$ cck-el cck-sc" i found.


But i didn't check if the three parts provide by the mod are showen in some other category after this crude and drastic fix.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/5/2023 at 8:19 PM, whyalwaysmike said:

@zer0KerbalBeen racking my brain over this all day -- can't figure out why almost every part has no rocketpart cost or build time with? The only exception seems to be heat-shields which cost the correct amount of rocketparts and take time to build. 

Update: After a lot of investigation I believe there is a conflict with KSPCommunityFixes


did you bypass the new loader? if so, kindly try with using the new loader - seems that that is the problem. (from the XPL thread)


On 6/4/2023 at 7:14 PM, Izeau said:

Hello @Pie Guy, are you bypassing the Private Division launcher, or launching KSP using a script or another non-conventional method? If that's the case, your game might be running with an incorrect working directory, which confuses this mod — among others. See if you can correct that first, then give it another try!

@Izeau +1 :rep: (thank you)

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SimpleConstruction! (SCON))
KSP version License Pages


Version <Preventative Maintenance> edition

  • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): Pinned

  • [Launchpad.dll] 6.99.3 PRERELEASe (minimum KSP version: 1.12.x)

    • SCON will remain prerelease until taniwha releases Extraplanetary Launchpads as release instead of alpha/beta/prerelease
  • [WIP] XPL/SC/NSSC manual link and is based on work by taniwha, thank you!

    • Known issue(s)
      • If the offset/rotation gizmo's are used on the docking ports, the spawn location might be off. This is a known issue and a feature request has been sent to taniwha
      • Kerbalism compatibility is considered EXPERIMENTAL.
      • bypassing the PD Launcher for starting the game might result
        • builds may require no RocketParts and time to complete
        • other odd behavior
        • We are aware of this and any assistance with this issue would be appreciated.
  • Released

    • 18 Jun 2023
    • for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5
    • by zer0Kerbal


Download only from CurseForge

Change Summary


See More



SimpleConstruction! (SCON)

  • English English
  • Dutch Dutch - bedankt x13x54
  • Français French (Français) - merci beaucoup izeau (Jean Dupouy)
  • Chinese (简体中文) Chinese (简体中文) - xièxiè - wèizhī (谢谢 - 未知)
  • your translation here

HELP WANTED: See the README's in the Localization folder for instructions for adding or improving translations. There is also the quick start guide(s)GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!

Extraplanetary Launchpads

  • English English
  • Português Brasil Brazilian (Português Brasil)
  • Chinese Chinese (简体中文)
  • Dutch Dutch
  • Français French (Français)
  • your translation here

Kindly help translate Extraplanetary Launchpads by taniwha See above for instructions. Github Repo

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Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...
19 minutes ago, AtomicTech said:

Is it possible that this version doesn't support 1.12.2 somehow?

I recommend updating to 1.12.5, the loader isn't really as bad as we originally thought. More annoying than anything.

It looks like more like a B9 error that i cant figure it out right now. Usually i resolve most of my mod incompatibilities by firstly: avoiding them, secondly: identifying them for myself. None of this was possible in this case...

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