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[1.12.x] Soundtrack Editor Forked


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https://spacedock.info/mod/2322/Soundtrack Editor ForkedOriginally written by @pizzaoverhead, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59682-161-*

This is a fork of the Soundtrack Editor made by @pizzaoverhead.  The following fixes and changes have been implemented:

  • Fixed node value being saved in Persisor.cs, line 457, was saving the vesselState as a vesselSituation
  • Fixed a nullref when entering the editor, nullref was because constructionPlaylist was empty, and it appears that the game code is assuming there is always a playlist
  • Replaced toolbar code with ToolbarController
  • Made left click open/close the player, right-click open the main gui
  • Added support for ClickThroughBlocker
  • Added new dependencies
    • ClickThroughBlocker
    • Toolbarcontroller
    • SpacetuxLibraries
  • Fixed Nullref in SoundGui.cs when sted.ActivePlaylists was null
  • Merged old Version list into this file

A complete changelog is included in the file

The latest result of the Kerbal Sound Overhaul Project, this mod allows you to add and remove music from the game, and set up playlists which decide when each song plays. Always wanted to hear Blue Danube when docking with a space station, a metal version of KSP's theme song when you start up the game, or Danger Zone while you buzz the control tower? This is the mod for you! Just drop some music files in the KSP\Music\ directory, launch the game, and use the in-game playlist editor to choose when you want them to be played.

A selection of free stockalike tracks are included from musician Kevin MacLeod, who created many of the tracks used in stock KSP. Several thousand more tracks are available for free at his website here. If you find any that work well with KSP, leave a message and I'll add it to a future sound pack. A replacement for the Kerbal Space Centre birdsong ambience is also included, edited from the original recording here. Currently .wav and .ogg filetypes are supported, as well as .mp3 on Windows (still working on a fix for Linux and Mac, but .wav and .ogg work fine).



Due to the directories where files need to be installed, CKAN is unable to install this



  • Extract the entire contents of the zip to the root KSP folder, merging the folders with the existing KSP folders.


New Dependencies


Note that there are two versions of the mod, one for KSP 1.7.3 and earlier, the other for KSP 1.8.x and later.  The filename includes the game version

Please be aware that as of now, only Windows installs are supported

I would be happy to host playlists if people would provide them to me, and will link to them in this OP

Included Tracks:

Available Collections

The following are the music collections I've been able to find.  I welcome any additions:

Playlist Settings

  • Enabled: This allows the playlist to be prevented from being played without deleting it.
  • Loop: Once this playlist finishes playing its last track, it will start at the beginning and play all the tracks again, indefinitely.
  • Shuffle: Before being played, the order of the tracks in this playlist is randomised.
  • Pause On Game Pause: If this is selected, the track will stop playing when the pause menu is open. This is useful for atmospheric effects that shouldn't continue when time has been paused.
  • Disable Once Played: Once this playlist has been played once, it won't be played again until you re-enable it again. Useful for setting up music for once-off, first-time events or achievements.
  • Next Playlist: Once this playlist has finished playing, the playlist listed here will be played.
  • Sort This Playlist Before: If multiple playlists are all valid to be played with the current situation, this playlist should be played before the one listed here.
  • Sort This Playlist After: If multiple playlists are all valid to be played with the current situation, this playlist should be played after the one listed here.
  • Preload Time (s): When changing between tracks in this playlist, the next track will be preloaded into memory this many seconds before the current track ends. This can be used to reduce gaps or stuttering between tracks.
  • In Atmosphere: Whether this playlist should only be played if the active vessel is in atmosphere.
  • Time of Day (KSC): Whether this playlist should only be played when it is a certain time of day at KSC. Twilight denotes that the sun is just below the horizon. This only works with the stock KSC.
  • Schene: Which areas of KSP this playlist should be played in, for example the Tracking Station or SPH. "Flight" is the main rocket-flying game scene.
  • Vessel Situation: What the active vessel is currently doing.
    •  Landed: Has been moved, but is currently in contact with the ground.
    • Splashed: In an ocean.
    • Prelaunch: Has not yet started moving quickly after being loaded. Vessels can stay in Prelaunch while moving slowly over land.
    • Flying: Moving in atmosphere.
    • Sub orbital: On a path that leaves the atmosphere of a body, but will fall back down to it again.
    • Orbiting: In orbit around a body.
    • Escaping: On a path that will cause the vessel to leave the current body's sphere of influence.
    • Docked: Docked with another vessel.
  • Camera Mode: What the current view is: Flight (normal view), map, external (?), IVA (inside a vessel), Internal (using one of the IVA window views), any (any camera mode, don't care).
  • Body Name: The name of the body (e.g. planet, star, moon) that this vessel is currently in the influence of. This supports bodies added by mods, but be sure to spell them correctly.
  • Vessel State: Use this to have a playlist played when a vessel has been destroyed (dead).
  • Max Surface Velocity: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is going above this speed as displayed in the navball's "Surface" mode.
  • Min Surface Velocity: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is going below this speed as displayed in the navball's "Surface" mode.
  • Max Orbital Velocity: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is going above this speed as displayed in the navball's "Orbit" mode.
  • Min Orbital Velocity: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is going below this speed as displayed in the navball's "Orbit" mode.
  • Max Altitude: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is above this altitude (relative to sea level, as displayed in the main altimeter).
  • Min Altitude: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is below this altitude (relative to sea level, as displayed in the main altimeter).



Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I've installed the mod as well as the three dependencies, but I'm not seeing an icon for the mod ingame, just the one for Toolbar Controller. I have the Toolbar Controller set to the defaults (i.e. use Stock toolbar).

I extracted the three dependencies packages to Gamedata and the Soundtrack Editor Forked package to the root of my KSP install. Does that sound like I've missed a step somewhere, or got one (or more) wrong?


BTW... thanks @linuxgurugamer for reviving this.


Never mind... I reloaded after removing an unrelated mod and I now have an icon (well a white square) that brings up the Soundtrack Editor GUI.

Edited by purpleivan
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11 minutes ago, purpleivan said:

I've installed the mod as well as the three dependencies, but I'm not seeing an icon for the mod ingame, just the one for Toolbar Controller. I have the Toolbar Controller set to the defaults (i.e. use Stock toolbar).

I extracted the three dependencies packages to Gamedata and the Soundtrack Editor Forked package to the root of my KSP install. Does that sound like I've missed a step somewhere, or got one (or more) wrong?


BTW... thanks @linuxgurugamer for reviving this.

Possible.  Since CKAN can't handle this, you have to put the files in the correct spot yourself.

Please verify that the files are in the correct locations, and if still doesn't work, a log file (Player.log) will be needed

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4 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Possible.  Since CKAN can't handle this, you have to put the files in the correct spot yourself.

Please verify that the files are in the correct locations, and if still doesn't work, a log file (Player.log) will be needed

Below are snapshots of Gamedata and the root. The mod seems to be working now, just the white icon that's an issue (although a small one). Looking at the SoundtrackEditorForked folder that's extracted to Gamedata, there's no icon texture in it (not one in the Zip file either).

Should there be one in the package (SoundtrackEditorForked-1.8.0-






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I've been playing around with the editor and have some basic stuff (prelaunch, launch and orbiting) set up, that rely on the vessel situation. However I've not had any luck with setting up one relying on a minimum orbital speed (2300m/s), with the idea it kicks in when burning to leave Kerbin.

I noticed that the play icon is displayed against the Orbiting playlist (currently playing), but there is also a tick box icon next to the one titled Munar Injection, which is what I'm trying to get to play. I've tried to use the Before and After settings to promote the Munar Injection playlist, assuming that Before and After is for prioritising in cases of more than one playlist matching current situation. But that's not worked out.


These are the settins I have for playlist Orbiting.


This for Munar Injection.


Any thoughts on how I might have messed up?

Just had a look at the Playlist window while burning and when the minimum velocity for the Munar Injection playlist is met, that's when the tickbox against the playlist for it appears, although the play icon remains against orbiting.

Edited by purpleivan
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@linuxgurugamer thanks for forking STE!  I just updated all of my links to this on the RSMMM forum page & infos on Github/Spacedock/CurseForge etc.

Also, thanks for linking to RSMMM in the OP! Let me know if I can be of help on anything in the future.




Edited by Red Stapler
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24 minutes ago, Red Stapler said:

@linuxgurugamer thanks for forking STE!  I just updated all of my links to this on the RSMMM forum page & infos on Github/Spacedock/CurseForge etc.

Also, thanks for linking to RSMMM in the OP! Let me know if I can help on anything in the future.




Really was my pleasure.  Please let me know if you add any more music, it's a very nice mix of music that you have, I use it all the time while streaming

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14 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Really was my pleasure.  Please let me know if you add any more music, it's a very nice mix of music that you have, I use it all the time while streaming

You just made my day!  :) Great to hear that!!

Will do, but might not be for a few months (aka stupid work and travel gah!).



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Hey @linuxgurugamer, I just made a silly joke elsewhere about playing "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" when the vessel is flying over badlands, and now wonder if biome-specific tracks are possible to include in the situations/conditions triggers?

This would seem to require superseding another existing condition like "flying low" or whatnot, but is this something SEF'ed could do?

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20 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Probably, but that would start to be intrusive and impact the cpu usage. Not something I'm  going to do right now

Totally get that. If we want to get that fine-tuned with our audio experiences, we should just have a youtube playlist standing by :)

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14 minutes ago, Morphisor said:

Thanks @linuxgurugamer & @Red Stapler, my game got more lively cause of your work!


One curiosity though: whenever going to launchpad/runway from ksc, a new piece of music starts playing as the screen goes black. It then stops again as soon as the new scene is entirely loaded. I guess this is a situation/location oddity?


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Edit: Solved it. Turns out it's a good idea to delete the old version of the mod by pizzaoverhead before installing this one, as it doesnt overwrite the gamedata file folder.



For some reason I'm getting double the sound. I also noticed that I have two audio players in the VAB.


Edited by John007qwe
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  • 3 weeks later...

Any chance that playlists could have a configurable fade-out time? The snap cuts are a bit jarring and distracting; just maybe 0.5s-1s of fade depending on situation would make things much nicer.

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On 2/14/2020 at 10:31 AM, John007qwe said:

Edit: Solved it. Turns out it's a good idea to delete the old version of the mod by pizzaoverhead before installing this one, as it doesnt overwrite the gamedata file folder.



For some reason I'm getting double the sound. I also noticed that I have two audio players in the VAB.


You probably have 2 DLLs, most likely from a bad install

6 minutes ago, Ithirahad said:

Any chance that playlists could have a configurable fade-out time? The snap cuts are a bit jarring and distracting; just maybe 0.5s-1s of fade depending on situation would make things much nicer.

Not really.  Adding that would be prone to bugs.  It's really not that simple as it sounds.

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