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[1.11] Ship Manifest (Adopted) (2020-12-30)


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Ship Manifest (SM)

(maintained by Micha)

Version - Released 2020-11-29

Compatible with KSP 1.11.x

License-CC%20BY--NC--SA%204.0-green Source-GitHub-green.svg CKAN-Indexed-brightgreen.svg KSP%20AVC-supported-brightgreen.svg  SpaceDock-listed-blue.svg  CurseForge-listed-blue.svg


@Papa_Joe hasn't updated this mod in some time and I wasn't able to reach him. So I've decided to take over maintenance of this mod until such a time as he returns. Papa_Joe's SM thread is here.

Please note that since I was unable to reach  @Papa_Joe at this time, the repository has changed.


Ship Manifest is actively looking for more translations! If you can help, that would be great :) There is some good information to help in this thread. If you're looking to translate, please post in this thread so that nobody else picks up the same language!

Done: [中文[Español] [Deutsch]

In Progress:

Remaining: [Русский] [日本語] [Português] [Italiano] [Français]


Ship Manifest is a tool to manage your ship's "things".

@Papa_Joe originally started with Crew Manifest as a basis for this work. Great thanks go out to  @vXSovereignXv for creating Crew Manifest, and @sarbian for contributions to and continuing maintenance of Crew Manifest.

Crew management and transfers are now only a small part of what Ship Manifest can do.

It can transfer Crew, Science, and Resources between parts within your ship or station. It also manages docked vessel refueling, hatches, deployable solar panels, antennas, and lights. Kinda like your ship's bridge...

Ship Manifest has a LOT of flexibility and a lot of options. By default it is set to "Realism" mode which means transfers cost energy, take time, and honour crossfeed rules. If Connected Living Space is installed, Crew transfers are limited by living spaces.

So much more is available that is NOT seen in the default configuration that you may be missing out on a lot of what Ship Manifest has to offer. Go to the Settings Window to see the plethora of options that are available and play around with them. You will be surprised at the number of features that exist in this tool. You can configure SM to be pretty much exactly what you want. You want a "realistic" experience? Check. You want to be a god and chafe at realism mode restrictions? Check.

Even so there's bound to be something missing, so please raise a feature request for anything you'd like to see in this mod!



  • via CKAN - automatic updates and dependencies (recommended)
  • GitHub - Always the latest release! Also includes pre-releases, the source-code, the bug-tracker, and the Wiki.
  • SpaceDock
  • CurseForge

Manual Installation:

  1. Remove the "ShipManifest" folder from your KSP "GameData" folder before installing any new version.
  2. Extract the contents of the "GameData" folder in the Ship Manifest archive into your KSP "GameData" folder.


  • None! :) 

Ship Manifest is mod independent. You don't need any other mods to use Ship Manifest. However, if you install the mods below, Ship Manifest provides specific support for their features.


If you spot a bug please let me know. Ideally bugs should be raised in Github. More helpful than raising a bug report is to raise a bug report with lots of information about how to reproduce the problem, and with logs files, save files, craft files etc. Even more helpful is to write a fix by forking the code in Github, and then generating a pull request.

Here is a Guide on good bug reporting :)


The full changelog is here.


Version - Release 30 Dec 2020 - KSP 1.11.0
 - New: recompiled for KSP 1.11
 - New: added chinese translation (thanks to Grassland-CN)
 - Fixed: Kerbal EVA when part has no IVA (fixes #7)
 - Changed: retargeted to DotNet 4.6.1


@Kottabos did a fine review here (Feb 28th, 2014). It was very educational - bugs have been squashed and more features have been added since then... :D:




The list of Contributors can always be found here.

Most notably:

  • @Papa_Joe - the original creator of this mod.
  • @vXSovereignXv / @sarbian - creator and developer of Crew Manifest, from which this mod was inspired and originally derived.



Ship Manifest by @Papa_Joe and Contributors is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

The Original license on Crew Manifest was "do as you want". Papa_Joe felt the original and contributing authors deserve due attribution, since this is a derivative work, and hence chose this license.

Edited by micha
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I used to be a big fan of this mod, nice work man!

Wondering if this would work with Kerbalism, since the science part can conflict. Any word on that? I can test it at night if no one has done this yet!

Thx for the effort!

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44 minutes ago, Sir Mortimer said:

Nope, it won't work. SM will not even "see" the science that is on the vessel, because Kerbalism uses a proprietary storage method.

Oh I see. Yeah, that was my first thought.

But it can still be used for the crew, resources etc, right? My question was really bad, the correct form should be: Will the game break if I install both mods at the same time?

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I am SO happy that someone is now maintaining this. I am going to get it installed ASAP. Just a side note, it's not indexed for 1.8 on CKAN, but I can get it installed manually no problem.

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19 hours ago, Tivec said:

I am SO happy that someone is now maintaining this. I am going to get it installed ASAP. Just a side note, it's not indexed for 1.8 on CKAN, but I can get it installed manually no problem.

:) And it's on CKAN now - I was waiting a few fays to give the keenest people a chance to download manually, install, and test it first before letting it loose on everybody. Hence also the (about to be removed) warning on the download link..

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Guys, I ran into a problem in my career game that might possibly be related to this mod,. though I tolerated the problem for so long that I have no way to say "do this and that will happen". I'm really kind of guessing about what caused the problem, however I suspect it might be possible to also fix this sort of problem with this mod, so I'm sharing here to.

The problem I observed was that at some point in my career if I went into the Astronaut Complex, I was not going to be able to get back out. This led to my creating a bunch of kerbals using Ship Manifest since I couldn't hire any - though I believe I had already created a few using this mod by that time.

The problem I was experiencing in the Astronaut Complex was that I would get exceptions generated in the console any time I pressed the button in the upper right to leave that building. I basically couldn't find any way out other than quitting the game. The exceptions that were being generated were this:

[KerbalRoster.ValidateAssignments] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object:
  at KerbalRoster.ValidateAssignments (Game st) (at <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0)

Looking up KerbalRoster.ValidateAssignments I found here that this class "Validates all assigned crews against being on non-existing vessels. May never happen, but it was a bug once so it might still be a thing now." There are also references scattered around the web that this bug was fixed in 1.4.5, but that later versions forked off of 1.4.2 and so the bug may have found it's way back in.

Ultimately this led to me examining each Kerbal in my persistent.sfs where I found this:

  • Three kerbas had a type of Applicant, but also had a state of Assigned (how can that be possible?)
  • One kerbal had a type of Unknown and a state of Assigned (Seems pretty likely this was the cause or at least a contributing cause)
  • All other kerbals had type of either Crew or Applicant
    • All other Applicants had a state of Available
    • All Crew had a state of either Available or Assigned

Upon changing the type to Crew for all the Assigned kerbals I was able to enter the Astronaut Complex, hire some more kerbals, and get back out!

I'm wondering if Ship Manifest might be able to help automate cleaning up something like this?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/25/2020 at 8:47 PM, schlosrat said:

I'm wondering if Ship Manifest might be able to help automate cleaning up something like this?

Hi schlosrat,
Sorry, not 100% sure what you're asking here -a bug report against SM, a feature request for SM, or both?

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On 6/9/2020 at 9:30 AM, dlrk said:

Quick question, how does SM decide which docked components are distinct vessels?

It's pretty convoluted; I'm not 100% sure on the logic. But basically it traverses the parts tree and breaks it into separate virtual vessels whenever it finds a docking node which is docked to another docking node.  Docking nodes which were connected together at launch (ie, in the VAB) are special.

Do you have a specific issue with one of your craft?

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On 6/10/2020 at 10:20 AM, micha said:

Hi schlosrat,
Sorry, not 100% sure what you're asking here -a bug report against SM, a feature request for SM, or both?

@schlosratSo Kerbals with an "Unknown" type actually prevent the game from loading at all.  But the case where "Applicant" Kerbals are "Assigned" to a ship can be fixed.

Question to all: Should SM automagically fix broken Kerbals, or provide a GUI to do so? I've coded it into the Roster List for now, but just wondering whether this should just happen in the background.

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11 hours ago, micha said:

It's pretty convoluted; I'm not 100% sure on the logic. But basically it traverses the parts tree and breaks it into separate virtual vessels whenever it finds a docking node which is docked to another docking node.  Docking nodes which were connected together at launch (ie, in the VAB) are special.

Do you have a specific issue with one of your craft?

Not really an issue, that explains why it's doing what it's doing. I was wondering how it concluded that some parts of my station were separate vessels and others weren't, and now I see that it's because parts of it are welded with Konstruction and a few components are docked.

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v6.0.1.0 is live.


  • can now hire kerbals from the roster window (costs units)
  • enhanced editing of kerbals (change "veteran" flag and set suit if Making History is installed)
  • can detect broken Kerbals and offers a button to fix them
  • various highlighting and crew transfer fixes
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  • 2 months later...
On 3/4/2020 at 8:02 PM, micha said:

Remaining: [Русский] [中文[日本語] [Português] [Italiano] [Français]

@michaI see this mod need some Chinese localization. How can I help you translate it?

Like giving you a new localization.cfg?

I got into your github source code page, and saw that, in:


There are three cfgs of en, es and de. Do I write a new cfg, copy-paste everything, but translate everything after the “=“ into Chinese? And name it in accordance with other cfgs, like “sm_dictionary_zh-cn.cfg”? 

If so, though I have a finite time using the pc, I’m willing to get it done in a week. Also as a practice of my English level:sticktongue:

Edited by Grassland
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On 8/21/2020 at 8:13 PM, Grassland said:

There are three cfgs of en, es and de. Do I write a new cfg, copy-paste everything, but translate everything after the “=“ into Chinese? And name it in accordance with other cfgs, like “sm_dictionary_zh-cn.cfg”?

Hi @Grassland, yes, you understood perfectly, thanks :)  Copy the english version to "sm_dictionary_zh-cn.cfg" and then replace the english strings with Chinese.  That would be awesome!!

Sorry for the slow reply - I was away scuba diving this weekend.

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This mod is on my essential mod list, because it is so useful. One thing though... when I try to transfer a kerbal to a module that is already full, they tend to disappear and are marked as dead. Is this a known glitch?

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19 hours ago, Tokamak said:

This mod is on my essential mod list, because it is so useful. One thing though... when I try to transfer a kerbal to a module that is already full, they tend to disappear and are marked as dead. Is this a known glitch?

Not a known glitch... will take a look.  

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On 8/26/2020 at 6:41 AM, micha said:

Not a known glitch... will take a look.  

If the glitch is to much of a pain to fix, a workaround would be displaying the maximum capacity of a given module when you are actually in the transfer window, so you can avoid doing that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/31/2020 at 3:44 AM, Tokamak said:

If the glitch is to much of a pain to fix, a workaround would be displaying the maximum capacity of a given module when you are actually in the transfer window, so you can avoid doing that.

I'm really sorry, but I'm seriously busy with work (as in dayjob) right now.  I will take a look as soon as I can, but that may still be a few weeks away... Please ping me again if you haven't heard by the end of the month.

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