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I had strings, but now I'm free.

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4 hours ago, James Kerman said:

Congratulations @Whackjob, for your attempts to destroy the cpu of a rental computer you have been awarded thread of the month.

Thank you very much!   The launch clamps have barely fallen away, and momentum is only beginning to build.

EDIT:  If anyone's curious about the rental bit, I'll explain.  I'm gonna take a moment to plug this little company because I think they're worth it.  I'm basically renting a high performance workstation with a four thousand dollar graphics card in it for about twenty bucks a month.  They maintain the hardware and update it at no additional cost, though they're late on improving hard drive space.  It's a virtual machine off that thing.  So I stream it from a client, and then I can play whatever on my potato computer, or tablet, or off my phone if I can use a bluetooth controller for it.  Unlike stadia and whatever nvidia's doing, this is basically a whole windows 10 machine with a blank slate.  I put my steam account on it and I didn't have to rebuy everything.  Very sharp.  Imperfect, because they gotta do maintenances now and then which means downtime, but I've had them for over a year, now.  I'd recommend them.  Oh, they're called shadow.  Just look up shadow remote gaming.  That's them.

8 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

have you tried Autostruts?

Not to lessen your part count. But to allow you to add 2000 other parts instead.

I haven't, and I heard it's something base-game, but I haven't seen it.

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32 minutes ago, Whackjob said:

I haven't, and I heard it's something base-game, but I haven't seen it.

Turn on "advanced tweakables" in the game settings if you haven't already. Then when you right-click any part, it'll say "autostrut: disabled" (except a few special cases like wheels). Click the button for it and it'll toggle between some options like "grandparent" "root part" and "heaviest part"

You may not be able to replace ALL struts with it as you tend to go slightly above the norm when it comes to rocket complexity, but I bet you could replace a lot of them. I almost never use regular struts anymore.

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Well... normally I absolutely HATE using shortcuts.  But, as you so tantalizingly put it, it would allow me to put in more actual parts.  I will have to experiment.  Do I have to do this with each part?  Or is it a global setting?

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Ok.  I can see that it isn't global, and I really do need to go along from the beginning.  

Welp.  I guess this means a re-build.

EDIT:  And I just bought "making history" because I hear its got larger tanks.

EDIT2:  Oooh, we're in trouble, people.


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I wish to report that I have achieved the near impossible.  Having gotten making history, and the new largest tank and the largest engine, I have done it all.  I have VAB extender mod or whatever, that lets you go above the roof of the VAB.  Not only did I build to the top of that, but I also pushed as much as I could into the floor, and hooked it together.  With a new motor on the bottom I'm calling *Price*.  I put it on the pad, and I launched it.  It broke after a while, but here it is.  Ladies and gentlemen, what you're about to see is a native screenshot, and photoshop hasn't touched it.


I think I'm going to need a bigger VAB mod.  Anyone know of one that lets you go higher or lower, removes the building, and lets you zoom out further?  Asking for a friend.

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And moving the new build further along, the *Price* named motor group has gotten some tweaking.  This subgroup engine cluster rates a quarter million thrust in air and probably about three hundred thousand in space.


I'm gonna put six of 'em on my next munar lander.

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2 hours ago, qzgy said:

Only 6? Why not more?

Well, usually I do a hex stack for them crisp 60 degree angles, but I suppose I could have an additional set of triangles outside.   And it would give my landing legs a wider gait.

I will look in to it.

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Good to see you again Wackjob. It seems like your eternal quest is to push the game  to its limits.
Although I haven't exactly been around either. The bland remake versions of formerly iconic parts really disappointed me, I've been seeing other games. 

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On 4/1/2020 at 4:52 AM, Whackjob said:

Do I have to do this with each part?  Or is it a global setting

you have to do it with each part but it respects symmetry and copying. Also, you don't want to overdo it.

Wait what am I saying. YOU want to overdo it. A general player playing normally would not want to overdo it.

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On 3/31/2020 at 9:37 PM, Whackjob said:

Munar lander

JEEZ! This huge of a lander. Not sure whether to be impressed or scared for your mental health. What are you landing? I love it!!

On 4/2/2020 at 11:08 AM, Tw1 said:

bland remake versions of formerly iconic parts really disappointed me

same! I miss the mk 1-2

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