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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

694 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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Hello, will this mod ever suppport Principa? I think adding Principa support will add a lot of depth to this mod. Adding Parralax support would be pretty cool aswell. Thank you for this mod, I've been waiting for something like this for a long loooong time. 


EDIT: Nvm Principa works, I just had to use 1.11.1


Edited by Timdeplatvis111
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3 hours ago, Ollz said:

What does deleting Settings.cfg do? Will i be able to uninstall KSRSS after, or will it break my game?

All it does is deletes all your custom KSP "global" settings (graphics, sound, controls) and replaces them with default settings (KSP creates a default settings.cfg if id doesn't detect one on launch). Deleting settings.cfg DOES NOT interfere with your saves in any way. You may want to create a backup if you use some custom control settings (these are usually hardest to recreate without reference card).

You can delete the mod anytime, but this would break saves that use it. I recommend creating a separate KSP install for it.

3 hours ago, Ollz said:

Also does KSRSS support KSC extended?

Most likely no, just like any other mod that modifies KSC. The only thing officially supported is KSC Switcher (to move KSC around the globe).


Edited by biohazard15
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6 hours ago, Ollz said:

Also does KSRSS support KSC extended?

It doesn't at the moment, already tried it. There are Kerbal Konstructs configs somewhere but they don't work correctly and I believe won't be fixed in the near future.

What you can do instead is install KK, Tundra's Space Center, OSSNTR etc. and place the props and launch complexes yourself, which can be fun too.

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4 hours ago, Roger Workman said:

What you can do instead is install KK, Tundra's Space Center, OSSNTR etc. and place the props and launch complexes yourself, which can be fun too.

Note however that KK seems to be incompatible with Switcher. At least that was my case when I've tried to use both mods - the game crashed each time I've tried to switch KSC.

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17 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

Note however that KK seems to be incompatible with Switcher. At least that was my case when I've tried to use both mods - the game crashed each time I've tried to switch KSC.

Oh I see. Doesn't for me but maybe that's just luck. I can only recommend trying out the gitlab development version if you haven't already because there appear to be far less crashes if any at all

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18 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

Note however that KK seems to be incompatible with Switcher.

I'm not having any issues with this. I have placed statics at both Kourou and the Cape and they're both still all fine when switching back and forth. That said - startup is a mess, so things have to be switched once and then back, on the first run, but after that the statics are all where I placed them.

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  • 5 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, kylelander said:

use the 0.7 beta, it isn't buggy

I tried it yesterday but earth's oceans appear very lumpy from space, as if there are mountains there. Is this meant to happen or have I installed something wrong? earthlumps.PNG#

this is my GameData folder right now:



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Hello guys! I really would love to use this mod so maybe someone could help me since as soon i add this mod (v0.7 and 0.61) my clouds dissapear. As soon i remove it, they apear again. I tried everything as described in the readme ( updated EVE and Scatterer through the link in the readme) and searched for hours now for a solution. Could someone maybe give me a tip or something? When i load into the game with KSRSS and click on "eve icon" it says invalid name in the clouds tab and is empty. When i choose KSRSS in the "clouds tab" i can see the values of the clouds cfg but they still doesnt apear no matter what i´m clicking. Would appreciate some help! Thanks


EDIT: Got it! I found out who was the culprit! It was Spectra! Deleted and now everything works perfectly! Just to let others know if they maybe cross the same problem!

Edited by Sheetso
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I successfully run ksrss on 1.11.1( No ksrssve)
Sorry, I can't play the picture. These are my mods:





However, how to solve the KSC of kajiao.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello guys, I have downloaded tundra space center to launch from LC-40 and from the pad 39A but it's not working why?? the game show me the original KSC...

I'm using KSRSS(VE) in KSP 1.11.2 no bug except that with tundra space center, is there a way to make it work??

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1 minute ago, davide96 said:

hello guys, I have downloaded tundra space center to launch from LC-40 and from the pad 39A but it's not working why?? the game show me the original KSC...

I'm using KSRSS(VE) in KSP 1.11.2 no bug except that with tundra space center, is there a way to make it work??

Tundra Space Center doesn't add any KK configs for a space center.

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31 minutes ago, davide96 said:

It is possible to add it manually?? and how?? :) 

Ctrl + K select the pad you want, hit 'make launch site' name it whatever you want select RP to make it a rocketpad and VAB. any further help go to the Kerbal Konstructs people 

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12 minutes ago, TruthfulGnome said:

Ctrl + K select the pad you want, hit 'make launch site' name it whatever you want select RP to make it a rocketpad and VAB. any further help go to the Kerbal Konstructs people 

Tomorrow I'll try thx a lot 

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53 minutes ago, TruthfulGnome said:
1 hour ago, NotMyProblem said:

Has anyone solved this bug? It makes vessels clip through the "ground".


GameData folder:



Parallax configs are broken and they're working on a fix, delete Parallax.

Thanks, I hope Parallax resolve this issue.

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