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[1.12.3] Kerbal Wind Continued


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This is a thread for the continuation of Kerbal Wind that I've been working on recently.

Orignal thread:

New GH repository: https://github.com/RCrockford/KerbalWind

Current release: https://github.com/RCrockford/KerbalWind/releases/tag/v1.0


FerramAerospaceResearch is a dependency. You need it or this mod won't even load.

Current status is Beta for testing. Only tested in RSS, it will probably work in other scales, but some of the altitude dependent stuff will be a little off.

New features

Weather system: it has position and time dependent weather that is seeded from your save game (so you get the same weather if you revert a flight and refly it).

New UI:


Gust modelling now updates every couple of seconds (speed dependent) rather than every frame which makes it less twitchy.

Wind speed and turbulence is altitude (above ground level) dependent.


The code is subject to the MIT license (see GitHub page). In addition, the creators of derivative work must give credit to silverfox8124 and DaMichel. The toolbar icon is subject to the WTFPL (http://www.wtfpl.net/)

Edited by Flibble
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Like like like cannot like enough. I was considering actually doing this but never got far enough- now to add a "rain" option with part failures so we can scrub our launches. (Will maybe just maybe start on the code. Expect no graphics.) 

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...
10 hours ago, LHACK4142 said:

Why not? Seems like it'd be a pretty cool feature

It would, but I need to get some reasonable wind speeds for various planets for it to work. Applying full Earth (or Kerbin) winds on Venus (or Eve) is not ideal.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/5/2023 at 5:03 PM, cosekantphi said:

Does the wind have a vertical component to it? Would love for gliders to be viable!

It seems to me like it has a slight vertical component at least.

I just want to mention that this mod hates me.

I try to land in hurricane force crosswinds (like 100 mph)  and it decides "no, for this particular second you get 300 mph winds."


Edited by Pds314
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  • 4 months later...
On 8/31/2022 at 4:57 PM, Flibble said:

It would, but I need to get some reasonable wind speeds for various planets for it to work. Applying full Earth (or Kerbin) winds on Venus (or Eve) is not ideal.

This page on the ESA website has some information about wind on Venus, including a potentially-useful diagram: https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Venus_Express/How_windy_is_it_on_Venus_Venus_Express_answers

I found this article for wind speed on Mars: https://sciencing.com/average-wind-speed-mars-3805.html

Here is a NASA page about wind on Titan, which seems to especially vary based on altitude (according to data collected by Huygens): https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/cassini/whycassini/cassinif-20070601-05.html

For Jupiter, there's a NASA page about wind speeds in the stormy regions (specifically about the planet's most prominent storm), and an article on another site about the far harsher winds near the poles.

I also found some information about Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.


I did take a look at the mod's GitHub with the intention of attempting to make a pull request with wind data for each planet, but it turned out that I do not understand the code sufficiently.

Edited by septemberWaves
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/5/2023 at 12:45 AM, aConcernedKerbal said:

Hey, i love the mod, but the game will crash if i revert to launch or revert to vab, Aswell as the ocean disappearing, i have the latest version on ckan Aswell as the latest version of FAR.

Do you have other mods installed? What game version are you using? Are you using Real Solar System, which (as stated in the first post of this thread) is the only solar system that the mod is actually tested with?

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, what should I do to see if mod is working? I can see GUI, wind is enabled and shows all wind values. However, it doesn't seem to have any effect on my plane no matter of altitude. I have version 1.12.5, stock scale (no RSS).

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  • 7 months later...
On 6/11/2023 at 12:52 PM, septemberWaves said:

This page on the ESA website has some information about wind on Venus, including a potentially-useful diagram: https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Venus_Express/How_windy_is_it_on_Venus_Venus_Express_answers

I found this article for wind speed on Mars: https://sciencing.com/average-wind-speed-mars-3805.html

Here is a NASA page about wind on Titan, which seems to especially vary based on altitude (according to data collected by Huygens): https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/cassini/whycassini/cassinif-20070601-05.html

For Jupiter, there's a NASA page about wind speeds in the stormy regions (specifically about the planet's most prominent storm), and an article on another site about the far harsher winds near the poles.

I also found some information about Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.


I did take a look at the mod's GitHub with the intention of attempting to make a pull request with wind data for each planet, but it turned out that I do not understand the code sufficiently.

So it seems as if this thread is all but dead, I've been personally interested in tweaking the mod to account for wind on different planets but my skills  and understanding are limited, would you be able to help me with the process? I'd be keen to apply these numbers you researched for other planets especially to play around with Jool's atmosphere but Eve, Duna and laythe as well, I wouldn't mind including functionality for extra planet mods.

Edited by Uncle 1sstvan
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7 hours ago, Uncle 1sstvan said:

So it seems as if this thread is all but dead, I've been personally interested in tweaking the mod to account for wind on different planets but my skills  and understanding are limited, would you be able to help me with the process? I'd be keen to apply these numbers you researched for other planets especially to play around with Jool's atmosphere but Eve, Duna and laythe as well, I wouldn't mind including functionality for extra planet mods.

Well, I'm not exactly an expert programmer; if I had even the beginning of an understanding of the programming language in use (or of how to tinker with the code at all, given that it seems to be locked away inside a .dll file even on the Github and I have no idea how that file type works), then I probably would've looked into updating the mod last year.

That said, if you know how to write and edit code then I'd be happy to help out. I've never been able to develop the core intuition needed to learn how to code conventionally (and not for lack of trying), but I have recently discovered that I can sometimes reverse-engineer a rudimentary understanding of what a program is doing (and how it might be tweaked to do the same thing slightly differently), so long as it is already doing something that I can conceptualize and work backwards from (the context for this is open-source mods written in a different programming language for a different game, but even so).

So, if you have the foundational knowledge to get us started, then I might be able to assist.

Edited by septemberWaves
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1 minute ago, septemberWaves said:

That's understandable, I don't have too deep of an understanding of coding specifically but I do know programming's... Nature? I can usually pull code apart pretty well and ideally this should only be limited to a couple of copy and pastes and maybe some tweaking of the duplicates based on the new parameters we want. the hardest aspect would be trying to correct SAS so it'll stop drifting down when trying to hold position in wind as that is probably something with base game and SAS in general since it happens whenever you input at all.

I too ran into the dll issue and don't really know how to modify it yet, but I am seeking help on that issue. I'll keep you posted. I would have DM'd but I'm still too new.


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4 hours ago, septemberWaves said:

it seems to be locked away inside a .dll file even on the Github and I have no idea how that file type works)

4 hours ago, Uncle 1sstvan said:

I too ran into the dll issue and don't really know how to modify it yet

The .dll is built from the .cs files in the root of the repo:

This falls under plugin development, for which the forum has pinned this tutorial (which assumes some C# knowledge):

The steps for compiling an existing mod are generally:

  1. Install the free version of Visual Studio if you don't already have it
  2. "git clone" the repo from GitHub so you have a local copy of the source
  3. Edit the "csproj" file so the <HintPath> references point to your locally installed copy of KSP
  4. Start Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio
  5. "cd" to the folder where you checked out the mod's source
  6. msbuild

There are quirks and variations for many mods, but that is the basic starting point for them all.

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  • 6 months later...

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