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[1.8.x-1.12.x]R-T-B's Kopernicus Unified "Bleeding Edge" Branch[REACTIVATED]


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On 2/11/2021 at 9:43 AM, modus said:

Also, misread your post, thought you were looking for the latest version.

Its ok. I made a mistake. Silly my forgot to look for an update to sigma dimensions! If you do not update sigma dimentions you do still sink into the ground!

When it comes to software beta versions are always better. They have more than the stable versions. 

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On 2/10/2021 at 12:00 PM, dave1904 said:

There are so many updates here that its sometimes hard to follow the changlogs. In one of the releases you mention that 

"Distant bodies (farther out than Eeloo) sometimes exhibit issues with sinking landing gear and deadly terrain to Kerbals. We are tracking this but don't have a fix just yet."

Just wondering if I have a separate issue or if you have no gotten around to fixing this? 

Edit: Its mentioned in release 64 that you found a fix but testing is still required. Would having 2.5 rescale cause issues? Its Plock from outer planet mod. Its late today but if you need me to give any feedback or logs on the issue feel free to ask. 

2nd Edit: Forgot to update sigma dimensions. Problem solved. 

I get the frequency of the updates being hard to follow.  And yeah Sigma Dimensions was broken until recently.

This is intended as a beta tree for new ideas mainly.  I'd advise moving to the latest stable now that it's available on all platforms, it sees far less frequent, but still useful updates.  Should be easier to read the changelogs there when not everything is an experiment:

On that note, the next experiment I've decided to try here is coming soon (soon being within a week or two).  You probably should evacuate before then if not a tester... lol.  The idea is:  One release zip, multiple supported KSP versions.  Crazy I know...  but it'd be wonderful if it works.  Still, I expect serious breakage vs stable when it's initially done, so I'd advise only testers to remain on this branch.

It should still be playable / not game breaking bad, but arguably, this will be the less stable than well...  stable branch.

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Big bombshell testing release.  We are testing a new adaptable dll that dynamically tries to adjust to the version of KSP it runs on. This is basically "Kopernicus written once, run on  many platforms." This is likely to be buggy. If you don't want that, you should probably migrate to stable. We are in tester ground again.
The potential for this to reduce the workload in maintaining multiple versions is huge.  It's not perfect yet (we still have to target a seperate build for 1.8, for example) but this allows us to work with subpatches (like 1.10.0) without increasing code complexity, and it just makes my life easier...  If we can get it working well I'm all for it!
Drawbacks as of now?  Pretty much just that comet support in the Kopernicus asteroid generator had to be turned off for right now.  CometPercentage does nothing, as such.  Asteroids still work like usual.  I'm working on that, it isn't necessarily permanent, and you can still get comets with an external generator or the stock one.
Testers are advised to look for bugs at places versions changed:  Gas giant shaders, camera issues, and version specific behavior are all worth investigating for bugs!
Without further delay, here is the release.  It will be on CKAN soonish.

@R-T-B R-T-B released this

This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 78. It contains the following changes:

1.) Bring up to speed with latest stable stuff.

2.) We are testing a new adaptable dll that dynamically tries to adjust to the version it runs on. This is likely to be buggy. If you don't want that, you should probably migrate to stable. We are in tester ground again.

Known Bugs:

1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely. It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away.

2.) When zooming out all the way in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.

Please download the right output zip for your version. "LEGACY_18" zips are for 1.8.x, "UBE19+" for anything between 1.9 and 1.11.x.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!


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7 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Keep the language clean, guys. Some comments removed. 

Someone was displeased while I pushed to CKAN I take it?

Interesting.  This is just an experiment and if anyone is upset with it, they can speak up.  Just don't use foul language obviously.


Or I just missed something.  Possible as well.

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Uh oh, getting a new and fun bug. Tried to get Parallax to work for the looks, removed it because trying to load in would cause a black screen (and delete 5 of my vessels). Removing Parallax still resulted the black screen upon opening the save, permanent loading state. I updated to the newest Kopernicus release, tried lots of things, verifying files, but now I get this error in the log. 

[LOG 21:29:10]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Loader: Failed to load Body: Squad/Kerbin: Default constructor not found for type UnityEngine.Material

Would post the entire log but I can't attach the .txt file. This seems like the main issue here.

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12 hours ago, Taco Salad said:

Uh oh, getting a new and fun bug. Tried to get Parallax to work for the looks, removed it because trying to load in would cause a black screen (and delete 5 of my vessels). Removing Parallax still resulted the black screen upon opening the save, permanent loading state. I updated to the newest Kopernicus release, tried lots of things, verifying files, but now I get this error in the log. 

[LOG 21:29:10]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Loader: Failed to load Body: Squad/Kerbin: Default constructor not found for type UnityEngine.Material

Would post the entire log but I can't attach the .txt file. This seems like the main issue here.

Yeah, does it do the same on the stable branch (available here, now for all versions)?  This is likely a new bug from the latest bleeding edge experiment to support multiple versions of KSP with one dll.  What KSP version do you run?

I'll note it all the same, but for your use case the likely best course of action is to go to stable branch.  Thanks for the report.

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On 2/14/2021 at 5:07 PM, Kirbin Kerman said:

Hello. I'm sorry about not providing you with my ksp/player.log file earlier, but I was doing testing on my own.

It appears to not be a Kopernicus issue, as while initially removing/re-installing Kopernicus would cause the orbital shift to occur, it has now started happening without it.

I appreciate the update.

On 2/14/2021 at 5:09 PM, Taco Salad said:

Using the stable branch now. I'm using 1.11.1. Still getting the same error sadly.

Replied there, thanks.

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New release I could use some testing on.  Not being pushed to BE CKAN yet because savegame compatability issues exist, see below.

@R-T-B R-T-B released this 16 minutes ago

This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 79. It contains the following changes:

1.) New solar math that is both more accurate (100% accurate actually), and more performance intensive.

2.) Reduced solar math refresh rate to once per second by default to compensate for heavier math, in Kopernicus_Config.cfg (generated on first run) there is SolarRefreshRate = 1, this is how many seconds between refreshes. 1 is default. Must be an integer.

Known Bugs:

1.) The new solar math does not work on current in flight vessels, they will generate no ECs. We are working on a save upgrade system for them, but it is not ready yet. This is mainly a testing release, but could be used in a fresh game.

2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely. It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away.

3.) When zooming out all the way in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.

Please download the right output zip for your version. "LEGACY_18" zips are for 1.8.x, "UBE19+" for anything between 1.9 and 1.11.x.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!


Also, @hemeac, maybe you can help with figuring out how to upgrade existing inflight vessels using a modulemanager config?  I'd be most appreciative.  Compare solarpanels.cfg now with previous release.  We are basically reverting to the module replacement method because nothing else ever worked right.

EDIT:  Release 80 should do that now, upgrade existing vessels.  Would still appreciate a lookover.

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30 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

More performance intensive? 

It is sadly (the math is heavier due to being calculated per panel rather than the vessel as a whole).  But I have compensated for it by reducing the rate at which it recalculates from every physics frame to once per second (configurable).  It should balance out to about the same performance as such, but it's in bleeding edge for a reason.

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And on that note, I've already logged multiple bugs against this version in combination with other mods  It may very well stay in bleeding edge at this rate.

I would not use this on an important save, certainly not one with extensive mods.

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Might be more usable now?

@R-T-B R-T-B released this now

This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 80. It contains the following changes:

1.) A hotfix for a bug that prevented some panels from working with some modsets and even some stock panels from working under some situations has been issued. The release notes are otherwise the same as release 79.

Known Bugs:

1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely. It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away.

2.) When zooming out all the way in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.

Please download the right output zip for your version. "LEGACY_18" zips are for 1.8.x, "UBE19+" for anything between 1.9 and 1.11.x.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!


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As a heads up to some parts mods out there:

I know this is kind of a "not again!" moment but Kopernicus is again planning to take control of the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel and replace it with a new module called "KopernicusSolarPanel" (note the lack of "s" on the end, which a previous generic fixer that was added to the vessel proper had.  This one is per panel and replaces the actual panel module, hence the lack of "s").  Yes, this will eventually be in stable (it's already in bleeding edge).

The reason?  In short the other approach we tried (a single fixer module for the whole vessel) never really worked properly.  We're going back to square one where the math at least added up and worked, frankly.

If your mod does anything with these module names directly it should probably be updated to be aware of this.  We aren't pushing it out immediately, instead testing it in the bleeding edge.  We have a module manager config that attempts to adapt to any mods out there using b9partswitch, etc.  That config is attatched to the bottom of this post in a pastebin post.  This is purely informational, and intended to prepare people who need to know about this.  Most mods probably don't need to do anything (even if I ping you you probably don't), but if you want to "test and see" you can grab  the latest bleeding edge preview build here and try it yourself:


Relevant config patch (Would love @hemeac's input since a lot of that code is stuff I cut and pasted from his older Kopernicus work).

Input welcome.  I'll be pinging some major modders so they see this post.

@CobaltWolf, @Poodmund, @Nertea, @blowfish

If I missed anyone important, my apologies.  I'm not the most socially aware modder at times, but I am trying to put the word out there. :)

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5 hours ago, Nertea said:

As long as you unbreak what you break, seems fine. 

That is the idea, but I thought a ping may be appropriate "just in case."  Best efforts is all I can offer, like most modders, so a heads up usually is wise.

I can promise I will fix issues presented to me from this change to the best of my ability, and not punt it on you unless I have literally no other choice. 

This change itself is actually an attempt to finally close a rather ancient issue, in fact, so "unbreaking" is usually the goal.

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There are also custom solar panel modules out there that exist in mods i.e. Near Future's curved solar panel module so make sure you've catered for those. As far as I can remember, the old, old implementation had catch alls for these.

Is there potentially something that can be made to parse a persistent.sfs file and either convert or revert all the existing solar panel modules on vessels? I think this was the most headache inducing thing for other mod developers when they would receive bug reports as people would report pre-existing vessels from their game having nonfunctional solar panels either after installing or uninstalling Kopernicus.

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11 hours ago, Poodmund said:

Is there potentially something that can be made to parse a persistent.sfs file and either convert or revert all the existing solar panel modules on vessels?

That's basically what's holding up release to stable.  I want a save upgrade pipeline, and I'm trying to make it seamless.  Short of that, I'll ship some kind of "save upgrader" application.  That's the worst case I'd picture.

But I think the config file I'm shipping now is actually doing that job.  I'm testing it extensively of course.

Relevant bit:

//First delete all old "KopernicusSolarPanels" fixers


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