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KSP Old-school memories


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So I was making a comment in a KSP Reddit about my first flight in KSP and it got me to thinking about it. Sure enough, I found my old screenshots from back in July of 2014 when I made my first launch... a stock part Saturn V that flew all the way to the Mun and back! Yes... that was my first KSP flight. (dream BIG or go home!) I thought I'd share it and link to the imgur album I made of the flight: (yes, of course this was sandbox... career mode in 0.23.5 was still a WIP and not very fun... at least for me)


So I was wondering of anyone else wanted to share their first flight experiences. Was it as ambitious as my flight or was it more down-to-Kerbin?

No pics needed. Stories about your first flight are the topic!


Comments welcome!

Edited by RobertaME
Edit 1: Speeling :^) Edit 2: emphasis added
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My first version was 0.90 (~March 2015) and I'm sure you wouldn't call it 'old-school', but I have memories of first learning the controls, the ui and orbital mechanics in this version. My first ever mission was just a mk-1 pod, a hammer booster (because the flea didn't exist back then), and a mk-16 parachute, just to get to know the controls (I used to think rotating a craft was done by clicking and dragging the navball). I unfortunately don't have screenshots of that since I didn't know how to take them till at least 1.1 came out. The oldest screenshot I still have:


This was just after 1.2 released, when I flew the KerbalX to test the new version.

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  On 8/11/2020 at 4:16 PM, Aniruddh said:

My first version was 0.90 (~March 2015) and I'm sure you wouldn't call it 'old-school', but I have memories of first learning the controls, the ui and orbital mechanics in this version. {snip}


Old-school is all relative. 0.9 is old-school to you, so it's old-school! Mostly I was just wondering if other players wanted to share their first flight. I know I'm weird in that I took enough screenshots during my first flight to almost make a motion picture of it, (seriously, I took almost 400 screenshots!)

Thanks for sharing that gorgeous sunrise! :kiss:

  On 8/11/2020 at 10:06 PM, Vanamonde said:



Seriously? Was that your first flight?

  On 8/11/2020 at 3:49 PM, Just Jim said:

This is the oldest screenshot I have... I think the pic says it all... lol



And I thought I was old school! Cool little rocket! :rep:

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No, sadly my earliest screenshots got squirreled away somewhere on my hard drive. There used to be this problem that Windows and KSP would confuse each other about where screenshots should be saved and I never found them. But this pic is from pretty early on. Version 0.15.2 or so. 

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  On 8/11/2020 at 10:55 PM, Vanamonde said:

No, sadly my earliest screenshots got squirreled away somewhere on my hard drive. There used to be this problem that Windows and KSP would confuse each other about where screenshots should be saved and I never found them. But this pic is from pretty early on. Version 0.15.2 or so. 


Meh! Too bad, as seeing some other first flight pics would have been cool. Still, that's a truly old-school KSP shot! Pretty awesome!

So what was your first flight? One of the stock rocket designs? Something custom? Kerbaled or unKerbled? Was it a successful launch and recovery or did it all and in tears? That's what I really want to know, what people's first flights were like!

BTW: Can anyone confirm if my imgur album is showing up right with the captions? It's only my second time using imgur and I don't know if I did it right. Thanks!

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Before I first found the game I decided I would challenge myself to orbit the Mun and return in the demo version before purchasing the full version. This was in  2012 so the demo didn't have many parts to work with and I remember my rockets were very wobbly. I think I got there with an asparagus staged design. Another design I remember from the demo was a rocket with around 20 little drop tanks attached to the side. I remember needing to stage every couple of seconds when each tank would run out. It wasn't very practical.

I got the game at version 0.17. I think that was when the other planets were added. The only ship I remember from that version was a nuclear and aerospike powered rocket that I managed to send on an Eve flyby. I don't have any pictures sadly.

The oldest screenshot I have is from 0.18 when I was working on building little miniature space shuttles. This is my first successful one and I managed to get it to Minmus. Full album: https://imgur.com/a/e8WzG


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  On 8/12/2020 at 2:15 AM, miguelsgamingch said:

Man, I Wish i could have join since 0.XX But I Joined During KSP 1.7.3

July 11, 2019. About a year ago.


Well, then 1.7.3 is your "old school"! Tell us about your first flight! A simple suborbital hop? (or an attempt to do so that wen't horribly wrong :^Þ ) Something easier? Harder? Share! That's the whole point of this thread... to get people to share their "first time at the launchpad" stories, like my Up Goer 5 landing.

Even if you think it's dumb, I still want to hear it!

Edit: Oh, and don't let my ambitious Project Mun make anyone feel lesser for their efforts. I'm a total geek-girl for anything and everything space! I memorized all six Mercury, ten Gemini, and eleven Apollo Post-launch and Mission Reports when I was in my 20s, was playing Orbiter since it came out in 2000... and MS Space Simulator before that... and a host of others all the way back to Project Space Station for the Commodore 64! I played Orbiter right up until 2014 when I jumped to KSP. (and never looked back!) I managed to make a Moon landing with the Apollo add-on in Orbiter 2010, so I had a leg up on the average KSP player!

<--- TOTAL geek-girl!

Edited by RobertaME
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i've lost my old screenshots but from my old posts;


i always loved building planes in ksp, it was actually the reason why i started playing ksp.

After almost 7 years later, im about to reach nirvana.



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  On 8/12/2020 at 6:22 PM, qromodynmc said:

i've lost my old screenshots but from my old posts;

i always loved building planes in ksp, it was actually the reason why i started playing ksp.

After almost 7 years later, im about to reach nirvana.


Love that first pic! Very Kerbal! I can assume then that your first flight was an aircraft of some kind? Do you remember what happened? (nose dive on takeoff? successful flight?)

  On 8/12/2020 at 7:06 PM, Death Engineering said:

Sure enough, my oldest preserved launch is also a Saturn V - alike!

This goes back to 2013 on a KSP pre-release (0.19 probably)


Very cool! I like the way you think! (I wonder why? :wink: )

Is that your first flight or just the oldest one you can find?

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  On 8/12/2020 at 7:38 PM, RobertaME said:

Love that first pic! Very Kerbal! I can assume then that your first flight was an aircraft of some kind? Do you remember what happened? (nose dive on takeoff? successful flight?)



I know it'll sound hilarious but when i made my first plane in ksp, i directly aimed towards mun and fired my engines. After getting stuck in atmo, i was curious about why couldnt i go to mun. Then i realized this game wasnt just a random arcade game, and with jets i wouldnt be able to go space. I didnt know lotta about space back then and certainly misunderstood some concepts but those were the fun days, especially crashing to mun with craft going at very high speeds were quite the achievement for me.

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  On 8/12/2020 at 8:33 PM, qromodynmc said:

I know it'll sound hilarious but when i made my first plane in ksp, i directly aimed towards mun and fired my engines. After getting stuck in atmo, i was curious about why couldnt i go to mun. Then i realized this game wasnt just a random arcade game, and with jets i wouldnt be able to go space. I didnt know lotta about space back then and certainly misunderstood some concepts but those were the fun days, especially crashing to mun with craft going at very high speeds were quite the achievement for me.


OK... if we're going there... lol
First time I played was the demo... It took me a few times, but I actually made it to the Mun... and crashed... again, and again, and again.
But I realized it wasn't' the game, it was me. And maybe the landing gear... lol... But mostly me.
I eventually got so frustrated, but also so hooked, I rage bought the full version, just because I could NOT let the Mun win!!! 
Ahhhh... good times... good times... lol

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If you want to know, I originally got the demo at some point in 2013, and I got the game in 2014. I believe that the first version I got was 0.25, but most of my saves were lost because my computer broke, I played on console for a while, then I got KSP on the PC again, but at the version 1.3.1.

This is the oldest screenshot I have on my current PC, taken in October 2018 on version 1.3.1.


I have older still screenshots on my PS4, but I can't retrieve them.

But one of the first flights I remember is on the demo, when I built a Mun rocket. I didn't know about encounters and stuff, so I remember passing tantalizingly close to the Mun, but missing it.

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My first experience was on version 1.0.5, I did the rockie mistake of skipping all the tutorials and try the carrer mode, I wasn't used to physic games and lost interest.


Some time after Youtube recommend me this:

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I don't have screenshots from the first launch but the first Mün's landing, that unforgettable.


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  On 8/12/2020 at 3:45 PM, RobertaME said:

Well, then 1.7.3 is your "old school"! Tell us about your first flight! A simple suborbital hop? (or an attempt to do so that wen't horribly wrong :^Þ ) Something easier? Harder? Share! That's the whole point of this thread... to get people to share their "first time at the launchpad" stories, like my Up Goer 5 landing.

Even if you think it's dumb, I still want to hear it!

Edit: Oh, and don't let my ambitious Project Mun make anyone feel lesser for their efforts. I'm a total geek-girl for anything and everything space! I memorized all six Mercury, ten Gemini, and eleven Apollo Post-launch and Mission Reports when I was in my 20s, was playing Orbiter since it came out in 2000... and MS Space Simulator before that... and a host of others all the way back to Project Space Station for the Commodore 64! I played Orbiter right up until 2014 when I jumped to KSP. (and never looked back!) I managed to make a Moon landing with the Apollo add-on in Orbiter 2010, so I had a leg up on the average KSP player!

<--- TOTAL geek-girl!


Well, I Remember Trying To Re-create SpaceX's Grasshopper.

But I Dont Have a screenshot of it since i never did

This was my oldest screenshot i have in my PC Right now.

This was my second Ever EVA, This is the first time i properly EVA Since my First EVA, I Didn't Know How to move your kerbals Up And Down

Which i learned after that was Ctrl And Shift. Then It went successfully



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My first flight in ksp....

Well, it was on enhanced edition of February 2020.  So it was roughly ksp 1.6 (EE was a bit funky!)

I actually got to orbit on my first try! I've been watching Matt Lowne for years, so I had a basic idea of ksp. Turned out, orbit was easy. The mun....dang, trying to get there was like getting kicked in the hoo-haws over and over!

I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to reach the mun (10 hours!) But I finally made it. To this day, I have never felt such joy or a sense of accomplishment in playing ksp as I felt in that first Mun landing!


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I have no pictures, but my first playing of KSP was in the 0.16 (0.18?) demo, and in that demo - without quicksave because I didn't know it existed - I did a full land-and-return Mun mission. I told myself that if the game could hold my interest through that, it was worth buying.

I learned about Quicksave on my final attempt, when I was in orbit of Mun. I quicksaved there and then landed and returned to Kerbin with no problems. After who knows how many full attempts that needed restarting from the launch pad. :o

Sadly I have no pictures from it, or from my early "real" game runs. The oldest picture I do have is this one from Imgur (in a spoiler because it's big)

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All I know about the date of this picture is that Imugr says it was from "7 years ago" (snipped: rant about not using actual dates) I was obviously past "beginner dummy" phase and well into "advanced dummy" phase there. That is a ship designed to send 5 rovers to Mun. each can land and drive around.

Presumably. They were able to land, for sure. Drive? Not so much. Also, back then there was no real reason to land a rover on Mun other than to do it. Surely, there was no reason to land *5* of them.

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My first version is 1.7.2 a year ago, and my first flight is building the wiki orbit tutorial rocket and flew it to LKO.

Unfortunately I got into a elliptical orbit and is out of fuel, then I tried to land Jeb by deorbiting with his EVA pack, but he burned up.

Then I reloaded the save and terminated Jeb who is stuck on orbit.

After seeing Jeb MIA I deleted the save.:D

I will post a screenshot if I have one.

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I don't remember which version, and I certainly don't remember what my first flight was -- most likely a hop with the Flea.

My first truly memorable mission, though, was my first Mun round trip. My incredibly clunky, clumsy, overpowered, inefficient lander made it there with Jeb onboard, flew back in an incredibly clunky, inefficient trajectory, re-entered the atmosphere, deployed parachutes, floated down...



...onto the steep mountain range just west of KSC, rolled down the slope, into a ravine, and exploded in a ball of fire. RIP Jeb

Without question one of my all-time peak gaming moments, ever. Exhilaration, terror, despair, resolve to try again.

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First?  Any shots I have from the 0.13.3 demo are on a dead computer, awaiting retrieval right now.

The oldest I currently have is my first Mun "landing", in 0.15.



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