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[1.9-1.12.x] EVE-Redux: Performance-enhanced EVE + maintenance (v1.11.7.1 - 09/09/2022)


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I play 2.5x rescale for reference.  Lookin' pretty good blackrack, at first glance.  Note the rescale does skew the visual effects slightly.

The FPS are on a 3090 with a 8x temporal settings.  AMD 5950x as well.  This is heavily modded 4k, so don't panic, you can do 1080p at 60FPS way way way easier (like sqrt(x) of hardware requirements lol)




I can safely say blackrack is making excellent use of my dev gpu gift.

Edited by R-T-B
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I did find these two moments where things probably don't look exactly as intended - first is some rainy weather where the surface blend is quite abrupt, second is on Laythe - not certain the celestial situation at the moment but it is mid-afternoon.

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  On 1/14/2023 at 8:19 PM, N9 Gaming said:

I did find these two moments where things probably don't look exactly as intended - first is some rainy weather where the surface blend is quite abrupt, second is on Laythe - not certain the celestial situation at the moment but it is mid-afternoon.


For the first one I just have to clean up the abrup edges around the rain map.

The second one is an eclipse where the sun is hidden by Jool, the ocean, scattering and clouds don't handle eclipses now while the sky does. Will be fixed soon.

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  On 1/14/2023 at 6:17 AM, blackrack said:

I went with volcanoes for now

For now it only works on bodies with atmo but it's a very small issue causing that and will soon work with all bodies.

Wind is possible but complex and outside the scope of the first releases, maybe in the future.

Snowfall that happens only at certain times is already possible with the new time settings https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Raymarched-Clouds-Overview#time-settings

Actual configurable particles will be added in the future to better simulate the look of snow/rain/anything

This is definitely NOT the included scatterer config. You might want to check of you have any mods overriding the config if that isn't intentional.


Yes i realized afterwards that I had GU installed which has scatterer configs, sorry.

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@blackrack Holy hell man, these clouds are FANTASTIC. Hats off to you first and foremost. I just spent the last 4-5 hours on stream just marveling at the views lol. You mentioned on the Patreon page to tag you with clips here:

Weird shadowing issue?

Strange cloud layering issue

I also found that my in-game performance was great with a 2080ti, 12900k, 64gb 3200mhz DDR4 setup. Wasn't watching any FPS counters but it felt smooth and fine to play to me on my monitor. However, streaming/encoding it was extremely choppy when the clouds were in view. When not in view, my GPU utilization was something like 60ish%, but as soon as I looked at the clouds it instantly shot up to 100%. This would cause the stream to chop quite a bit because the GPU also does the encoding for the stream. Just for some context, I've never had KSP hit even half utilization even while streaming it on max graphics across the board with the highest res RSSVE on my usual RSS/RO/RP1 install, so its definitely unique to the clouds.

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  On 1/15/2023 at 12:47 AM, sjsharks39 said:

@blackrack Holy hell man, these clouds are FANTASTIC. Hats off to you first and foremost. I just spent the last 4-5 hours on stream just marveling at the views lol. You mentioned on the Patreon page to tag you with clips here:

Weird shadowing issue?

Strange cloud layering issue

I also found that my in-game performance was great with a 2080ti, 12900k, 64gb 3200mhz DDR4 setup. Wasn't watching any FPS counters but it felt smooth and fine to play to me on my monitor. However, streaming/encoding it was extremely choppy when the clouds were in view. When not in view, my GPU utilization was something like 60ish%, but as soon as I looked at the clouds it instantly shot up to 100%. This would cause the stream to chop quite a bit because the GPU also does the encoding for the stream. Just for some context, I've never had KSP hit even half utilization even while streaming it on max graphics across the board with the highest res RSSVE on my usual RSS/RO/RP1 install, so its definitely unique to the clouds.


Thank you. For the first issue not sure, I'm on mobile and can't really tell, I will check it out on my desktop afterwards.

For the second one, you didn't follow the install instructions :p you have to remove your old EVE configs (AVP, SVE, BoulderCo etc or they conflict). Do that and it should even help the GPU usage a bit.

It makes sense to hit max utilization (it's what I'm here for) if the clouds and the encoding are competing for resources though not sure what you can do. If NVENC is used this should in theory not happen as it's a dedicated hardware encoder.

Edited by blackrack
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  On 1/15/2023 at 5:04 AM, blackrack said:

Thank you. For the first issue not sure, I'm on mobile and can't really tell, I will check it out on my desktop afterwards.

For the second one, you didn't follow the install instructions :p you have to remove your old EVE configs (AVP, SVE, BoulderCo etc or they conflict). Do that and it should even help the GPU usage a bit.

It makes sense to hit max utilization (it's what I'm here for) if the clouds and the encoding are competing for resources though not sure what you can do. If NVENC is used this should in theory not happen as it's a dedicated hardware encoder.


@blackrack Yep.... that was it. Just did an off-stream test but fired up OBS and back down to 70%ish util and OBS seems happier too. Thanks for the nudge ;) Looks absolutely amazing. Folks in chat were blown away today!

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Ok so:

Small config which adds Cirruscumulus clouds to Kerbin at around 10km as a third cloud layer and changes the other cloud layers. I've also added a third cloud texture map. These clouds don't cover the sky 24/7. There might be days at the KSC where you won't see any of them. They are paintable, cast shadows on the middle cloud layer and won't connect into one huge blob. Hope you like it!




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  On 1/15/2023 at 1:45 PM, Merlin1809 said:

Ok so:

Small config which adds Cirruscumulus clouds to Kerbin at around 10km and changes the other cloud layers. I've also added a third cloud texture map. These clouds don't cover the sky 24/7. There might be days at the KSC where you won't see any of them. Hope you like it!




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Looks good, however I would suggest doing the config changes with a ModuleManager patch, or at least having a separate config file which just contains an EVE_CLOUDS node containing your Kerbin-clouds3 config, otherwise if I update my configs these will stop being compatible and will need to be reworked. Check the ModuleManager documentation or one of the few threads like this one for info on how to do that.

Edited by blackrack
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  On 1/15/2023 at 2:00 PM, blackrack said:

Looks good, however I would suggest doing the config changes with a ModuleManager patch, or at least having a separate config file which just contains an EVE_CLOUDS node containing your Kerbin-clouds3 config, otherwise if I update my configs these will stop being compatible and will need to be reworked. Check the ModuleManager documentation or one of the few threads like this one for info on how to do that.


Done, thanks.


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