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[1.12.5] Kerbin Side Remastered GAP - Flight contract pack [v2.1.7] [2022-12-19]


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Airstrips Current Status:

  • Have play tested all 20 Airstrips and verified that the navigation tool data is working for all of them
  • Should have the package released tomorrow or Friday.

KSR GAP status:  

  • Took another crack at writing a flight plan for Baikerbanur ILS 20. This one is a little different in that it starts from the east, flies in low over the mountains and turns sharply to the left.
  • Best have a small maneuverable craft for this one. Not recommenced for the large commercial aircraft.
  • Val and Bill died a few times in testing


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Side Projects: JNSQ-KSRGAP

@Beetlecat @theonegalen @Coyote21 Since you've all asked at one time or another, and since the version 2 code for missions is much easier to adapt, I've decided to start working on a JNSQ port of the missions. 

I have an JNSQ instance up and running and I'm gathering the info I need to make the flights work .

Stay tuned.  


The calculations are going well.. First Flight!



Edited by Caerfinon
Update on progress
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So funny thing about code... when you are reviewing it to attempt to port contracts to a different environment the bugs appear of of the woodwork :sad:

KSR GAP status:

  • Issue 40 - Bug/Game-play - Field Expedition Homecoming parameter can be triggered by any ship.
  • Issue 41 - Bug/Cosmetic - Female UK Liaison picture in dialogs is twice normal size
  • Issue 42 - Bug/Game-play - UK Disaster relief error in KSC launch parameter
  • plus some minor edits

As there are two game play issues I will be making a new release.

v2.0.6 released on Spacedock - https://spacedock.info/mod/2573/Kerbin Side Remastered GAP


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Side Projects: JNSQ-KSRGAP

  • Completed flight plans for Welcome,  Airbase Boneyard, and Airbase N32A (14 flight plans and NavUtils configurations) - Is there a list of friendly names for these sites?
  • Navigation tools refer to runways by standard heading designations (ie. "AB Boneyard ILS 09 GS 7.5" - Eastern facing runway at Airbase Boneyard using a 7.5 degree glideslope to avoid a rather large hill)
  • Designating what looks like (to me) the best Air Terminal locations at each site for use with missions.
  • Managed to put together a decent Terrain map for a KSRGAP style route map but the TKA logo doesn't go with the JNSQ motif. Thought I might use this one; 


  • TKA logo from DirtyFace83's mod.


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I have a strange issue 

having landed on the Island airfield runway, the contract instructs me to taxi to the terminal

however, the terminal waypoint appears a few hundred km south of the island airfield in the middle of an ocean

I have no idea how to fix this, I tried searching up in the forum and found some people had theirs spawn above or below ground but I haven't seen anyone having this issue

also I have no idea how to insert images so here's a google drive


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  On 4/13/2021 at 9:26 PM, 0oolliiiiiksp said:

I have no idea how to fix this,


Well that is certainly odd. I would need to see your persistent.sfs, ksp.log, player.log and the groups.cfg from the mod's directory to determine what may have  happened.

The typical issue is that the terminal appears in the right location but appears underground due to the nature of the Island Airport being stock and placed above the terrain in a way that Contract Configurator does not like. For it to be in a completely different location is a first.

It may be possible to fix by changing the location of the marker in the persistent.sfs file to the correct coordinates.

The other option is to CTL-ALT-F12 and cheat the contract as complete if it's a single "glitch".

Let me know.

  On 4/13/2021 at 9:26 PM, 0oolliiiiiksp said:

I have no idea how to insert images


You have to host the image on an external service like imgur.com and then you can insert a link to the graphic in your post. Make sure the link has a valid graphics file extension like .jpg or .pgn.

Edited by Caerfinon
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Side Projects: JNSQ-KSRGAP

  • A look behind the scenes.
  • Mapping out bases for navigation tools.... lots of little details.


  • AirBase N46A (8 flight plans and NavUtils configurations)
  • Now I have to fly them all and make sure they are right.
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  On 4/15/2021 at 3:26 PM, Caerfinon said:

Now I have to fly them all and make sure they are right.


Planning new flight plans isn't all fun and games... Jeb went MIA after reporting that his landing gear malfunctioned. Then radio silence.  Val is on her way to investigate. It doesn't look good.... :valjoy:


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  On 4/17/2021 at 1:45 PM, Coyote21 said:

Can't wait!



  • Working on AirBase N46A should be completed today.
  • 7 down, only 9 to go (it used to be 13 but 4 sites have no airfields so scratched)
  • Testing with Kerbalism is interesting -  had an engine failure on approach and things went boom.
Edited by Caerfinon
update progresss. targets updated
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Side Projects: JNSQ-KSRGAP

  • AirBase S00A in the arid lowlands has been completed. (8 more to go)
  • Jeb forgot to disengage the speed autopilot during test flight and slightly damaged his aircraft. He's being treated for minor cuts and bruises. Our insurance has written off the aircraft. :antinormal:
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There is one contract not loading properly. Looks like it's missing a flag image in ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Flags/KGO


The error:

[LOG 18:26:58.788] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Loading CONTRACT_TYPE: 'KSRGAP-KGO-Camping'
[WRN 18:26:58.799] ContractConfigurator.VesselIsTypeFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'KSRGAP-KGO-Camping', PARAMETER 'VesselIsType' of type 'VesselIsType': unexpected attribute 'Title' found, ignored.
[ERR 18:26:58.807] ContractConfigurator.Behaviour.DialogBoxFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'KSRGAP-KGO-Camping', BEHAVIOUR '<blank>' of type 'DialogBox': A validation error occured while loading the key 'url' with value 'ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Flags/KGO'.

[EXC 18:26:58.808] ArgumentException: Couldn't find image in gamedatabase or on file system using URL 'ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Flags/KGO'.
	ContractConfigurator.Behaviour.DialogBoxFactory.ValidateImageURL (System.String url) (at <ef0243a06f2841fe9bf57034a334902e>:0)
	ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[T] (ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1[T] setter, ContractConfigurator.IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, T defaultValue, System.Func`2[T,TResult] validation) (at <ef0243a06f2841fe9bf57034a334902e>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, String, Func`2)
	ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Func`2)
	ContractConfigurator.BehaviourFactory:GenerateBehaviourFactory(ConfigNode, ContractType, BehaviourFactory&)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
[WRN 18:26:58.810] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'KSRGAP-KGO-Camping'

Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cunn5suhlsxwjsv/KSP.log?dl=0

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  On 4/19/2021 at 4:47 PM, John007qwe said:

here is one contract not loading properly. Looks like it's missing a flag image


Raised issue:  #43 - BUG/Game-play - Missing KGO flag and icon prevent mission from being offered

As issue is game breaking will publish a new release shortly.

UPDATE:   Version v2.0.7 for Kerbal Space Program 1.11.2 now on Spacedock

Edited by Caerfinon
new release
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  On 4/19/2021 at 5:30 PM, Caerfinon said:

Raised issue:  #43 - BUG/Game-play - Missing KGO flag and icon prevent mission from being offered

As issue is game breaking will publish a new release shortly.

UPDATE:   Version v2.0.7 for Kerbal Space Program 1.11.2 now on Spacedock


That fixed it, the contracts load now. There's just one little warning left, which probably isn't gamebreaking.

[WRN 20:06:55.576] ContractConfigurator.VesselIsTypeFactory: CONTRACT_TYPE 'KSRGAP-KGO-Camping', PARAMETER 'VesselIsType' of type 'VesselIsType': unexpected attribute 'Title' found, ignored.


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