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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Blueshift: Kerbal FTL

Angelo Kerman

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Second Bug Report of today - don't be mad at me ;-) - the other one please see the last forum page, right before your last answer.

Type: Calculations, Severity: Very Minor:cool:


The Autocircularizer throws you into some random point into the desired circular orbit and does not take in account the current position after leaving warp. It just persits the current height above ground. Maybe (just an idea) the cirularized could use the current position (Longitude and Latitude of the position over ground to give a more consistent feeling when autocircularizing.  Just an Idea... As I said, just a minor improvement idea.

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4 minutes ago, Rakete said:


Second Bug Report of today - don't be mad at me ;-) - the other one please see the last forum page, right before your last answer.

Type: Calculations, Severity: Very Minor:cool:


The Autocircularizer throws you into some random point into the desired circular orbit and does not take in account the current position after leaving warp. It just persits the current height above ground. Maybe (just an idea) the cirularized could use the current position (Longitude and Latitude of the position over ground to give a more consistent feeling when autocircularizing.  Just an Idea... As I said, just a minor improvement idea.

Actually, I'm ok with that. If you look at how gravity braking works (see the OP), you'll end up warping around the planet several times until you circularize your orbit. You can end up in a random location from where you start.

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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Actually, I'm ok with that. If you look at how gravity braking works (see the OP), you'll end up warping around the planet several times until you circularize your orbit. You can end up in a random location from where you start.

Alright, just mentioned it for completeness' sake. That's why "minor" ;-)


Maybe this bug report might be more of interest for you:

3rd post counted from the bottom:


I saw it ingame. The excalibur is just in a dev state (e.g. the big engine eats fusion pellets, which it shouldn't due to the presence of the Far Future Mod. It should be fed with LqDe.). Can I remove these parts easily just be deleting the excalibur folder, or will this cause this harm? I tend to only take "complete" parts in my inventory, just to be sure, i don't pick some WIP-Stuff, that is not working correctly ;-)

Update: Uninstalled KFS temporarly due to some kind of radical FPS drops in the game. I assume some bug in one of the dependencies.... probably not your issue ;-)

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1 hour ago, Rakete said:

Alright, just mentioned it for completeness' sake. That's why "minor" ;-)


Maybe this bug report might be more of interest for you:

3rd post counted from the bottom:


I saw it ingame. The excalibur is just in a dev state (e.g. the big engine eats fusion pellets, which it shouldn't due to the presence of the Far Future Mod. It should be fed with LqDe.). Can I remove these parts easily just be deleting the excalibur folder, or will this cause this harm? I tend to only take "complete" parts in my inventory, just to be sure, i don't pick some WIP-Stuff, that is not working correctly ;-)

Update: Uninstalled KFS temporarly due to some kind of radical FPS drops in the game. I assume some bug in one of the dependencies.... probably not your issue ;-)

Yeah, you can delete the Excalibur folder.

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3 hours ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

The graviolium "tax" for using a jumpgate is set at 5 units per ton of the vessel.

		// In order to jump a vessel, gates can require that the vessel pay a toll of one or more resources.
		// If the vessel doesn't have sufficient resources then it cannot jump. Simply add one or more Resource nodes.
		// The cost is per metric ton of the vessel.
			name = Graviolium
			rate = 5


Where did you find these Infos..? I read through the configs but didn't find it.

Thanks for the tip with outer planets. Just installed it.

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I think I found a bug in a config/patch. @Angel-125

The heavy warp sustainer S3 (according to the tooltip in the VAB) still wants Fusion pellets instead of LqDe when FarFutureTech by Nertea is installed. It also has a fusionpellet Storage. This ressource is not used anywhere if FFT is installed. Strangely they are not depleated while using the auxilary power mode of the heavy sustainer. Maybe you want to have a look at it?

Interestingly it seem to consume correctly LqDe. Maybe just the tooltip is wrong and the fusionpellet storage in case of installed FFT?

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13 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Where did you find these Infos..? I read through the configs but didn't find it.

Thanks for the tip with outer planets. Just installed it.

Blueshift --> Parts
There are many many interesting tidbits to be found in the .cfg files.  I've made a number of modifications to fit my particular preferences but am slowly moving back to the default config values.

Outer Planets is utterly worth it - if only for Sarnus.  Take a trip to Hale in the Sarnus sytem and enjoy the view.   Without OPM, the stock system is just way too small.

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14 minutes ago, Rakete said:

I think I found a bug in a config/patch. @Angel-125

The heavy warp sustainer S3 (according to the tooltip in the VAB) still wants Fusion pellets instead of LqDe when FarFutureTech by Nertea is installed. It also has a fusionpellet Storage. This ressource is not used anywhere if FFT is installed. Strangely they are not depleated while using the auxilary power mode of the heavy sustainer. Maybe you want to have a look at it?

Have a read through patches/FarFutureTechnologies.cfg
Not a bug.  Just an omission

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10 hours ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

Have a read through patches/FarFutureTechnologies.cfg
Not a bug.  Just an omission

Not sure. Consuming a thing, that is not listed in the tooltip in the vab but not consuming, what is listed in the tool tip sounds like an oversight to me :-) just minor, but still made me look irritated. :cool: Think Angel will decide if he is interested in the issue or not. (And yes,... I tend to find inconsistencies and bugs everywhere in KSP Mods. Sorry for that, but I think telling them the devs might help them, although they surely hate me :cool::P)


Anyway, have been to hale for testing reasons. Can it be, that the OPM textures seen from the orbit are not as crisp as the textures from KSPs planetary revamps? E.g. Hale itself Looks kinda blury compared to e.g. the mun or Gilly. Maybe I should take a landing (when I get to play KSP and not to help bugdetecting :-) )

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11 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Not sure. Consuming a thing, that is not listed in the tooltip in the vab but not consuming, what is listed in the tool tip sounds like an oversight to me :-) just minor, but still made me look irritated. :cool: Think Angel will decide if he is interested in the issue or not. (And yes,... I tend to find inconsistencies and bugs everywhere. Sorry for that, but I think telling them the devs might help them, although they surely hate me :cool::P)


Anyway, have been to hale for testing reasons. Can it be, that the OPM textures seen from the orbit are not as crisp as the textures from KSPs planetary revamps? E.g. Hale itself Looks kinda blury compared to e.g. the mun or Gilly. Maybe I should take a landing (when I get to play KSP and not to help bugdetecting :-) )

Hale itself is pretty boring and Ovok even more so.  But the view of Sarnus!  I agree.  Some of the textures in OPM are not what I would call superb all around - but given the price for these mods ($0.00) that we pay, I have to say that I'm just amazed by what the devs do for free. 
Do you have Parallax and Parallax_StockTextures installed?  They contribute considerably to the views.
I also recommend Galaxies Unbound.  Going Interstellar is just amazing.

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48 minutes ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

but given the price for these mods ($0.00) that we pay, I have to say that I'm just amazed by what the devs do for free. 

1000% agreed. My question was not meant to complain, but to ask, if something went wrong on my install. 

Interstellar... mhh... Yeah, i might add even more planets. But for now I have plenty of new destinations and places to build stations.

Honestly: I would also donate some bucks for the best mods. And I already did... So I highly aprreciate the work of guys like Angel-125, Nertea, R-T-B, Knight of St.John etc.


48 minutes ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

Do you have Parallax and Parallax_StockTextures installed?  They contribute considerably to the views.

I don't have them, as my old gtx 1060 (paired with an i7 9700K) already struggles on big spaceplanes with many waterfallized rapier plumes (15 and more). So since i value my fps i hesitate to put even more load on my rig. Maybe I should give it a try. Because of the fps things I don't use scatterer and stuff. (Only Eve & Spectra). How is their impact?

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2 hours ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

@Angel-125 is the minigate a pending thing?

It's more of a doodling than a working thing right now. My work on Buffalo 2 reminded me of this:


... and I realized that in certain configurations, the Buffalo 2 parts kind of look like it...



... so it got me thinking about making a gravitic engine for Buffalo 2 and a small gate for Blueshift that can be placed on the ground or in orbit. Unlike the larger gates, the small gate would have a limited jump range, a small maximum mass limit, and it would pay the Graviolium toll. Absolutely no promises though.

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Pretty neat!  I was thinking on changing it to a .cfg and see what happens.  Maybe not.  Reading through the file was interesting tho.  Like the concept.

Be right spiff to have a gate on the ground that was bound to one in orbit.  Of course the logical extensionfor the gates would be:

KSC gimme Eve Ground Station, Highlands 4-10-09 (with apologies to Chuck Berry - Promised Land)
Kerbin ground --> Kerbin Orbit --> Eve Orbit --> Eve Ground

Now we're in the realm of the Puppeteer stepping disks from the Ringworld universe.

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18 minutes ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

Pretty neat!  I was thinking on changing it to a .cfg and see what happens.  Maybe not.  Reading through the file was interesting tho.  Like the concept.

Be right spiff to have a gate on the ground that was bound to one in orbit.  Of course the logical extensionfor the gates would be:

KSC gimme Eve Ground Station, Highlands 4-10-09 (with apologies to Chuck Berry - Promised Land)
Kerbin ground --> Kerbin Orbit --> Eve Orbit --> Eve Ground

Now we're in the realm of the Puppeteer stepping disks from the Ringworld universe.

When I originally created the text file, I was thinking about the seed ships from Stargate Universe. Absolutely love that soundtrack... Anyway, imagine building an automated warp ship equipped with an EL-OCD Konstruction Manipulator from Sandcastle that built stargates- er mini jump gates (ahem)-  and dropped them off on a celestial body's surface. Alternately, it could build a spacegate variant. With such limited jump range, you'd need several of them in order to traverse long distances. They'd need a lot  of ore to produce in order to take awhile to make- imagine needing rare elements a single unit of ore doesn't have much of...

And an Easter egg: the miniature jump gate's address, networkID =, is ASCII.

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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

And an Easter egg: the miniature jump gate's address, networkID =, is ASCII.

Huh... darn you to heck!  May Phil - Prince of Insufficient Light - prod you with his spoon.
Depending on if it is decimal or octal, this could be a couple of things, but it's certainly an obscure reference.  Ok.  The game is afoot.

Someone smarter than I will surely figure this out.  Please put it into a spoiler box.

In retribution, the story of Angelo begins.

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35 minutes ago, Aelfhe1m said:

It's Hex.

Huhh.. didn't even consider looking at the hex for some reason.  Oh gobs.  Ok.  Who is this mythological Angelo Kerman who has given Kerbal-kind the sentinent warp engine and the gravatic drive?

Go to the last page

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15 hours ago, Rakete said:

I think I found a bug in a config/patch. @Angel-125

The heavy warp sustainer S3 (according to the tooltip in the VAB) still wants Fusion pellets instead of LqDe when FarFutureTech by Nertea is installed. It also has a fusionpellet Storage. This ressource is not used anywhere if FFT is installed. Strangely they are not depleated while using the auxilary power mode of the heavy sustainer. Maybe you want to have a look at it?

Interestingly it seem to consume correctly LqDe. Maybe just the tooltip is wrong and the fusionpellet storage in case of installed FFT?

@Angel-125: Is there a way I can repair the config (in case of installed FFT-Mod) fpr the heavy s3 sustainer by myself already? What do I have do change in the config? Think, it is just an oversight. :P

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It definitely looks broken. Try this until @Angel-125 patches it.

Edit the file GameData\WildBlueIndustries\Blueshift\Patches\FarFutureTechnologies.cfg

At the end there is the section for patching sustainers (line 176). 

Change this:


To this:


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Blueshift 1.7.6 is now available:

- Adding missing S3 Heavy Warp Sustainer to patch for Far Future Technologies.
- Fixed Jumpgate Completed message spam.
- Replaced jumpMaxDimensions with jumpMaxMass. Since KSP's vessel dimension in flight are widely off from in the editor, the new jumpMaxMass specifies the maximum mass that a jumpgate can transport. By default it is set to -1, which means there are no limits.
- Jumpgates can now specify a RESOURCE_TOLL config node in place of the older RESOURCE node to define the jump toll. Here's an example:

// Resource tolls override the older method of charging travelers.
    // Name of the toll. This is maily for ModuleManager purposes.
    name = planetarySOIToll

    // Price tier- one of: planetary, interplanetary, interstellar
    priceTier = planetary

    // Name of the resource
    resourceName = Graviolium

    // Amount of resource per metric tonne mass of the traveler
    amountPerTonne = 0.1

    // Resource is paid by the traveler that is initiating the jump, or by the jumpgate
    paidByTraveler = true

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Here's a bit of an interesting thing I did and wondered how it would play out.  The fleet is gathering at Vall and some fool got herself stranded in low orbit of Vall.  About 120KM orbit, retrograde and inclined.  WRS-42 is in a 700KM prograde equatorial orbit.  This would be a touch of a challenge for ye olde chem rocket.



WRS-42  has gravatic as well as warp drive.  So, I set a maneuver node and used the gravatic to achieve a 200KM PE and used the warp auto-circularize to set my orbit at 200KM (ish) and still prograde.  Did not think that the auto-circularize would work inside the warp cut-off limit - but it did. Yay!  Now the next big test.



Now, wait till the target is within rendezvous distance (which I've relaxed to 200KM) and then hit the warp auto-circularize to perform a rendezvous.  It worked!  Yay again.



And there we are.  Now in a retrograde orbit, rendezvous with the target.   Now get the fool aboard - she's a Eng-0 and will likely get eaten by the warp drive.  She may get to sit in a command chair outside for a while.



Rescue completed, we now drop a maneuver node and use the gravatic drive to raise the AP up to 700KM (ish).  Warp cut-off at Vall is 500KM.



Then wait for the AP and use the warp drive to auto-circularize - back to a 721KM prograde equatorial orbit.  Yeah, I'm a bit sloppy.



The combination of the warp drive with the auto-circularize/rendezvous and the gravatic to get you back up to where the warp drive works is just quite the thing.  @Angel-125 I have to wonder if the warp auto-circularize / rendezvous is supposed to be working like this.  If you see fit to change, please mention that prominently in the release notes.

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1 hour ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

The combination of the warp drive with the auto-circularize/rendezvous and the gravatic to get you back up to where the warp drive works is just quite the thing.  @Angel-125 I have to wonder if the warp auto-circularize / rendezvous is supposed to be working like this.  If you see fit to change, please mention that prominently in the release notes.

Uh, yeah, it' not supposed to do that. Auto-circularizing should also obey the planetary radii limit. I'll have to fix that in the next update. I also forgot to mention that the jumpgates use that new tiered price structure.

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48 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Uh, yeah, it' not supposed to do that. Auto-circularizing should also obey the planetary radii limit. I'll have to fix that in the next update. I also forgot to mention that the jumpgates use that new tiered price structure.

Well dang.  I hoped that was just one of those alien tech things.  I've never really sorted out doing a rendezvous by hand, but it should be easy enough with the gravatic - assuming one is adept with rendezvous by hand.  I am not.  Time to learn.

Still, if Valentina would have had the gravatic drive, there wouldn't be the issue with the "Lost One" - and then where would my story be.

About to roll out a new class of fleet tanker.  It's right sexy, if I may say so myself - and much more capable than the old ones.   There is the matter of how to retrofit the old tankers though.  Can't just throw away a sentient warp drive now, can ya?

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