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[1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x] MOAR Station Science - Out of BETA


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Originally made by @ethernet, original thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50145-112-station-science-v20-new-models-by-speedyb/Maintained by @tomf for a while, thread here:  https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154629-18-station-science-continued-v260/

I've taken it up now.

If you have the original station science installed make sure you delete that first - especially if using ckan

Adjusts the efficiencies of all labs  - Cyclotrons are now slightly less effective with no engineer on board, and a little bit above 100% when a 5 star engineer can tune it.

The other labs will also be more effective with more experienced scientists.


This mod adds several large parts designed to be integrated into a permanent space station: the Science Lab, the Zoology Bay, the Cyclotron, and the Spectrometron. These heavy parts provide facilities for performing experiments. Experiments are held in small, light pods that you can dock with your space station, execute, and bring back to the surface for Science points. The Spectrometron uses the Cyclotron to analyze results from other experiments, and allows you to transmit the data home for much higher value. In addition, there are tanks for storing Kibbal for the Zoology Bay.

Running Experiments

Each experiment requires Eurekas generated by the Science Lab. More advanced experiments also require Bioproducts generated by the Zoology Bay (costing Kibbal), and/or Kuarqs generated by the Cyclotron (costing large amounts of Electric Charge). Once an experiment has accumulated sufficient Eurekas (and Bioproducts/Kuarqs), use the Finalize Results action to finish the experiment, and generate Science value in the same manner as the stock science parts. Make sure your station stays in the same location for the duration of the experiment. If in orbit, this means entirely above or below the low/high orbit altitude threshold, which is 250km around Kerbin. If the experiment moves to a new location prior to finalization, it will be aborted and you'll have to start it over.

Eurekas and Bioproducts generate while you're focused elsewhere, so you can leave those mult-hour experiments running while you control other ships, or just go to the launchpad to timewarp through it all. Kuarqs do not generate while unfocused, due to their electric charge requirement, but they only takes minutes of in-game time to reach quota if you have sufficient charge flowing in.

Experiments don't work on Kerbin's surface. Your researchers get too caught up daydreaming about going to space.

To use the Spectrometron, dock the vessel carrying the science result, or transfer it to a command pod via EVA. The results will appear automatically in the Spectrometron's context menu. Select the one you want to analyze, and wait for requisite number of kuarqs to be generated. Then, you'll be able to review the result now stored in the Spectrometron using its context menu, and transmit it at 90% via your transmitter.


Plant Growth: see how a variety of plants grow in space. All you need is a crewed Science Lab.

Creature Comforts: see how the animals in the Zoology Bay are enjoying space. You'll need a Science Lab, a Zoology Bay, and a sufficient supply of Kibbal.

Prograde Kuarqs: use a Cyclotron to manufacture the stable Prograde variety of Kuarqs. You'll also need a Science Lab, and at least some source of power.

Retrograde Kuarqs: use a Cyclotron with enough power flow to keep it running near capacity (about six Gigantor solar panels) to manufacture the unstable Retrograde variety of Kuarqs. You'll need that power to keep ahead of the decay of the Kuarqs. You should also only run one experiment at a time to avoid splitting the output of your Cyclotron. Once you reach your quota, the decay will cease. You'll also need a Science Lab.

Eccentric Kuarqs: use two Cyclotrons, with enough power flow to keep both running near capacity, to manufacture the even more unstable Eccentric variety of Kuarqs. You'll need both Cyclotrons and that power to keep ahead of the decay of the Kuarqs. You should also only run one experiment at a time to avoid splitting the output of your Cyclotrons. Once you reach your quota, the decay will cease. You'll also need a Science Lab.

Kuarq Bio-activity: see how the animals in the Zoology Bay react to Kuarqs. You'll need a Science Lab, a Zoology Bay, a Cyclotron running near capacity, and a sufficient supply of Kibbal.


Contracts to perform station science experiments in orbit around a body will appear in career mode when you have been to that body and you have unlocked (and purchased the prototype) of the experiment and labs required. To complete the missions you need to recover the capsule back on Kerbin.



Now available via CKAN



Release Info


  • Adoption by Linuxgurugamer
  • Added AssemblyVersion.tt
  • Added buildrelease.bat
  • Added deploy.bat
  • Added jenkins.txt
  • Added InstallChecker
  • Reorganized directory
  • Moved language files into Localization folder
  • Merged in code from ModuleCostlyExperiment for REQUIREMENTs nodes  This new functionality to the experiment config files makes it possible to make exciting new experiments with whatever resources you want.
  • Removed all references to:
    • eurekasRequired
    • kuarqsRequired
    • bioproductsRequired
  • Depreciated the old science parts which are being replaced by the newer ones 
  • Converted all TGA files to dds




Edited by linuxgurugamer
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8 hours ago, Brigadier said:

Since I have to uninstall Station Science Continued (SSC) before installing this mod, will replacing SSC with MSS beta current in-game experiments or launched ships?

There shouldn’t be any issue, but make a full backup before doing the replacement

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1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Ummmm, no context.  What version of KSP are you running?

Also, I’ve seen that MM can not be totally accurate, assuming 1.11.1, I’m not aware of any issues. Please test and let me know of any problems you come across

Yes steam auto-updated to 1.11.1 and I got this during startup. Also, it froze there at that point. I removed the new station science folder and it reverted to being allright.

I think I will try the old station science (pre this new beta) and see what happens.

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2 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

Yes steam auto-updated to 1.11.1 and I got this during startup. Also, it froze there at that point. I removed the new station science folder and it reverted to being allright.

I think I will try the old station science (pre this new beta) and see what happens.

Log file would be useful.

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  • 1 month later...
24 minutes ago, northern said:

s this what you mean by log file?

That looks like a log file from ModuleManager.

See the link in my sig and find the Player.log file.

don’t post it here.  First, we need the entire Player.log file.  
Second upload it somewhere and post a link to the uploaded file.

Posting huge files here causes problems on various browsers

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Your problem is here:

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'MunSeeker/Greenhouse_Mk1/Parts/greenhouse/part/MunSeeker_Greenhouse_Mk1'
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] newTextures) [0x000d9] in <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0 
  at PartLoader.CompileModel (UrlDir+UrlConfig cfg, ConfigNode partCfg, System.Single scaleFactor, AvailablePart partInfo) [0x004d4] in <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0 
  at PartLoader.ParsePart (UrlDir+UrlConfig urlConfig, ConfigNode node) [0x00103] in <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0 
  at PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext () [0x005f5] in <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0 


Whatever mod is in the MunSeeker folder, is causing an exception during load, and that halts everything

Remove that and try again


Edit:  If you are using this:   https://github.com/MunSeeker/Greenhouse-Mk1

Be aware that it's 6 years old, most likely is not working with current release.  At the very least, the configs will need to be fixed.

I'm going to take an educated guess and say the problem is here:

		model = Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model
		texture = ksp_l_cupola_diff, MunSeeker/Greenhouse_Mk1/Parts/greenhouse/greenhouse_mk1_diff

this is referencing the old model, and has most likely been replaced in the past 6 years

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Hi. I'm having the "DLL not compatible with this version" error. I'm on KSP 1.11.2, and the mod version is

I didn't dig too deep in the log file but I found this:

[ERR 12:53:39.989] [AddonLoader]: Exception iterating 'StationScience': Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.

[LOG 12:53:39.990] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Startup' from assembly 'KSPe.Light.TweakScale'
[ ... ]
[LOG 12:53:40.001] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Starter' from assembly 'MiniAVC'

[EXC 12:53:40.028] ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
    System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
    AssemblyLoader+LoadedAssembly.TypeOperation (System.Action`1[T] action) (at <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0)
    AssemblyLoader+LoadedAssembyList.TypeOperation (System.Action`1[T] action) (at <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0)
    GameDatabase.SetupMainLoaders () (at <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0)
    GameDatabase+<LoadObjects>d__90.MoveNext () (at <06f13185617646e5bc801baeab53ab75>:0)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
[LOG 12:53:40.029] [ModuleManager] Intercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs:
StationScience GameData\StationScience\Plugins\StationScience.dll

Here's the full KSP.log:

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Hi, got a similar problem too.

Mods installed : StationScience + ZeroMiniAVC (Ckan)

I get stuck on the verifying expansion part of the loading, don't have anything written though. (Had to alt+f4 the game after a while)

KSP.log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/gmo7d47uycfdxeq/KSP.log?dl=0


Edit : Forgot to say it's a fresh install too.

Edited by Aramid
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On 3/22/2021 at 8:27 AM, AnonymusITA said:

Hi. I'm having the "DLL not compatible with this version" error. I'm on KSP 1.11.2, and the mod version is



On 3/24/2021 at 5:00 PM, Aramid said:

Hi, got a similar problem too.

Mods installed : StationScience + ZeroMiniAVC (Ckan)

I get stuck on the verifying expansion part of the loading, don't have anything written though. (Had to alt+f4 the game after a while)

Install SpaceTuxLibraries, it's a dependency (I just added it to the OP)

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On 2/3/2021 at 5:29 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

I've taken it up now.

First, thank you very much for overtaking this very nice mod (+ merging with Fuel-Science) and
generally for your work. What would KSP be now without your ongoing enthusiasm.

I tried around this beta (deleted old version from GameData and manually droped 2.601 in my
1.11.2 Career-savegame - updated from 1.11 by Squad-KSP-Updater) and found out, that:

.) the Experiments immediately want to start on Launchpad without any user-action.
OnScreen-messege: Cant perform Experiment here
Experiement-Status: Bad Location

.) Also Experiments can immediately be finalized after docking - without starting/processing.
No need of ReasearchLab/Zoology/Cyclotron

.) WITH Experiment result onboard (docked and free-fly) the finalize-button exist.
Experimen-Status = Starved

.) On MPL i can "Cleaning Out" the docked Experiment with/without finalized.
After cleaning out the menu-entry dont go away.

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45 minutes ago, Jansn67 said:

First, thank you very much for overtaking this very nice mod (+ merging with Fuel-Science) and
generally for your work. What would KSP be now without your ongoing enthusiasm.

I tried around this beta (deleted old version from GameData and manually droped 2.601 in my
1.11.2 Career-savegame - updated from 1.11 by Squad-KSP-Updater) and found out, that:

.) the Experiments immediately want to start on Launchpad without any user-action.
OnScreen-messege: Cant perform Experiment here
Experiement-Status: Bad Location

.) Also Experiments can immediately be finalized after docking - without starting/processing.
No need of ReasearchLab/Zoology/Cyclotron

.) WITH Experiment result onboard (docked and free-fly) the finalize-button exist.
Experimen-Status = Starved

.) On MPL i can "Cleaning Out" the docked Experiment with/without finalized.
After cleaning out the menu-entry dont go away.

Not your fault, but it's annoying that after  a month in beta with no real issues reported, that you came up with this as soon as I released it from beta.

Do you have the SpaceTuxLibrary installed?

Please provide the craft file you used to test, also the save would be useful.

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38 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Do you have the SpaceTuxLibrary installed?

Please provide the craft file you used to test, also the save would be useful.

Thank you for replying.

SpaceTUX-Lib 0.0.6 is installed.

You can find files at

Hope i provided all neccessary.

PS: CKAN : Some of Mods are installed manually cause of shown as not compatible
with KSP 1.1x and above. But seems to work as they should.
Maybe a special view to "KerboKatz AutomatedScienceSampler", thats really old.

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@linuxgurugamerDid a quick test by piling experiment and labs on the launchpad, can't reproduce the problem.
It's a heavy mod save, with the CKAN version of Moar Station Science. Game launched without any problem. (YEAY !)

@Jansn67I don't have any KerboKatz mod though, so it's probably the source of your problem

Edit : Can't even start them manually on the launchpad, the game tell me to go to space. (Expected behavior I suppose)

Edit 2 : @linuxgurugamer Did you include Fuel Science ? I notice I got a "Rocket Fuel Testing" experiment and, well, I can get approx 1400 science point from it just from the KSC. Especially easy with "Kerbin Environmental Institute" ^^'

Edited by Aramid
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34 minutes ago, Jansn67 said:

PS: CKAN : Some of Mods are installed manually cause of shown as not compatible

Did you know that you can tell CKAN to accept older mods as compatible?  

Settings->Compatible Game Versions

and then enable (add checks) to the left of 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11

Keep in mind that while most mods work from those versions, not all do.  But still best to let CKAN do the install and them remove the checks when done


Edit:  Where did you get UBIO Welding from?

And I see you are also using Mechjeb, are you using it for launches?

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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Did you know that you can tell CKAN to accept older mods as compatible?  

Edit:  Where did you get UBIO Welding from?

And I see you are also using Mechjeb, are you using it for launches?

I know CKAN can, but i use this very carefully.
(And some Mods arent on CKAN, SPS for example, never found better RCS.)
Mix Mods for different KSP-versions was often destroying my KSP-settings/savegames.

UbiWelding: Have a big Mod-Archive for each KSP-version back to 0.22 or so,
or maybe i googled out, dont know , was easy to find....
PS: i use that one:

MechJeb (THE Killer-mod, without i would never get depended to KSP) i use
only for launches from KSC-Launchpad. For others i use GravityTurn.
GT easily save launches for each vessel on each location.
But is confusing on Kerbin - > so MechJeb.

PS: UbiWelding: in CKAN switch to ALL, look for Mod, visit HOMEPAGE/GITHUB
(when avaibla) an click through the coming Threads/Results.

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10 minutes ago, Jansn67 said:

UbiWelding: in CKAN switch to ALL, look for Mod, visit HOMEPAGE/GITHUB

Doesnt work past 1.4.5.

Sorry to say, the fact that this isn't reproducible, and the large number of mods makes it extremely difficult to debug.

You need to start with a fresh install, install MSS and test.  Then, add a few mods at a time and test until you can reproduce the problem

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36 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Doesnt work past 1.4.5.

Sorry to say, the fact that this isn't reproducible, and the large number of mods makes it extremely difficult to debug.

You need to start with a fresh install, install MSS and test.  Then, add a few mods at a time and test until you can reproduce the problem

PS: i saw now, that my GameData-folder includes a lot of self-edited config-files,
that can not come with ckan.. sorry for that.

Ok, Welding didnt use it yet -> throw out.

Thanks for your time and attemps.

Yes, lot of cosying mods :p, the surrogate of years of KSP playing.
Will test that stuff in an isolated install next days, be patient, will come by.

Good night for now and greets from Vienna, Austria :)

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