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Stock USI LS

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While I use LS mods (I've previously used Snacks & USI-LS, just starting a career with Tac-LS), a lot of people don't and want nothing to do with them.  Personally, I'm not sure if I would want a stock LS system either.  I'm not particularly happy with how several mod ideas that have made it into stock have been implemented, and worry that a stock LS system would be the same.  

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Exactally, I am not annoyed that its added, I just would perfer something that is more interesting and useful, Like, idk, an ISRU and extraplanetary launchpads update, essentially, you can launch stuff off planet, and build it there, time needed incentivises building bases

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16 hours ago, kspnerd122 said:

anyone can figure it out

I couldn't figure out Snacks, which is much simpler. I was always running out of food even on trivial Mun missions. Somehow the estimates were always too low.


16 hours ago, kspnerd122 said:

turn negative effects off

Then what's the point? Either have it and deal with everything or not have it at all.

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Personally I think a 'stock' LS implementaion would be a good addition.   Nothing too detailed though.  I have not been tempted to try any mods for it yet, and don't anticipate doing so, but a stock feature I would definitely try.

It would of course need preference/difficulty settings (No consequences, Reduced crew function, Forced hibernation, Fatal etc. ), to accomodate different players' preferences and to give players the chance to add and integrate the 'bits and pieces' to their existing saves before activating it. 

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I'm opposed to stock LS, but not categorically. If it's tied in nicely with other gameplay systems involving resource management so that it creates more meaningful gameplay than just "stick on this magic part" or "stick on this much more dry mass," it could be quite enjoyable. Most LS mods I've looked at don't seem to do this; you could get the same gameplay effects simply by setting yourself a deadline for your mission duration and sticking on an ore tank for ballast. That's not enough.

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On 2/3/2021 at 12:54 PM, kspnerd122 said:

USI LS could be in stock, anyone can figure it out, also, if you don't know what to do, to grow supplies, just spam containers or turn negative effects off

USI is close enough to what a stock system would be. Heck, it's even made by a KSP dev! 

If you want life support, add the mod. It's pretty simple.

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13 minutes ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

If you want life support, add the mod. It's pretty simple.

Bingo. Don’t make all of us deal with something that a minority of players want. That just isn’t right. 

On 2/3/2021 at 6:58 PM, kspnerd122 said:

Exactally, I am not annoyed that its added, I just would perfer something that is more interesting and useful, Like, idk, an ISRU and extraplanetary launchpads update, essentially, you can launch stuff off planet, and build it there, time needed incentivises building bases

So, pretty much ksp2?

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KSP in it’s simplest form is about taking a complex subject and stripping away the fluff that makes it complicated, leaving just the basic core principles of the subject.   Rocket Fuel? Sure, ok, we’ll have some generic Liquid Fuel and generic Oxidizer.  No need for pressurization gases, ullage fuels,  or all that other jazz.  Orbital mechanics?  Of course we can do that, but we’ll get rid of the n-body riffraff to make it easier to understand and to compute.   ISRU? Heck yeah, but you only get one resource to utilize in situ, and that baby makes everything.   

If LS is ever included in the stock game, and it will have to be a user option at that, it must conform to this simplistic ethos that makes KSP great.    

Single resource, resource consumption, resource storage, resource generation.    That’s it.  

And as mentioned, there’s already a mod that does exactly that, and if anything gets incorporated into stock, it should be @Angel-125’s Snacks.    

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