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[1.12.x]CParts: CFYL's Chinese style parts pack [Now with CZ-1!][Sorta... abandoned]


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CParts: CFYL's Chinese style parts pack

CParts introduces new textures, new parts, and new ways of going to space!



CParts currently contains: 
    甲. 1.25m (Size1) fuel tanks in four lengths, all of which have four variants to choose from!
    乙. Three liquid fuel engines! YF-1 and YF-3 are loosely based on real-life CZ-1, while vernier engines are created from scratch.
    丙. A solid rocket booster: cheapstake yet useful!
    丁. A probe core that represents DFH-1 in real life!
    戊. Truss stack decoupler and engine plate!
    己. A prebuilt rocket that represents DFH-1 and CZ-1!

CParts will contain (in future updates):
    庚. MOAR Chinese style fuel tanks!
    辛. Blue/White Tailfins! (They are sometimes called the soul of Chinese rockets here in China cuz almost every Chinese rocket have them for stability)

CParts is stock-balanced. In future updates, I might add RSS patches.

Localization support for 

  • English (by @CFYL)
  • Español (by @AtomicTech)
  • 简体中文 (by @CFYL)
  • Post in this thread or PM me if you'd like to translate this mod into other languages^_^



Spacedock or Github

1. Make sure you have Module manager and Waterfall installed. They are hard dependencies of CParts.

2. Extract CParts_v1.1.0 / GameData / CParts to your game Kerbal Space Program / GameData / CParts.

3. (Optioanlly) go to KerbalX.com and download @CFYL's DFH-1 and CZ-1.

CKAN:    CKAN indexed. (may take some time for CKAN team to update)

Module Manager and Waterfall are required.
Persistent Rotation is recommended.
Stock Waterfall Effects and SRB Waterfall Effects are suggested.

Templates are copied from MOD StockWaterfallEffects / SRBWaterfallEffects but renamed.
EngineFX are copied from MOD StockWaterfallEffects / SRBWaterfallEffects with minor edits.
English and Chinese localization are created by @CFYL.
Spanish localization is created by @AtomichTech (0001-0017) and machine translation (0018-0046); see localization file for details.

Module manager source is under a "CC share-alike license" under the term specified by ialdabaoth here. He is the original creator of Module Manager. (here = https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-1-3-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs?p=528607&viewfull=1#post528607)
Author of the latest ModuleManager thread is @sarbian on the KSP forums.
Link to ModuleManager: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-18x-112x-module-manager-421-august-1st-2021-locked-inside-edition/

Waterfall is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4 license.
Author of Waterfall is @Nertea on the KSP forums.
Link to Waterfall: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/196309-112x-waterfall-a-framework-for-continuous-mesh-driven-engine-effects-jan-17/

StockWaterfallEffects is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Author of StockWaterfallEffects is @Knight of St John on the KSP forums. 
Link to StockWaterfallEffects: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/200334-112x-stock-waterfall-effects-a-waterfall-config-set-for-realistic-rocket-exhaust-plumes-for-the-stock-engines/

SRBWaterfallEffects is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Author of SRBWaterfallEffects is @Adiri on the KSP forums.
Link to SRBWaterfallEffects: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/207196-development-stopped-112x-srb-waterfall-effects-swe/

CParts is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Author of CParts is @CFYL on the KSP forums.
Link to CParts: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/200222-112xcparts-cfyls-chinese-style-parts-pack-now-with-cz-1/

Edited by CFYL
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Happy lunar new year everyone!:happy:

15 hours ago, Souptime said:


pics of all the parts would be good

14 hours ago, Souptime said:

Nvermind, those are the only parts

Yes, new parts are coming:

CParts v0.2 update, added two fuel tanks.

Now, all the TBD work is the two engines' configs, (because gimbal is a little hard for me:mellow:), and everything of the truss stack decoupler.

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1 hour ago, AllenLi said:

Happy lunar new year everyone!:happy:

Yes, new parts are coming:

CParts v0.2 update, added two fuel tanks.

Now, all the TBD work is the two engines' configs, (because gimbal is a little hard for me:mellow:), and everything of the truss stack decoupler.


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OK, So it's another update out at this moment. All parts done! Bur as you may see, the engines have no gimbal.

v0.3 download: link

v0.3 change log:

Added Truss Stack Decoupler.
Added YF-3 Liquid fuel engine.
Added YF-2 Liquid fuel enigne.
Added CASC Flag.
Added Sample Ship.
Decreased Isp value for PG-02 for stock balancing.
Some other minor config changes in Tank1, Tank2, and PG-02.

2 hours ago, Souptime said:



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I like this mod!

though there are some issues:

-the autoshroud on the third stage SRB doesn't work

-the lower node on the hollow interstage is probably placed a bit too high

-the upper stage engine has a higher sea level ISP than the first stage engine though it is vacuum optimised

-and the upper stage nozzle may be a little to big

the above list is not meant to apply pressure, just a list of small problems I found, the mod is still cool!

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6 hours ago, Starhelperdude said:

I like this mod!

though there are some issues:

-the autoshroud on the third stage SRB doesn't work

-the lower node on the hollow interstage is probably placed a bit too high

-the upper stage engine has a higher sea level ISP than the first stage engine though it is vacuum optimised

-and the upper stage nozzle may be a little to big

the above list is not meant to apply pressure, just a list of small problems I found, the mod is still cool!

Thanks for suggestions! 

I was a bit sleepy when messing about those cfgs, so problems occurred.

-123 should be solved ASAP, just some configuration. But I won't release an update until I 

-make sure all parts are balanced enough

-add gimbal to liquid fuel engines (which, I think, probably needs remodeling)

-finish Chinese translation (Err, I don't know why I only wrote the English version...)

Yes, I mean the update should be a v1.0-alpha if no other problems occurred.

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V1.0 released!


Remodeled YF-3.
Added autoshroud to YF-3.
Added gimbal to YF-2 and YF-3.
Added Chinese localization.
Removed CASC Flag from sample ship. 
Reduced solid fuel in PG-02 for stock balancing.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Oh @AtomicTech you haven't been around for a long time as well! I have enjoyed playing in your forum games, which you shall see among your overflowing notifications.

On 1/14/2022 at 3:22 AM, AtomicTech said:

If and when you get around to working on KSP mods again, I've made a Spanish Translation for you in GitHub.

Thank you so much! I'm back on the forums and back to KSP -- for several months. This autumn I will be entering highschool, which means I'm 15 now and I was 14 when I made this mod. I won't have much time for games and mods after that, but I will still spend my spare time refining the two mods I have already made (CParts, Ore Engines), especially when I'm not in the mood of playing KSP/KSP2. I have plans and ideas for new mods as well, but that draft being made into a mod depends on my amount of time available for KSP modding. For now I'm trying to reset my github password cuz I've forgotten it completely:D I will include your translation in a new update, in which I will possible also do some retexturing and remodelling, just to make it more "authentic", "beautiful" and "balanced". 

There are already very capable modders doing the same thing I was once trying to do: bring Chinese-style parts to KSP.

Since Kerwis is aimed at an RSS-RO scenario, I will focus on balancing CParts for Kerbal-scale worlds. But anyone who is interested in "authentic" things would possibly go to RSS-RO, which renders this mod nearly useless. Also, most KSP parts focused on real NASA parts or Soviet parts as of Making History. It is after some time of consideration and mental battles, that I found out I may eventually end up texturing stock-sized fuel tanks, engines, pods, or other parts, to a Chinese style. I'm not sure if someone has already done that though. Tell me if something exactly the same is already there so I don't have to do repeatitive work. (Restock? Other aesthetics mod? Some parts mod?) From my personal point of view, that sort of mod is currently missing, so I'm willing and excited to do it myself. But as I have previously mentioned, it won't be long before I completely lose the opportunity to play/mod/talk about KSP for up to 5 hours a week. At the very most 3 for daily life and more for festivals once I enter highschool, so progress will be slow. Thank you all for your appreciation.

Edited by AllenLi
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Status Update 4 hours after the previous one. That's all for today----fuel tanks with white and blue&white variants (stock variant system, not B9PS), and MM Patches to copy the tanks and change them into structural tubes. The collision mesh remains the same, so you can't walk your Kerbalnaut "into" the tubes. 


respository: https://github.com/CFYL/CParts

This is not enough for a v1.1 release. If you are in a mood of "waiting", please be patient.


Q: Why not have 1.25m engines in CParts? Your YF-1 is 0.625m and your YF-3 went all the way up to 2.5m.

A: I really can't find out a proper reason for this. But somehow I decided to do this...

Have fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Status update: I have abandoned the structural variants because they would confuse the shader system. I've finished the YF-3(vac lqd engine) and YF-1(atm lqd engine) engines as well as all size 1 tanks. I'll push out a v1.1 when I finish GF-02(vac SRB) engine and the truss stack decoupler. 

These are photos of the real thing. I didn't follow the actual complicated pipes and lines.

3515881576594950011_440075608609779712.jYF-2 engine is a quad-cluster of YF-1s.

3515881576594950011_440075609683521536.jYF-3 engine is a vacuum variant of the YF-1 engine.


This is the actual sat&SRB combined

This is part list that I aim to finish in v1.1.

FuelTanks/Size1TankLength1, S1TL2, S1TL3, S1TL4 (all of them are finished)

ProbeCore/DFH-1 (using the part from v1.0)

Engines/YF-1 Lqd Fuel Engine (finished)

Coupling/Truss stack decoupler (unfinished)

Engines/YF-3 Lqd Fuel Engine (finished model & config, still lacking waterfall config for exhaust flame)

Engines/GF-02 SRB (unfinished)

Engines/(small SRB for spinning) (still trying to figure out a name; unfinished)

Engines/(Small Vernior Engine) (still trying to figure out a name; unfinished)

RCS/ (Small Vernior Engine RCS Variant) (still trying to figure out a name; unfinished)

Structural/YF-2 Base (finished)

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v1.1.0 release!





Moved every part except DFH-1 in V1.0 to zDeprecated.
Added YF-1 Liquid fuel engine.
Added YF-2 Base.
Added Size1TankLength1, S1TL2, S1TL3 and S1TL4.
Added YF-3 Liquid fuel engine
Added GF-02 solid rocket booster
Added Size1 Truss Stack Decoupler
Added basic SAS mode (without reaction wheel) to DFH-1
Cloned stock separatron to make a lighter and weaker spinning motor
Added Spanish localization (half by @AtomicTech and half by machine translation)
Updated README.txt.
Updated LICENSE.txt by adding a human-readable version of the same license.
Added Waterfall as dependency to make engine exhaust.
Beginning to add descriptions in github commits ^_^


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I‘ll try to follow this chart for future updates (planned for 2023) regarding engines.

YF-20 will loosely follow this thread and (let's hope) more variants will be added to fuel tanks.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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