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[1.12.5] Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack (v1.1.8) - A journey to a black hole (Aug 31, 2024)

Jason Kerman

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12 hours ago, xdross said:

Hi, I uninstalled parallax and that seemed to work. Is that due to a conflict with parallax? Or could it just be a memory thing? The game only uses around 8gb of RAM when running. Thanks again for the help! 

I believe there are some conflicts between GU and Kcalbeloh's parallax configs. Personally, I won't recommend using the two planet mods at the same time since both mods encompass substantial content, and installing them together could lead to significant RAM usage and loading time.

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  • 1 month later...

On the surface of quite a few atmospheric planets in this pack, I see this weird lighting bug, where whenever i look at kcalbeloh, or the star the atmospheric planet is orbiting around, I see weird boxy lines and glitches, almost like part of the fog is gone from part of the screen.


Though when you turn away it looks completely normal.


Also why does thatmo from OPM look like this now?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have encounter a bug: IVA from RasterPropMonitor and ASET not response to click after a wormhole warping.

The IVA works normal until enter the wormhole then warp to kcalbeloh system, if I click buttons in IVA they won't response so I can't switch the display in moniters, toggle lights, action groups, etc.

I uploaded two log files when I do wormhole warp, log

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2 hours ago, MoonorkaLamia said:

I have encounter a bug: IVA from RasterPropMonitor and ASET not response to click after a wormhole warping.

The IVA works normal until enter the wormhole then warp to kcalbeloh system, if I click buttons in IVA they won't response so I can't switch the display in moniters, toggle lights, action groups, etc.

I uploaded two log files when I do wormhole warp, log

I did few test, it wasn't wormhole cause the IVA bug, I went to sera, suluco and other planet orbit around sunorc directly by cheat in debug menu without wormhole's help, and I found buttons in IVA don't work, until I went other star and planet near kcalbeloh, the IVA works normal again.

I think for some reason the interact function of IVA broke when the ship is in sunorc system.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the late reply! 

On 9/23/2023 at 2:47 AM, Bulltoad said:

On the surface of quite a few atmospheric planets in this pack, I see this weird lighting bug, where whenever i look at kcalbeloh, or the star the atmospheric planet is orbiting around, I see weird boxy lines and glitches, almost like part of the fog is gone from part of the screen.


Though when you turn away it looks completely normal.


Also why does thatmo from OPM look like this now?



It looks like the issue of scatterer. You may also want to report to scatterer's developer.

On 10/8/2023 at 6:10 PM, warcrimeswilly said:

researchbodies compatibility?

Yes, it's compatible with research bodies.

On 10/13/2023 at 10:19 AM, MoonorkaLamia said:

I did few test, it wasn't wormhole cause the IVA bug, I went to sera, suluco and other planet orbit around sunorc directly by cheat in debug menu without wormhole's help, and I found buttons in IVA don't work, until I went other star and planet near kcalbeloh, the IVA works normal again.

I think for some reason the interact function of IVA broke when the ship is in sunorc system.

Thank you for reporting it! I have no idea why it happened right now, but I will try to reproduce it and find out what caused the issue.

On 11/4/2023 at 2:24 AM, NebulaPlayz said:

This is a fantastic planet pack! I was wondering if there's any custom configs or settings I can change to  brighten the wormhole in RSS

The brightness of the wormhole depends on the brightness of your skybox. You can choose a brighter skybox or use Distant Object Enhancement to tweak the brightness of your skybox. TUFX is also an option.

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Release v1.1.4


Installtion Guide

  1. Install Kcalbeloh System
    • If you have an older version of the Kcalbeloh System installed, please completely delete it before proceeding with the new version.
    • Download Kcalbeloh-System-(v1.x.x).zip.
    • Extract the zip file and put all three folders in /GameData (000_NiakoUtils, KcalbelohSystem and KopernicusExpansion) to your [KSP installation folder]/GameData/ folder.
    • Do NOT download KcalbelohExtras.zip unless you know what it is used for.
  2. Install Dependencies
  3. Install Visuals
    The planet pack works fine without visual mods, but it will lose a large part of its aesthetic.
    • EVE Redux: for clouds, dust storms, and auroras.
    • Scatterer: for realistic atmosphere, oceans, and sun flares.

Changes since v1.1.2

  1. Added a lot of science definitions, including the experiments in DMagic Orbital Science and science definition support for Homeswitch. Thanks to the contribution of the community, the science definitions are mostly complete for almost every celestial body and experiment type, with nearly 3000 items and 50000 words in total for you to discover!
  2. Added the option to have realistic-sized stars.
  3. Added a tail to Arorua.
  4. Improved RSS, RSSVE and EVO compatibility without any extra patches (replacing RSSKopernicusSettings.cfg is not needed anymore).
  5. Added the option to remove Kerbol system if homeswitch is enabled.
  6. Added principia support for homeswitch.
  7. New loading screens from winners of the loading screen contest.
  8. Other minor improvements and fixes.
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Hi, I've installed Kcalbeloh with all dependencies, but I'm stuck in infinite loading purgatory when I try to boot. The game works fine with my other planet mods installed, namely OPM, GEP, and MPE. It's only when I install Kcalbeloh does my KSP.log file end up infinitely printing this:

[EXC 14:35:24.194] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate () (at <9bdb64aa6aaa4b9a9e84353a1e20d0f1>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

I reinstalled all dependencies (Singularity, Kopernicus, MFI) and nothing changed.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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On 11/14/2023 at 9:12 AM, Siphon said:

Will running Kcalbeloh with eve volumetrics installed break the mods visuals? Or will they work as usual just without volumetrics?

I haven't tried it yet but I think it will work normally. Also, someone has made volumetrics support for Kcalbeloh if you want to try:


I will make official support for volumetrics after its public release.

23 hours ago, AwesomeDude3664 said:

Hi, I've installed Kcalbeloh with all dependencies, but I'm stuck in infinite loading purgatory when I try to boot. The game works fine with my other planet mods installed, namely OPM, GEP, and MPE. It's only when I install Kcalbeloh does my KSP.log file end up infinitely printing this:

[EXC 14:35:24.194] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Kopernicus.Components.KopernicusStar.LateUpdate () (at <9bdb64aa6aaa4b9a9e84353a1e20d0f1>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

I reinstalled all dependencies (Singularity, Kopernicus, MFI) and nothing changed.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Can you share your Logs-Kopernicus.zip? It's in [KSP folder]/Logs/

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20 hours ago, Jason Kerman said:

I haven't tried it yet but I think it will work normally. Also, someone has made volumetrics support for Kcalbeloh if you want to try:


Thank you for enlightening me as to the existence of this config. It works wonderfully and I would recommend linking it under the compatibility section of the main page so that others can find it.

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This is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I will ever see in KSP 1. Sadly, it's bittersweet for me, as I don't feel I could ever download it. My compulsion to visit everything is barely satisfiable in the stock game, and simply not visiting a single planet would drive me crazy. Perhaps someday, when I have much more free time and a better PC than I do now, I will explore everything. What would be really nice is 5 or 10 of me to help out.

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On 12/3/2023 at 5:10 AM, Syczek said:

Anyone tried this mod plus GU plus Other Worlds Reboot with parallax,and managed to get work them together

I tried this mod along GU and didn't manage to make them work together. Seems like after i installed both manually, Kopernicus get furious with the idea and caused the game crash everytime. Uninstalling GU *OR* Kcalbeloh didnt resolve the crashing, i haved to remove both, and make a clean installation of one or the other. Finally i chose this one...

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hello, sorry if this as been asked before, I just have installed this mod, all the installation process looks fine, but when I try to launch a rocket, ship or whatever, everything "slides" to the south, making impossible to do any launch...any clue?



ksp 1.12.3, resized to 10x (sigma installed), homeswitch to efil, kerbol system disabled, wormholes disabled

Edited by Makrom
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36 minutes ago, Makrom said:

hello, sorry if this as been asked before, I just have installed this mod, all the installation process looks fine, but when I try to launch a rocket, ship or whatever, everything "slides" to the south, making impossible to do any launch...any clue?



ksp 1.12.3, resized to 10x (sigma installed), homeswitch to efil, kerbol system disabled, wormholes disabled

I assume the navball and "ECEF" speed readout is from Principia? Have you checked to make sure Principia is compatible with this and Sigma?

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