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[1.8 - 1.12] KSPCommunityFixes - Bugfixes and QoL tweaks


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A large amount of content has been redacted and/or removed, due to off-topic digressions and other issues.

For anyone interested in the detailed technical minutiae of the specific problem that @NippyFlippers raised, please see the GitHub issue that JonnyOThan was kind enough to open for that purpose:

On 2/1/2024 at 10:35 PM, JonnyOThan said:

I opened a GitHub issue here for tracking: https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPCommunityFixes/issues/191

Thank you for your understanding.

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(Edit: Sorry - wrong thread!)
Adding this little gem of a MM Patch for those that might think to look here instead of elsewhere in the forum.
Is it worth adding this to the community fix patch or would this be changing something too many people have grown used to by now?

MM Patch to fix the Stock Altimeter so it reads with the triangle hand being 10,000x

    @hand100Name = MediumArm
    @hand1000Name = ShortArm
    @hand10000Name = LongArm


Edited by cyberKerb
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3 hours ago, cyberKerb said:

Is it worth adding this to the community fix patch

I'm sure there are exceptions, but @Gotmachine has indicated to me that simple MM patches or config changes for QOL issues are out of scope for KSPCF.  Thanks for bringing this to my attention though, and I'll second Poodmund's suggestion that it should be added to that database (which I was unaware of!).  And perhaps there should be a stronger link between KSPCF and the community patch database.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I've been away from KSP for a few months and started putting together a new modlist for a fresh start. KSP Community Fixes is the first one on the list. My problem is that randomly I'll get a KSPCF warning for  a plugin failing to load: Microsoft.GeneratedCode in 'Dynamic'


I can't seem to narrow down what other mod might be causing it, or if it's even caused by a mod at all. I get it randomly/sporadically. On the exact same modlist, I might get it once out of every four or five start-ups and then I'll start getting it on every start-up and then back to one out of every ten to fifteen. So just adding/removing mods to narrow down is downright difficult, if not potentially impossible due to the inconsistent nature of it.

Hopefully, someone here has an idea what's causing it, or a better way to find incompatibilities for this warning; or maybe the warning doesn't really affect gameplay for the most part?

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1 hour ago, MartyrKomplx said:

So, I've been away from KSP for a few months and started putting together a new modlist for a fresh start. KSP Community Fixes is the first one on the list. My problem is that randomly I'll get a KSPCF warning for  a plugin failing to load: Microsoft.GeneratedCode in 'Dynamic'


I can't seem to narrow down what other mod might be causing it, or if it's even caused by a mod at all. I get it randomly/sporadically. On the exact same modlist, I might get it once out of every four or five start-ups and then I'll start getting it on every start-up and then back to one out of every ten to fifteen. So just adding/removing mods to narrow down is downright difficult, if not potentially impossible due to the inconsistent nature of it.

Hopefully, someone here has an idea what's causing it, or a better way to find incompatibilities for this warning; or maybe the warning doesn't really affect gameplay for the most part?

You'll need to post your ksp.log somewhere for someone to look at.

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14 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

You'll need to post your ksp.log somewhere for someone to look at.

Oh man. What a complete brain fart I had. I was too busy installing/uninstalling for the error, I didn't think to actually look at the log except in passing because it just said "This is usually harmless"

But ... after looking, it's always right around the time MiniAVC is called. So I tried finding/renaming all the MiniAVC.dll in GameData and it stopped giving me the warning (at least so far, 4 of 4 clean game launches  on a modlist that was 100% throwing the warning). I'll be launching the game more times to verify. Then I need to figure out why my game crashes when changing scenes to the launchpad, 99% sure it's not related to this Fixes mod though.

I'm sorry my brain fart wasted your time like that, but thanks for reminding me and snapping me out of that loop.

Edited by MartyrKomplx
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  • 4 weeks later...

There was a bug where the parts would stay in their old location if you attempted to move them. I found a fix by disabling "KSPCF:attachedonedit" which was simply right click the part and click the button. It was tedious to do for every part but it worked.

But recently I've noticed these options disappear. I've double checked and I have advanced tweakables enabled, but where are the KSPCF buttons on the parts? Attachedonedit used to be right underneath Stealbackmyfunds but now both of these buttons are gone.

Is this fixable, and can I get the buttons back? Because now all my ships are broken and I need to click the button but they no longer exist.

Basically every single design I have is now broken because these buttons disappeared. Unsure if an update was posted removing the buttons, but if so, why?

Update: (this post actually might be misplaced, I think the attachedonedit and stealbackmyfunds are KSP-Recall things)

Update: I found another way to fix my ships, somehow putting them into a subassembly and taking it back out fixes it. This is not an issue anymore this post can be ignored.

Edited by kspkat
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2 hours ago, kspkat said:

(this post actually might be misplaced, I think the attachedonedit and stealbackmyfunds are KSP-Recall things)

Yes, those are in KSP-recall and you should remove it.  The stock bug that “stealbackmyfunds” is supposed to fix is also fixed in a different and better way by KSPCF.

Edited by JonnyOThan
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On 3/26/2024 at 5:56 PM, JonnyOThan said:

Yes, those are in KSP-recall and you should remove it.  The stock bug that “stealbackmyfunds” is supposed to fix is also fixed in a different and better way by KSPCF.

No. What KSPCF handles is the "Refunding" related to the IPartCostModifier not being called.

The "steal back" handles another problem related to lack of precision on using floats while handling funds and, in fact, KSPCF's fix do the exact same mistake (not that it has too much choice, as the KSP's foundation when handling costs are the problem).


On 3/26/2024 at 2:56 PM, kspkat said:

There was a bug where the parts would stay in their old location if you attempted to move them. I found a fix by disabling "KSPCF:attachedonedit" which was simply right click the part and click the button. It was tedious to do for every part but it worked.

Yeah, I was (unfortunately, as it appears) advised to remove these buttons, as they were "cluttering" the PAW. I will have it restored by the morning.

It's my understanding that KSPCF would disable the BetterEditorUndoRedo, that changed some fickle synchronization inside KSP guts and got Recall (used by TweakScale™) with its pants down. There's something else happening on your rig, as it appears.

Edited by Lisias
better choose of words.
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  • 1 month later...

I seem to be experiencing a minor but annoy glitch and I think I narrowed down the conflicts.

KSPCommunityFixes seems to have a conflict with LRTR.  When run together KCF causes LRTR tech tree icons to disappear.  I tried with and without PNG optimization. 






Edited by Scottmm78
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I have tried installing your mod list and I still can't reproduce the issue locally, so this doesn't seem to be a weird mod interaction either.

It seems the disappearing icons are only the multiple-of-4-width/height ones, meaning those that aren't converted from PNG to DXT5.
Which is something that stock does as well, the KSPCF optimization just is that those converted textures are saved on your disk to avoid having to convert them every time KSP is launched.

So I'm a bit lost as to what could be happening on your end. Are you 100% sure that this happen both with the PNG caching optimization enabled and disabled ? Because when it is disabled, KSPCF really doesn't do anything very differently than stock.

To be sure this isn't due to some interaction with another mod, could you try in a KSP install with only KSPCF (and its dependencies, MM and harmony) installed and this stripped down version of LRTR that only has the tech tree : https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPCommunityFixes/files/15209622/LRTR_KSPCF_Test.zip (please provide logs again with this)

For reference, tracking your issue here : https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPCommunityFixes/issues/224

Edited by Gotmachine
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46 minutes ago, Gotmachine said:

I have tried installing your mod list and I still can't reproduce the issue locally, so this doesn't seem to be a weird mod interaction either.

It seems the disappearing icons are only the multiple-of-4-width/height ones, meaning those that aren't converted from PNG to DXT5.
Which is something that stock does as well, the KSPCF optimization just is that those converted textures are saved on your disk to avoid having to convert them every time KSP is launched.

So I'm a bit lost as to what could be happening on your end. Are you 100% sure that this happen both with the PNG caching optimization enabled and disabled ? Because when it is disabled, KSPCF really doesn't do anything very differently than stock.

To be sure this isn't due to some interaction with another mod, could you try in a KSP install with only KSPCF (and its dependencies, MM and harmony) installed and this stripped down version of LRTR that only has the tech tree : https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPCommunityFixes/files/15209622/LRTR_KSPCF_Test.zip (please provide logs again with this)

For reference, tracking your issue here : https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPCommunityFixes/issues/224

Log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1COk5IJQveQaTs0UNQ728nbsxe5Se5OTR/view?usp=sharing


same odd bug when cached and uncached with and with out texturecache folder

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Okay, thanks for checking.

Turns out that I managed to reproduce it by running the game from the same path as you (ie, the steam directory).
It somehow only happen in that case, and I'm frankly a bit puzzled about that. Will try to get to the bottom of this.

In the meantime, I would guess you should probably be able to work around the issue by moving your KSP install elsewhere as well.

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3 minutes ago, Gotmachine said:

Okay, thanks for checking.

Turns out that I managed to reproduce it by running the game from the same path as you (ie, the steam directory).
It somehow only happen in that case, and I'm frankly a bit puzzled about that. Will try to get to the bottom of this.

In the meantime, I would guess you should probably be able to work around the issue by moving your KSP install elsewhere as well.

Check the code that reads the Tech Tree's file (TechTree.cfg), perhaps this can be a Module Manager glitch, or perhaps MM is doing it right, but with the wrong file as KSP itself could be shoving the file on the wrong place.

Check what's inside the PDLauncher directory.

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The file is correctly found, that's not the issue.

Okay, this has nothing to do with the path of the install, sorry for that.
This is caused by having a lower than max global mipmap level active during loading.
The workaround is to set "texture quality" to "full res" in the KSP main menu video settings (and given that you have quite decent hardware, you probably should anyway), then to restart the game.
But I will investigate how to avoid that issue anyway.

Edited by Gotmachine
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