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Cat Picture Thread!


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On 3/15/2024 at 5:02 AM, kerbiloid said:

Sounds like an good idea for my old cat as she always got into fights, think she would prefer an open faced helmet and more freedom for the neck. And I would another suit of armor to dress here. 
Think I prefer the samurai one because better mobility. 

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We started giving my cat wet food, and I showed him the can. He was sniffing it acting in interested. But then I popped it open and he started meowing like crazy and chasing after me.

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 3/31/2024 at 7:42 AM, Ryaja said:

We started giving my cat wet food, and I showed him the can. He was sniffing it acting in interested. But then I popped it open and he started meowing like crazy and chasing after me.

That stuff is basically drugs, if we judge by feline behavior.

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On 3/31/2024 at 6:42 AM, Ryaja said:

We started giving my cat wet food, and I showed him the can. He was sniffing it acting in interested. But then I popped it open and he started meowing like crazy and chasing after me.

I bought wet food ins packs of cat meal sized portions. The closed bag or can has no smell, but then you open it, I thought the cat should notice the bags and try to open them, it was just plastic but she never tried. 

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10 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

I bought wet food ins packs of cat meal sized portions. The closed bag or can has no smell, but then you open it, I thought the cat should notice the bags and try to open them, it was just plastic but she never tried. 

I held it near his face and he didn't really notice anything till I opened it.

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4 hours ago, DDE said:


That stuff is basically drugs, if we judge by feline behavior.

in our case, its cat treats. every time somone rustles a chip bag or something like that, the cats think they are getting treats, and get really demanding. we usually feel guilty and get out the cat treats at that point. one time i got a bag of cat nip and the cats were disapointed it wasnt treats, look at us all judgy like, before turning into total nipheads over the course of the next 30 seconds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/12/2024 at 8:30 PM, kerbiloid said:

An idea for the cat food PR.

"Packed in bags with sound of scratching mouse, identical to the natural one."

they react to any kind of food packaging that cat food/treats/nip are packed in. bags, cans, pull taps, those little zipper pouches. sometimes i open a bag of chips and then the cats guilt trip me for not giving them any treats.  i usually either give in and get them some treats or, if i dont have any, hide from them because i dont want to see their sad eyes while i eat my chips.

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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

I spy a book about Soviet aviation in the Korean War.

As well as "History of Russian Diolomacy" (right), "The Empire in Color" (Prokudin-Gorsky's photo album, left) and ok the table on front of him is... something titlted "Sauron".

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