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Stupid newbe question about build editer

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4 hours ago, Ray Gott said:

Having problems getting my solid rocket boosters to attach to my center core. Any tricks to aligning parts and getting then to attach. they look good in the VAB, but when i get to launch site they fall off. I've been getting frustrated. Any help?

Does this happen when you try to launch, or when just going to the launch pad?


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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Does this happen when you try to launch, or when just going to the launch pad?

ya, that's what I thought too, he probably talks about trying to launch with the decouplers set on the 1st stage.

Edited by antipro
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7 hours ago, Ray Gott said:

Having problems getting my solid rocket boosters to attach to my center core. Any tricks to aligning parts and getting then to attach. they look good in the VAB, but when i get to launch site they fall off. I've been getting frustrated. Any help?




If you have a Twitch account or set one up I and other could watch as you do it but Im willing to bet your not staging correct. with boosters you want the engine to burn than the decuple in a different frame or stage, a picture or shot vid would help more here. it on the outside chance your hot key could be the problem I moved my staging to page down because if you have a sensitive keyboard like mine just a light touch will set it off. There is one mod out there I can not remember this was a problem with.  sometime a clean restall will fix the problem. just save all your files to the desktop make a new file named kerbal that's the ships you have built and all the saves you have you can reload after you have opened Kerbal again and use it to at lest new game or get to play default a little this insure a clean path. I  don't make any mods anymore take way to much time and effort to keep up. there are people on here that are great with this new stuff and do a nice job  its just some mods don't work well with others, Nothing against any mod maker.  its a great game but can be frustrating. Just remember its not rocket science. Oh yes make sure you have any auto staging turned off if your using MCJEB2 if using boosters for your first stage  

3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Does this happen when you try to launch, or when just going to the launch pad?


Do you remember the mod that did this there was one when you went to the pad the side decuples would all go off

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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Very vaguely.  But without any information from @Ray Gott we are only guessing. We do t even know if he is using mods or not.

Have you seen my recent post on Ship not together but still connected I have not seen this before or anyone having this problem. I have tried removing mods but it still happens or I don't know what mods are causing the issue. its like my ship is disassembled than Kerbal decides to remake my ship in its own likening with spaces in-between I have had ship just blow up or do the krak en

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17 minutes ago, flekota said:

Have you seen my recent post on Ship not together but still connected I have not seen this before or anyone having this problem. I have tried removing mods but it still happens or I don't know what mods are causing the issue. its like my ship is disassembled than Kerbal decides to remake my ship in its own likening with spaces in-between I have had ship just blow up or do the krak en

No, and without a  link to it, I'm still not going to see it :-)


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13 hours ago, Ray Gott said:

Having problems getting my solid rocket boosters to attach to my center core. Any tricks to aligning parts and getting then to attach. they look good in the VAB, but when i get to launch site they fall off. I've been getting frustrated. Any help?




Try stuts. Those always work. :D

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