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Somewhere to put any knowledge learned about using the .mu plugin.

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  On 10/27/2022 at 4:02 PM, Concodroid said:

 know most people here are using blender as an intermediary step, to put parts back into KSP, but there are actually quite a few people who, like me, simply want to import craft into blender and render them.


Then you might be interested in watching progress on this... It can be used in place of Cycles or maybe even EEVEE? vOv
Supposedly, theres maybe already a way to add it as a Blender addon.. vOv
I just skimmed the comments really quickk... vOv


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  On 10/27/2022 at 4:13 PM, Stone Blue said:

Then you might be interested in watching progress on this... It can be used in place of Cycles or maybe even EEVEE? vOv
Supposedly, theres maybe already a way to add it as a Blender addon.. vOv
I just skimmed the comments really quickk... vOv



I've been watching that like a hawk ever since the announcement. Very excited for it; mostly because it might include some assets from the How to Train your Dragon series, which I'm a huge fan of.

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Tried out something that is a new technique for me. In the add ons that come with BforArtists ( And I would assume in Blender too) there is one that can be activated that allows you to import pictures as a plane. Basically like having a drawing on a piece of paper in the workspace. So I got an aircraft schematic off of wikipedia, imported it in and added single vertices one at a time in key positions over the picture. Once I had all I wanted on one side, I joined them all with edges then duplicated and flipped 180 degrees. Lined up the centre line vertices and merged them together. This gave me a 2d template to build my aircraft in, so I would get the dimensions reasonably right. I had layed down 2 vertices first that were the reported length of the craft and then equally in 2 dimensions resized the drawing to match. It is working quite well. I could also see this as having a pic in your workspace to reference without having to go out of the program window.

Progress so far.


Edited by ColdJ
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I need a little help, with the addons, i already create and import into KSP multiple part with the addons.

However for some reason one of the part don't export/render propely, the part is black and have no node in the game:

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I already make a certain number part and i don't see what i did different for it to not working/export? propely. According to the log the part is loaded correctly and is not missing textures. I think i have tunnel vision.

Thanks for the help.

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  On 10/29/2022 at 4:31 PM, josselin2196 said:

However for some reason one of the part don't export/render propely, the part is black and have no node in the game:

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Leave shader Name: blank...

but you have something in the shader "Colors" dropdown...
post a pic with that expanded

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Hi. More info is always helpful when working out these things.

First. Your shader seems to have " Colour attribute" rather than "Vertex colour." Is this something you changed, or when you chose from the shader list is this what came up?

This is what it usually looks like. The Vcolour is detatched by me so the texture shows, due to the quirk of it not showing in blender when attached. This is only after I saved the original untouched and then imported it back. If you did this before saving a brand new materials set up then it would be saved as detatched.


Second: Could you show where your UV map is covering your image. Need to know if it is aligned to your image correctly. If it is not or you forgot to create one then that could mean it is over a black section or not on the image at all. Which would cause it to be black in the game.

Third: Is the image you are working with a .png or a .dds? If it is a .dds then your UV map would be upside down and not on the sections you think they are. .dds are flipped compared to all other formats. Also KSP only can use .dds that are BC3 (Linear, DXT5)


So if you could check these things out and let us know if you found the problem that would be great.

Or pop up the needed pics and info if you can't work it out.


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  On 10/30/2022 at 3:56 AM, ColdJ said:

Second: Could you show where your UV map is covering your image. Need to know if it is aligned to your image correctly. If it is not or you forgot to create one then that could mean it is over a black section or not on the image at all. Which would cause it to be black in the game.

Third: Is the image you are working with a .png or a .dds? If it is a .dds then your UV map would be upside down and not on the sections you think they are. .dds are flipped compared to all other formats. Also KSP only can use .dds that are BC3 (Linear, DXT5)

So if you could check these things out and let us know if you found the problem that would be great.

Or pop up the needed pics and info if you can't work it out.



Here the UV map, i use PNG image:




  On 10/30/2022 at 3:56 AM, ColdJ said:


Hi. More info is always helpful when working out these things.

First. Your shader seems to have " Colour attribute" rather than "Vertex colour." Is this something you changed, or when you chose from the shader list is this what came up?

This is what it usually looks like. The Vcolour is detatched by me so the texture shows, due to the quirk of it not showing in blender when attached. This is only after I saved the original untouched and then imported it back. If you did this before saving a brand new materials set up then it would be saved as detatched.



Colour attribute is the default when i choose diffuse shader.

Colour attribute seem to be the new name of Vertex colour since 3.2 i think. It's the same for my other part and it work correctly.

I try importing the .mu created back into blender and it show correctly with node and texture.

I see nothing in the log that can explain this:

Why is it always the last part that cause a problem.

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  On 10/30/2022 at 1:43 PM, josselin2196 said:

Why is it always the last part that cause a problem.


Strange that they changed the name. I am on 3.13 myself.

Ok. From the pic of the UV map it looks as if you have patched or added some faces to an original at some point. If you look at the very bottom left you will see that part of your UV map is pulled to the very corner. When we add faces free hand, the program doesn't create a new UV map for those faces but shoves it all into a spot down on the bottom left which is slightly off the pic. Anything in this spot will appear black when in game. Assuming you created the original yourself then you will need to create a fresh UV map with everything selected. Also make sure you select everything on the overlay before moving the UV map. Seeing as you have a pic that has certain parts for different sections. What you need to do is pick only the vertices of a particular section at a time that you want to match and then use the orthagonal view numbers on the number pad (1, 3, 7) to get a front on view of the part in the orientation you want. Then on the UV dropdown choose "Project from View" This will create a UV map section of only what is highlighted as you can see it on the left workspace. If it is too big or too small, then just zoom in or out on your model and try again till it appears around the right size on the overlay.

Move it into position and if it still isn't the right size, use the resize function in the overlay wokspace. While you are doing this have the left workspace set to material view so you can see if you have lined it up properly. Remember you can turn it in in the overlay if it is the wrong way up.

Try this and save it under a new number. Remember to edit your config to use the new .mu and see how that goes.

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Status: I can open Blender, can import .mu -

I want to import a part.mu, add a light (three types one for IVA, one for pod windows, and finally an exterior light) and export back to .mu

I can easily add the code to part.cfg; 

Without getting too involved (quick and if necessary dirty) is there a tutorial to do such? video?

I don't have much free time, it would be great if this can be done in an hour or two, without anything more than @taniwha's import/export tool and Blender.

For two of the three I can just add an additional model in the part.cfg, but rather not use that inelegant kludge.


Dragon Rider (DRAGR) - the iva is very dark and could use a light

Service Compartment Tubes (SCT) - would like to add a light to the inside of the tube.

Mk2Y (Yarbrough08's Mk. 1-1 A2) - would like to add window emissive (or other) lights to the pod


Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  On 10/31/2022 at 6:50 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

Dragon Rider (DRAGR) - the iva is very dark and could use a light

Service Compartment Tubes (SCT) - would like to add a light to the inside of the tube.

Mk2Y (Yarbrough08's Mk. 1-1 A2) - would like to add window emissive (or other) lights to the pod


Once you know what you are doing, this could be done in less than half an hour.

Easiest thing to do is grab what you want from another model that already has it. So for internal lights import yours and then one that has internal lights like you want. These are generally "Point lights" .

Open up the heirachy trees of both models. Highlight the point lights in the other models heirachy, then grab and hold with the mouse and drag the selection over the part of the heirachy in your model you want. Hold down the shift and alt keys and then release the mouse button. Then for good measure Click on the MU Heirachy drop down and then click "Clear Inverse" while they are still highlighted. (That way when you move them about they should stay where you put them in the model upon export. Then move them around in your IVA to the positions you want. You can if you want, fiddle with their wattage output for brighter or dimmer over in the Lights menu. But it is generally easier to just duplicate the lights to add more and move them around if you want it even brighter or more covered. Dragging in and duplication means that they are already on the correct layer for an IVA. If you make them from scratch you will need to remember to go down and change their layer to 16

Service Compartment Tubes (SCT). If this is for an external then the same deal but with an external model. You will probably need to change a spotlight to a point light, depending on the effect you want. If you want it to be toggleable then you want your config to have the correct module for the type of lights. This is another good reason to use ones from another model, as you can look in their config files and see what module to use. If you didn't change any names then just copy and paste.  By type of light I mean with or without an animation in the light. The old style has the animation in the actual light. The new style that change colour have the animation in the material set up. I have never been told how to make these from scratch so my very earliest were made off of a model that already had it done and then I just built off my own models from then on.

If you don't already have it, then get my E.M.U.V mod. It is light and simple and most importantly the original open chair uses the old system while the enclosed chair uses the new system. So you can use these to get the type of  external lights you want and their config modules.

Now for light up windows and areas. If you don't want these emmisives to be linked to spotlights, just give you an effect.

Simply make sure that the model is using an emissive shader when you are in blender. This is all covered in this thread and I was only recently helping someone so pictures are above somewhere. Set the shader to look for your texture pics. Your emmisive pic should be the same as your main but with everything but the areas you want to be lit almost black. The areas you want to light up should be much lighter than on the main pic.

Then you just need the "ModuleColorChanger" MODULE in your config and it will work. Found in the open EMUV chair config and many other cockpit parts like Squad cockpits.

If you want to be able to change colour and be linked to the spotlights, then you will also want anything that needs to light up be on the same mesh in the model. They don't need to touch each other, just be considered as being part of the same mesh. The unique name of the mesh is used in the module to assign the animation to. You will need the material set up from my enclosed chair or a new Squad light. You only need to change the material setup of that mesh to the one from the other model. It will be in the materials list when both are imported. Just remember if you don't call your mesh "Lamp" then you will need to change where it says "Lamp" in the config to whatever the unique name of the mesh you called it is. Also don't forget to change the texture pics the material set up looks for, to your pics.

Hopefully this along with pics and info I have already put in this thread will get you there.

If you are having trouble with something specific, let me know and I will try to clarify.


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  On 10/31/2022 at 1:19 PM, ColdJ said:

Strange that they changed the name. I am on 3.13 myself.

Ok. From the pic of the UV map it looks as if you have patched or added some faces to an original at some point. If you look at the very bottom left you will see that part of your UV map is pulled to the very corner. When we add faces free hand, the program doesn't create a new UV map for those faces but shoves it all into a spot down on the bottom left which is slightly off the pic. Anything in this spot will appear black when in game. Assuming you created the original yourself then you will need to create a fresh UV map with everything selected. Also make sure you select everything on the overlay before moving the UV map. Seeing as you have a pic that has certain parts for different sections. What you need to do is pick only the vertices of a particular section at a time that you want to match and then use the orthagonal view numbers on the number pad (1, 3, 7) to get a front on view of the part in the orientation you want. Then on the UV dropdown choose "Project from View" This will create a UV map section of only what is highlighted as you can see it on the left workspace. If it is too big or too small, then just zoom in or out on your model and try again till it appears around the right size on the overlay.

Move it into position and if it still isn't the right size, use the resize function in the overlay wokspace. While you are doing this have the left workspace set to material view so you can see if you have lined it up properly. Remember you can turn it in in the overlay if it is the wrong way up.

Try this and save it under a new number. Remember to edit your config to use the new .mu and see how that goes.


I finally found the problems.

1: The model was black because blender incorrectly save the .png 3 quarter of the texture were not exported . Manually replace the png fixe the problem.

2: The attachment node didn't appear because i wrongly copy/adapt the vanilla side decoupleur configuration which have:

attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

changing to to attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0 fixe the problem.

Thanks for the help!


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Hi @Scarecrow71, glad you can see me.

This thread is actually geared to those starting out.

It was somewhere to put answers I found as I went, because it was very hard to find answers to simple questions.

Things like, What is an Ngon? Why can I see through my mesh in game. Why won't my texture show on my model in material view? etc

So the thread shows the progression and then I have tried to take answers and add them to the second post of the thread over time. As I work out new things I will try to add more answers.

Anyhow. If you are trying to work out how to do something or have hit a problem. Ask here with lots of details and I will try to help you as soon as I have seen the post. There is alot I have still to learn but hopefully your problem will be something I have worked out previously.

Been doing 3D modeling for less than a year and am always working out new stuff.

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Updated second post to Include a "Normals" explanation.

If there is anything that has been answered in the thread, but I have forgotten to put a copy in the second post. Please let me know and provide the link in a post and I will get it added.

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@ColdJ You may want to update the BforArtists info in the 2nd & later posts.
Taniwha's Mu Plugin *does* work with all versions of BFA v3.x.x+, so far.
I (and a couple other people I know), have used it on every version post-v3.0 to the current v3.3.1

I would also link to the BFA releases page, instead of a specific version, here:


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  • 2 weeks later...


It is always good to look at the config file for a part at the same time you are looking at the .mu file in Blender, to get an idea of what relates to what.

The top of the heirachy, an empty, will always be at 0,0,0 which is the world origin. It's rotation will always be (when using Quaterions(which you always should for parts in KSP)) 1,0,0,0

Anything lower will hold it's rotation position based on what is higher up the heirachy. So you must always have an empty at the top, because it will always load the same way around, even if you rotated it before export. This way what you rotate in your mesh or other empties inside the top of the heirachy will remain in the orientation you had them on export. Best practice is to have 2 empties at the top, one inside the other, and in some meshes this is essential for certain things to work. Retractable landing gear is an example where it is a hard requirement.

Having your mesh and everything else inside the second empty  acts as a buffer if you have any animations, it also means everything can be rotated, moved or rescaled as one whole model.

The collider, that in your example has the mesh as its parent, is required for being able to select the part both in editing and out in world, also for a Kerbal, or a part that is not part of the craft that it is attached to, to physically interact with. It has no affect on drag or any other calculation in game. If you forget to give a mesh a collider, then even though you can select it from the part list, once placed you won't be able to click on it again.

Drag, buoyancy and all other calculations are derived from the mesh itself.

A collider does not need to be a child to the mesh but generally is created as a child so that if you move the mesh or rescale it in the Main workspace, the collider moves and rescales with it.

So lets start with the squad wing called "connector1" in the folder structure. Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Aero\wings\

In Blender we can see it's heirachy is

connector1 (which is an empty)

                 >Connector1(the mesh)

                 >COL(which is the collider)

Notice that in this case the collider is not a child of the mesh.

We can also see that the top of the heirachy at world origin is on an edge of the wing.

Without parameters in the config file to adjust this, the centre of lift, centre of mass and centre of pressure would be considered to be at the world origin.

So this gets adjusted in the config as can be seen in the spoiler below.

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The wing is designed to surface attach on it's right hand edge, based on the way it is spawned in to the SPH or VAB.

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The Bolded parameters tell the game to adjust the centre for those factors to the left, to roughly the centre of the wing surface.

If you make new wings, make sure to keep the orientation of your wings the same as stock, so the game knows which sides are meant to be the lift surface and which the edge.

I will copy this reply to my thread incase it is of any help to anybody else. If you have other questions that my thread doesn't cover then feel free to post a question there and I will see if I can help.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Some of the things you posted suggest you haven't looked through this thread from the beginning. You are obviously very talented at the blender, mesh making side of things but there are KSP specific things that may help you if you have a read through.

I believe that if you look at the stock wingletDelaDeluxe config and mesh, then at the wingletAV-R8 config, that you could probably get your wing down to 2 parts, with the rear elevon intergrated and the front a snap in. Manually creating nodes, like you did the node_attach for your wing will give you much more flexability. Here is an example using my SR-71 Blackbird that uses nodes for all the flaps, tails, engines, canards, landing gear etc

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If you use the         name = ModuleControlSurface instead of the         name = ModuleLiftingSurface on your wing then you can make it work.

Just be sure to name the bit that needs to move, the same as the stock name,and make its origin where you want it to pivot.

Use a node in the cutout at the front of the wing so that your node on your front flap can snap it to position. When both pieces are built you can load up both in blender and then move the flap into position using the top of the heirachy to see where to assign your node co-ordinates in the config.

The wingletDelaDeluxe can also show you how to have mirrored writing if you set up your texture and UV map correctly. Just make sure that the depth cross section is uniform in your wing, then when the mirroring flips it over it will look right.

Hope it keeps going well.

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Thanks ColdJ.

I apologize for skimming the info and overlooking stuff.  I tend to do that when I'm on the roll of discovery. I know it can be frustrating to try and communicate stuff when the other guys in a rush. sorry man ^.^ My "normal" environment is Makin' games on Unity using blender as the 3d modeler. I'd say im better at unity then blender just because been doing it longer.

I think the rotation thing is throwing me off because I normally adjust my models rotations inside Unity after exporting from Blender. Usually by adding an empty gameObject. So that is sort of the same here for KSP. I think I got it finally though. 

This is actually part of a larger project that I bit off. The idea was to make an App that can generate the .cfg file for parts without needing to use blender's scripting tab.  But before I could do that, I need to learn how to make them from scratch LOL.  How each part is kind of the same but not, doesn't help but I feel that it still could be done. even if it feels like a rubegoldbergian project.  That's the long game anyways. But ksp2 will be out by then.  I wonder what the modding will be like. 

Basically just need to build a library of all the modules so the user could "add" wings to an .mu But the problem remains of needing to generate the mu.   In any case that's not a problem for now.

Doesn't help that I'm posting here between boot-ups of the game..

Say, any way to reload the mods (or refresh the parts) without needing to reboot? 


I do spend my spare time looking through the .cfg and every folder just to see what's going on. to try and get a better understanding of how they've connected their custom code to unity.  Like if it was a unity thing like an AudioClip or gameObect I can instantly tell what's going on. But the node_stack_top for example,  I'm like "ok acts like a LOD group how you can name it stuff"  But for LOD groups the suffix number is key. LOD0 LOD1 LOD2 ect.  For the node stack I figured the same. but it works slightly different.    This is what happens when you skip the instructions and just start building stuff lol

From your example above, it looks like you can just use whatever as a suffix?  Names like node_stack_nose1 and node_stack_FG does not follow the same style of naming convention. Mixing the CAPS with the numbered name.   Unity, as far as I know does not have a node_stack component like this so it is alien to me.   

I kind of don't want to go way off in the bushes makin' custom stuff that appears like it's it own thing. Like you don't see any Uni-body style wings in the standard game. they're all the stick-on type.  If I start makin' all kinds of stuff without standardizing how it works could confuse any new users.  I wouldn't want to do that.  sometimes you don't know if the mod is broken just because it works weirdly.

But I think for stealth style wings, it would kind of be a bonus if it did not act the same. You know, wouldn't you expect stealth stuff to be a bit more confusing or technical.  I would imagine a player would spend more time reading the info tab?   Especially if there's a variation that uses the radar jammer module ^.^  

But for now, literally everything I make is just a test part to help me figure out how to do this right.  Once I feel confident that I can build any part I want without error the first time, then it's time to make stuff for others to consume. 


Only got back into programming since the covid lockdown back in 2019 so it's takin' a while to shake all that rust off. 

Shoulda' left the rust on- Cannot tarnish a rusty blade haha

I was tryin' to use this as a reference. but looking at the actual .cfg file helps way more

Kerbal Space Program: PartModule Class Reference




I keep comin' back here and reading what you've all said before and every time I pickup semithin' new.  I would imagine it works the same for anyone who finds this from google too!  all good stuff.   Please don't regard my misunderstanding of stuff as disinterest.  ^.^


Thanks for all the help




Edited by REDACT3D
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// Comments are what I think the thing does lol

	name = winglet3 // The string name shown on the UI?
	module = Part   // this is always added automatically and assume i need it.
	author = NovaSilisko // Not sure where this is used in-game
	mesh = model.mu  // outdated style of pointing to the 3d object
	scale = 0.2//1   // one of the several scale commands (don't get confused now!) :p
	rescaleFactor = 0.2//1 // the other scale value. (the one that works?)
	TechRequired = flightControl  // When in story mode this is used (who plays in story mode? :P) 
	entryCost = 4600 // The cost to unlock to the technology 
	cost = 600 // the cost of the actual part
	category = Aero // not sure where this one is used. is still in parts list if 0?
	subcategory = 0 // same dono how to use this yet.  
	title = #autoLOC_500226 //#autoLOC_500226 = Delta-Deluxe Winglet //the title of the part in=game on the tab
	manufacturer = #autoLOC_501630 //#autoLOC_501630 = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc // Fictional company name
	description = #autoLOC_500227 //#autoLOC_500227 = The Delta-Deluxe Winglet is a large aerodynamic surface with a small built-in aileron. It is very lightweight and offers more lift than the AV-R8 but the small control surface area means it is not as quick to turn. // duh
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
	attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1  // Bool toggle stack usage, bool able to attach onto stuff, bool also toggle stack?, bool allow stuff to attach to it's colider (turn off raycast cull?), somthin' about allowing collisions but not sure in relation to what? (self-collision i think because that's an option in unity)

	node_attach = 0.4780781, 0.1322544, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 // the origin point to instanciate the object when raycasting on skin

	// Co ,MO,LO,PO .. Wut?  
    // is this     x     y   z World Position?
    // Is this     x     y   z Scale?
    // Is this     X     Y   Z Eurlar Rotation angle (prob not) 
    // what if     x     Z   Y because blender and unity cant just use the same?
    // what am I actually offsetting? In relation to what? 0?
	CoMOffset = -0.08, -0.3, 0
	CoLOffset = -0.08, -0.3, 0
	CoPOffset = -0.08, -0.3, 0

	mass = 0.078 // the exsact same mass value used on ridged body compoents in unity? (same super low style value)
	thermalMassModifier = 8.0 // Not sure what this does. How long it takes to heat and cool maybe? in relation to what?
	// heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default  // Always commented out
	emissiveConstant = 0.95 // I assume this is used for the emissive texture glow on the shaders?
	dragModelType = none // uhhh if this used the .collider or some random built in one? hum have to look it up
	maximum_drag = 0.02 // the drag hard capped using Unity Physics material? forcing the drag value? (hack?) 
	minimum_drag = 0.02 // normally is not the same as max unless you want to force in unity?  
	angularDrag = 5    // also standard part of unity, this is rolling drag right? but only when contacting a collider with physics?
	crashTolerance = 12 // how strong the part is. or if it breaks when hitting stuff.
	maxTemp = 2400  // the tempature threshhold of the part that will cause heat damage to occur 
	explosionPotential = 0.1 // if it breaks or explodes? im guessing a precent value between 0 and 1
	bulkheadProfiles = srf // used in the in-game sort window that nobody uses due to spam :p
	// not sure what this tag is for. does not appear to be tags for collision layers? maybe for fuzzy finder in-game?
	tags = #autoLOC_500228 //#autoLOC_500228 = aero aircraft canard control (elev fin (fore lift plane rocket )rudder stab swept tail

	MODULE // lots of modules that do stuff (evey possiable value not shown, only things that are used) 
		name = ModuleControlSurface  // the name of the module you want to use
		useInternalDragModel = True  // still not 100% sure on this one
		dragCoeff = 0.6              // drag coeficent in relation to what? idono so don't touch it ^.^
		deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.65   // chaing this value gives more lift lol
		ctrlSurfaceRange = 25        // The range (in eular angles)? from 0 to high number (over 90 sucks :p)
		ctrlSurfaceArea = 0.2        // the influance scale of the fin. higher number more push? 
		actuatorSpeed = 25           // the speed of rotation. 1= slow  =100 fast  (why not seconds? becayse corutines I bet)
		name = ModuleCargoPart  // always delete this cargo stuff. to make less spam (never use personally) But for cargo  
		packedVolume = 800 // the inventory volume taken up by the part

You know I never noticed how the delta-wing deluxe  has numbers on it that don't get reversed haha good stuff doh! one of the first parts i made was a mini delta delux.   already time to revisit hehe  (looks like i messed up it's origin too haha) 



The problem with the b2 mirrior is how the geometry is not symmetric or flat. Look at how it sweeps like this along the profile near the tip.

Mind you it's a detail that most people wouldn't even notice as the overall shape of the wing is what is iconic. but  you know.. details add up. As far as i understand it currently, I would need to swap out models for this kind of mirror to work? That's why I just went ahead and attempted the uni-body style.  

Could simplify the overall shape and just make it flat.


I like the idea of the node points for the fins too. that way folks don't have to fiddle to get exact. 

In blender I make heavy usage of setting positions and rotations.  and use the Cursor tool in combination with Set Origin and stuff. But normally I always reset my rotations to 000 and use Eular rotation angles and don't leave rotations in my models (unless part of an animation obviously) 

wieard rotating stuff -90 and -180 and leaving it like that intentionally  ^.^ 

(because I don't like offsets when doing logic ) and adding an extra empty means one more object you need to index through in a loop to find the child object. adding processing cost for no reason


Is this this MinMax? because it's talkin' about bounce AND friction.  but it's only talkin' about friction  not DRAG but has similar layout and function. 


here is the mass and angular drag. the physic material then gets placed into the rigid body. (and  uses a default material if you don't add one)  but no dynamic control if referencing the default. 



This is how they've textured the number to mirror. they just paint em' on both sides the same.unless blender is unwrapping the texture .dll according to the .mu's uv and baking it, but i this this is the actual texture. 



If top-down orthographic, this could be mirrored flat.





But this clearly cannot



this is flipped 180 NOT mirrored and what the game does. 




And this is what it needs to be. scaled by -1 mirrior but with flipped uv's 


Edited by REDACT3D
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