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[1.12.x] PlanetInfoPlus v1.4.3: Better info in the planetarium, with configurable display.


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I finally got some time to get back to playing a bit of KSP and try out the PlanetInfoPlus functionality, and I love it! And having all this info in the Map view, not just the Tracking Station, is the icing on the cake! Thanks Snark!

I did notice a small bug, though. The Near Space Alt. entry is specified in meters, but the units are written as "km". It's no biggie, as anyone paying a little attention (or none at all) will probably just interpret it correctly without even noticing, but I'm just mentioning it in case you want to fix that in a possible future release (but most probably not worth a release just for this, heh). I also took a quick look at the .cfg files in the PIP mod folder, but didn't see anywhere I could (or knew how to) apply a quick workaround...

Again, thank you very much for a really useful mod! Cheers!

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  • 1 month later...


Just tried starting a new Sandbox game using New Horizons, getting the following error:

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Full logs, including Player.log, KSP.log, all files in the Logs directory and the ModuleManager.configcache  available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/woqg1tzone1x55k/PlanetInfo_NH_Logs.zip?dl=0


Edit:  Uploaded bug report generated by KSP Bug Report mod, here:  https://oshi.at/Qwvv/KSPBugReport_2022-06-28_133214.zip


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 6/28/2022 at 3:04 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Just tried starting a new Sandbox game using New Horizons, getting the following error:


Thanks for the report!  I'll have a look as soon as I get a chance.

It's kind of interesting that you're hitting the error with New Horizons... because it was starting a New Horizons KSP game that prompted me to write PlanetInfoPlus in the first place.  ;)

So clearly it basically works with New Horizons itself-- at least, when I was playing, I didn't run into any such error.  I wonder if it has to do with your playing a sandbox game (which I didn't test as much, since my own gameplay is generally all career mode).  I'll see if I can reproduce this.

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  On 6/28/2022 at 9:29 PM, Snark said:

Thanks for the report!  I'll have a look as soon as I get a chance.

It's kind of interesting that you're hitting the error with New Horizons... because it was starting a New Horizons KSP game that prompted me to write PlanetInfoPlus in the first place.  ;)

So clearly it basically works with New Horizons itself-- at least, when I was playing, I didn't run into any such error.  I wonder if it has to do with your playing a sandbox game (which I didn't test as much, since my own gameplay is generally all career mode).  I'll see if I can reproduce this.


I tested in both sandbox and career, same problem

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Hi all,

I've released PlanetInfoPlus 1.4.2, which includes the following bug fixes:

  • Now correctly says "meters" instead of "kilometers" for near space height.  (Thanks to @alartor for the bug report.)
  • No longer gets NullReferenceException when used in a new game.  :blush:  (Thanks to @linuxgurugamer for the bug report.)


(For the curious:  The reason LGG was seeing this bug and I wasn't, was that it's a thing that happens when you've started a new game and haven't explored much, yet.  There are some data structures that aren't actually initialized yet and are null.  I never noticed it because even though I was running the same solar system mod as LGG, I had already been playing for a bit when I wrote & installed PlanetInfoPlus, so I never experienced "run the mod from the very start of a new game".  Live and learn, I suppose!)

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  • 3 months later...
  On 6/29/2022 at 12:47 AM, Snark said:

Hi all,

I've released PlanetInfoPlus 1.4.2, which includes the following bug fixes:

  • Now correctly says "meters" instead of "kilometers" for near space height.  (Thanks to @alartor for the bug report.)
  • No longer gets NullReferenceException when used in a new game.  :blush:  (Thanks to @linuxgurugamer for the bug report.)


(For the curious:  The reason LGG was seeing this bug and I wasn't, was that it's a thing that happens when you've started a new game and haven't explored much, yet.  There are some data structures that aren't actually initialized yet and are null.  I never noticed it because even though I was running the same solar system mod as LGG, I had already been playing for a bit when I wrote & installed PlanetInfoPlus, so I never experienced "run the mod from the very start of a new game".  Live and learn, I suppose!)


Hi Snark - first off, this is a wonderful mod that I love very much. I'd like to respectfully request if it's possible, (and if you have time and motivation) can you please add "Distance" (i.e. Semi-major axis) to the list?

Also, would it be possible to display the orbital period in days? The default in KSP is to display the orbital period in the most convenient unit - Kerbin shows as "1y", for example. Which works great in most cases unless one is playing in another scale, and one doesn't know (and is trying to find out) the year length in days at that scale.

If you have no desire to, that's cool, and I respect that. I just figured it definitely ain't happening if I don't ask. ;-)

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Great, glad you like it!  :)

  On 10/14/2022 at 4:41 PM, panarchist said:

I'd like to respectfully request if it's possible, (and if you have time and motivation) can you please add "Distance" (i.e. Semi-major axis) to the list?


That's not a bad idea.  No promises, but I'll have a look-- thanks for the suggestions!  :)

  On 10/14/2022 at 4:41 PM, panarchist said:

Also, would it be possible to display the orbital period in days? The default in KSP is to display the orbital period in the most convenient unit - Kerbin shows as "1y", for example. Which works great in most cases unless one is playing in another scale, and one doesn't know (and is trying to find out) the year length in days at that scale.


Hm.  That one's a bit niche (would involve a fair amount of special-casing of how things are displayed).  I'll give some thought as to whether there's some reasonable way to support it via config or something.  There's already a config setting that decides how much precision is displayed (e.g. "years / days / hours" versus just "years / days" or what-have-you), so there's that.  But having it show "just days" instead of "years and days" is a bit different.  Need to think on this one a bit.

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  On 10/14/2022 at 6:32 PM, Snark said:

Great, glad you like it!  :)

That's not a bad idea.  No promises, but I'll have a look-- thanks for the suggestions!  :)

Hm.  That one's a bit niche (would involve a fair amount of special-casing of how things are displayed).  I'll give some thought as to whether there's some reasonable way to support it via config or something.  There's already a config setting that decides how much precision is displayed (e.g. "years / days / hours" versus just "years / days" or what-have-you), so there's that.  But having it show "just days" instead of "years and days" is a bit different.  Need to think on this one a bit.


Cool, thanks!

I looked briefly at your code, (I can read code ok, I just suck at writing it) and you're already pulling SMA in CelestialBodyExtensions.cs (line 49), so hopefully it's not difficult to add that as an optional display item.

If you can't do the other, that's ok - having the SMA would let me calculate the orbital period.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I wanted to create a geosynchronous comnet, is there a way to calculate a specific apoapsis and periapsis (depending on the number of satellites launched into orbit) so that I can evenly space out my satellites in geosync orbit? I know this was a lot but I would use Resonant Orbit Calculator for this but it doesn’t work with rescale mods. 

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  • 1 month later...

can someone help reproduce this since I'm not sure if this mod cause it? If you have Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack + planetinfoplus +eve + scatterer  at the same  time, the ram usage would spike to from 4 gb (without planetinfoplus) to 12 gb if you load save 2nd time or go into flight view then back into space center view, and also loading time would be significantly increased.

Edited by ssd21345
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  On 12/20/2022 at 9:26 AM, ssd21345 said:

can someone help reproduce this since I'm not sure if this mod cause it? If you have Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack + planetinfoplus +eve + scatterer  at the same  time, the ram usage would spike to from 4 gb (without planetinfoplus) to 12 gb if you load save 2nd time or go into flight view then back into space center view, and also loading time would be significantly increased.


I've also had a major increase in RAM usage and the other things you mention, such as very long loading time, when using this (great) mod.

Was using opm, mpe as planet packs. Also eve.

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  On 12/20/2022 at 9:26 AM, ssd21345 said:

can someone help reproduce this since I'm not sure if this mod cause it? If you have Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack + planetinfoplus +eve + scatterer  at the same  time, the ram usage would spike to from 4 gb (without planetinfoplus) to 12 gb if you load save 2nd time or go into flight view then back into space center view, and also loading time would be significantly increased.

  On 12/20/2022 at 12:05 PM, modus said:

I've also had a major increase in RAM usage and the other things you mention, such as very long loading time, when using this (great) mod.

Was using opm, mpe as planet packs. Also eve.


Did you see anything interesting in your KSP log file?   For example, a long series of a bajillion error messages, or something. 

Of particular interest is any spew from PlanetInfoPlus itself.  (It's pretty good about putting [PlanetInfoPlus] in front of everything it logs.)


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  On 12/20/2022 at 6:22 PM, Snark said:

Did you see anything interesting in your KSP log file?   For example, a long series of a bajillion error messages, or something. 

Of particular interest is any spew from PlanetInfoPlus itself.  (It's pretty good about putting [PlanetInfoPlus] in front of everything it logs.)



Nothing interesting. The planetinfoplus was calculating the max ground height.

here's the log (I cannot load pass to space center so I closed the game after some mins):



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Does that keep happening, or was it a one-time thing? If I'm not mistaken, the first time the mod is "loaded", it will calculate some stats, like the max elevation point in every planet, and store it in a file, which would explain the RAM usage and load time - this is supposed to happen just one time per "save", as the data will already be available after this...

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  On 12/21/2022 at 4:42 AM, alartor said:

Does that keep happening, or was it a one-time thing? If I'm not mistaken, the first time the mod is "loaded", it will calculate some stats, like the max elevation point in every planet, and store it in a file, which would explain the RAM usage and load time - this is supposed to happen just one time per "save", as the data will already be available after this...


keep happening, that's why it is very annoying

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  On 12/21/2022 at 2:30 AM, ssd21345 said:

Nothing interesting. The planetinfoplus was calculating the max ground height.

here's the log (I cannot load pass to space center so I closed the game after some mins):


  On 12/21/2022 at 9:03 AM, modus said:

Yup, it's every time.


Thanks for the info (and the log file).  It's not clear yet exactly what's causing it, but as I kinda suspected, the culprit is in the code that calculates max elevation on celestial bodies.  (That's the only part of PlanetInfoPlus that does any significant computation at all-- the rest of it is very lightweight.)

I'll need to do some more digging into exactly what's going on, but based on what I've observed from the log file, it's very probably something about the specific planets in the planet pack you're using that's tickling PIP's max-elevation calculation algorithm in a sensitive spot.  ;)  (For example, from the log file, I can see that it's calculating the elevations from the stock planets just fine, but appears to be getting stuck when it's calculating for others, I assume the ones in your planet pack-- I don't actually know, because it's getting stuck so badly it's not even logging what it's doing, beyond "I'm calculating now...")

Clearly, there's a "hole" in the algorithm I'm using that can get stuck if the planet is designed in a certain way, and I never came across it before because none of the planet packs I use happen to trigger this particular problem.  So I need to do some investigation to figure out where the hole is, and fix the algorithm so it can't get stuck like that.

In the meantime, as a workaround, my suggestion is to go into the mod's settings and turn off the display of maximum elevation.  If elevation display is turned off, then the mod won't try to calculate it, which in turn should avoid whatever calculation pit it's falling into.

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  On 11/4/2022 at 5:52 AM, lucius57 said:

If I wanted to create a geosynchronous comnet, is there a way to calculate a specific apoapsis and periapsis (depending on the number of satellites launched into orbit) so that I can evenly space out my satellites in geosync orbit? I know this was a lot but I would use Resonant Orbit Calculator for this but it doesn’t work with rescale mods. 


Yes, but this mod isn't really the way to do it. ;)

If I may offer a suggestion, have you tried BetterBurnTime?  It has a "synchrony tracker" feature that makes it pretty easy to get a satellite into a geosynchronous orbit (or into an orbit that synchronizes with a target).

(If you have questions about this, the BetterBurnTime thread would be the best place for them.)

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Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the release of PlanetInfoPlus 1.4.3, which includes the following changes:

  • Add the (optional) display of semimajor axis.  Off by default, but you can turn on via the options dialog.  Thanks to @panarchist for the feature suggestion!
  • Fix a bug that would cause the mod to blow up (hang forever, suck up tons of RAM) for certain planet packs.  Thanks to @ssd21345 for the bug report, and to @modus for confirming.

Enjoy! :)

Technobabble explanation of the bug, for anyone who's curious, in spoiler.

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  On 12/21/2022 at 7:38 PM, Snark said:

This issue doesn't occur with the stock solar system, or with any of the planet packs that I myself use, since none of them have a max elevation by the pole.

However, in the case of Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack, for example, there are couple of bodies in the system (WH3141A and WH3141B) that appear to have something funky going on with their elevation maps, like the entire surface of the planet is at -9999 meters or something.  Anyway, the result is that both of those bodies were poison pills, as far as PlanetInfoPlus was concerned.

I fixed the problem by adding some boundary checking around the poles, so that the mod now correctly handles this situation.


Wait, this is great!

I was running into issues getting PlanetInfoPlus to work with Whirligig World: every time I focused view on Imterril, the game would crash. I thought it was due to Imterril not having a heightmap file, but since Imterril's entire solid surface is at -10000 meters, it was probably the same issue as with Kcalbeloh. This means the problem should be fixed now!

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  On 12/21/2022 at 7:38 PM, Snark said:

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the release of PlanetInfoPlus 1.4.3, which includes the following changes:

  • Add the (optional) display of semimajor axis.  Off by default, but you can turn on via the options dialog.  Thanks to @panarchist for the feature suggestion!
  • Fix a bug that would cause the mod to blow up (hang forever, suck up tons of RAM) for certain planet packs.  Thanks to @ssd21345 for the bug report, and to @modus for confirming.

Enjoy! :)


Thanks, now I can see where science border are without my memory blow up! lol

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  On 12/21/2022 at 7:38 PM, Snark said:

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the release of PlanetInfoPlus 1.4.3, which includes the following changes:

  • Add the (optional) display of semimajor axis.  Off by default, but you can turn on via the options dialog.  Thanks to @panarchist for the feature suggestion!

Thank you very much for adding SMa!

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