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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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First of all... I just finished reviewing this entire thread, and there are some amazing creations here!

Secondly... I built my station before discovering this thread, so I'm feeling more than a bit humbled right now.

As you can see, my KSS is pure vanilla (no mods). I wanted to approximate the current ISS config... however, about half way through assembly the all too familiar laaaag set in. So forgive me Razorcane :wink:, I opted to leave out a few components: PMA's, cooling radiators, Russian docking/mini-labs, external logistic platforms. The two Mk1-2 ships are my version of the Soyuz; the ship docked behind Zvezda is my version of the Jules Verne ATV. The orbit is 51 degrees inclination, but I went with 250km altitude instead of converting to miles.

My reference material:










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So I have two stations that I've built. One plain-jane and the other a bit fanciful. Neither one on a scale of what people here have built, but I'm proud of them nonetheless. :D

So the first one is the Near Space 1, and it's the fanciful one.


This is the central hub. Not much to look at really. It gets better! Really it does!


This is part 1 of 3 of the docking ring. Each section had to have it's own RCS & control system because it was too big to get into space all in one piece.


The docking section separated from it's launch vehicle and docked to the central hub.


And it completely constructed. If you hadn't guessed from the shape and name it's a quick recreation of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine station. It has three docking sections each with a regular docking port and two junior ports and the central hub has a large docking port on the bottom. It's all stock BTW. I've been thinking of maybe expanding this so that it has a proper habitation ring and then a docking ring. With a science station at it's core and the large docking ports around the outside with regular docking ports where the small ones are now and then small ones around the ring for small ships and probes and whatnot to dock to, but that might take more effort than I'm willing to put into it :D I whipped this up in an hour. :D

Now for my more plain-jane station:


This is the AM Station 01: Lord Vetinari. (All my regular stations and ships are named for Discworld characters, why? Because, that's why). Three regular ports and one big docking port on the bottom. This one is NOT stock and has extensive use of the Kerbal Attachment System. The boxes on the sides have many spare parts that can be used to repair craft that get damaged. There is also three winch systems that can be used to attach lines or pipes to craft that for some reason I didn't build with a docking port, or with only a junior docking port. This one goes up all in one go, no further assembly needed. BTW, this is a picture of it fully lit up with no sun on it at all. It has room for two crew besides the pilot and a lot of fuel and RCS in case a ship needs refuelling.


And this is it with the solar panels deployed. Or the "I-Can't-See-A-Damn-Thing" mode as I call it. :D The solar panels are in very little danger of being bumped by incoming ships this way though.


Here's my SSTO Belafon docking.

Truly some amazing work in this thread and I doubt I'll ever get to match it, I just don't have that much ambition or attention. lol

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TP Industries Proudly Presents:

The MK 1 "Harold" Communications & EXO-Interaction Satellite!


My new space program featuring "Harold" ~ The Satellite. Since length was (for once) an issue I downloaded the Infernal Robotics mod and used the telescopic parts to hide the solar panels behind a tophat, reducing the overall length to near a half.


This is how it looks when it is not deployed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First Space Station for 2014. LLL parts, Inflatable Habitat parts, NP parachutes (on the 3 escape pods). Holds 64 (36 places for escape pods). 4 standard docking ports. 3 mini ports and 1 large docking port on the bottom allowing for expansion. Docking the escape pods was quite a tight fit - but with some maneuvering it worked.


Expandable Living quarters added to sides and science added to bottom. Station is complete.


Edited by BJ Quest
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There are a lot of good designs here! I love how creative the KSP community is. Well done! Anyways, here's my biggest and newest station. Heck, it's only my second large multi-module station. It is a refueling and scientific station, and is designed to refuel spacecraft returning from interplanetary missions and ready them for their next mission. It also provides a home and workplace for almost 100 Kerbals, a communications relay, and a Kethane conversion device. Kethane mined from the Mun is delivered to the station and converted, and stored in the station's monopropellant and fuel tanks. I launched the modules and then docked them to the station using a construction drone. The crew has full artificial gravity, provided by the main artificial gravity ring. There are two large docking ports for large ships and cargo, and 4 small ones for crew shuttles and smaller resupply pods.


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First of all... I just finished reviewing this entire thread, and there are some amazing creations here!

Secondly... I built my station before discovering this thread, so I'm feeling more than a bit humbled right now.

As you can see, my KSS is pure vanilla (no mods). I wanted to approximate the current ISS config... however, about half way through assembly the all too familiar laaaag set in. So forgive me Razorcane :wink:, I opted to leave out a few components: PMA's, cooling radiators, Russian docking/mini-labs, external logistic platforms. The two Mk1-2 ships are my version of the Soyuz; the ship docked behind Zvezda is my version of the Jules Verne ATV. The orbit is 51 degrees inclination, but I went with 250km altitude instead of converting to miles.

My reference material:




:o I got an honorable mention. Yea, I probably shouldn't come down so hard on those trying to do ISS replicas. But to me, replica always means "a copy of the original," and if they have things on the replica that aren't on the original, I have to call them out on it. It's just a habit of mine. Anyway, I like yours. It's about as close as you can get without going really in-depth and using like, 40,000 parts.

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Presenting: Farscape One.

This is my first station, and I'm rather proud of it. :) 30-some-odd hours worth of work, it took 8 launches and 13 docking maneuvers to complete. (Though the jumbo orange fuel tanks are currently empty.)

The station is completely stock. It has habitation space for 16 Kerbals (4 hitchhikers), and two science labs. There are 20 Gigantor solar panels providing power, and communications maintained through 2 dishes and 4 aerials. On the bottom I installed a refueling boom for future interplanetary missions.

There are also enough escape pods for 18 Kerbals in case of an emergency.

Some numbers:

Kerbal population: 20

Total (dry) tonnage: 154t

Fueled tonnage: 505t

Part count: 668

Orbit: ~500km circular.


Kerbals: 41 (4x hitchhikers, 3x cupolas, 2x labs, 6x 3-man escape pods)

Fuel: 326t

RCS: 6310L

Electricity: 30650 units

FPS on my little under-powered laptop comes in at 2-4. :D

An overhead shot:


Angled perspective shot:


Side-on, better view with the sun:


Close-up, looking down the refueling boom:


Better shot of the top end with comms and solar panels:


Close-up of a habitation module:


While building this, I learned quite a few things. Notably, what rockets can handle lifting. :wink: Also, I now have an appreciation for the Clamp-o-Tron Seniors, which I'll definitely use more of on Farscape Two. I've also become quite proficient at docking, having to do it 13 times. :0.0:

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First three phases of my space station are complete. Life support module and two science modules. Have not yet researched the giant solar panels, so small ones have to do.

Mass: 17t

Orbit: 300K

Orbital speed: 7800

dV needed to reach: 10.4K


My KSP is running Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, Real Fuels and Ferram, so getting 10+ tons into orbit in one go is a huge struggle. After lots of trial and error it turns out this kind of vessel is stable enough to put this kind of station in orbit (at engines level 4). It's not the ISP or thrust that's the issue, it's the stability issues of having so much mass on top. Taller vessels will wobble to death or easily tip over. Short n' stubby works best :).


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Cabana Corp.'s Space Lab I, mostly finished, during a crew exchange.


Unfortunately, the "Bell"-type Crew-Transfer Module appears to have a defective docking port and cannot undock for the time-being.

Both crews are working in attempt to remedy the situation.

With this bug, it might be a good idea to attach a small frame surrounding the faulty port with a ring of sepratrons. Firing them can overheat the port and cause it to explode, 'fixing' the problem.

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"SS Research" Version .23 - only MechJeb not stock parts. 3 sections (2 identical and 1 center). Plan to add 2 living quarters w/ Inflatable Habitats sections attached to center section. In orbit t 250K. Center section has an ASAS along with science experiments. Other 2 sections have the ASAS disabled. 18 standard ports, 8 mini ports 12 large ports (4 holding the parts together). 16 large solar panels and multiple communication gear arrayed for optimum use. TzQLeQm.png

Added Inflatable Habitat living quarters along with RADAR and Pulse Scanners (LLL Parts) to the station. Will take up some space bikes later. http://imgur.com/95WYyZA http://imgur.com/n5SkhRZ Escape Can (LLL Parts)http://imgur.com/3rczkXv


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