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Your plans for KSP2

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Probably fly clear around Kerbin first then try to build an R-7-alike to launch some stuff at other planets. Beyond that, I have no idea.

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Check during the refund window if it's better than KSP1 sandbox.

If it is just replace my time with KSP1 sandbox with KSP2 while waiting for progression to drop.

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I'm going to try to do what I did when I first started KSP.  Limit myself to discovery of the worlds as I first get to them.  


None of that 'select the planet, and zoom in on it' stuff... at least at first.  Seeing as I'm really only good enough to get to Mun and Minmus... eventually, I will have to 'cheat'.


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My plan for KSP2 when it comes out is to go through whatever tutorials are included so I can get familiarized with the interface and controls and all.  Then I'll spend time just flying all over the Kerbolian system.  And I'm sure I'll have bugs to report.

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Test it out, watch some animations, and probably park it in my account nearly untouched until development matures more... like several games I've bought in the last year, sadly.  I haven't played sandbox since... wow... when did science mode/career get added? Just not interested in playing with no constraints for whatever reason.

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Watch the little animations (they give me real Kurzgesagt vibes), then head off to every celestial body, colonize up to Duna, work towards interstellar travel, and continue colonization of the Kerbol system.

#BritishMoment (I'm not british)

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Okay, here's one. I'm gonna run my friends down halfway between star systems and install a cool new hole in the middle of their colony transporter! It's amazing the kind of delta-v you can get on your ship when the only payload you need to carry is malice.

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