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Release Date Update from the KSP2 Team

Nate Simpson

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Sucks, but as long as the time is used well it's all good. Can always hope for more videos/blogs and even beta access at some point! Best to get as much feedback as pos so it doesn't release buggy even after the delays. 

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You made the right decision. Do not regret that. You are creating a tool that will be used in the next decade after its launch to understand how the universe works, that will receive a massive attention due to the return of humans to the Moon and the arrival of humans on Mars. The interest this game will attract in the future is guaranteed. You have to nail that launch since lauch is what will greatly determine the reputation of the game. We, true KSP fans, know how annoying all those bugs have been during the last decade. We know how bad wheels are.  We know the importance of a bug-free game. We'll be patient until its release. On the other hand, the future-to-be-fans need to find an experience as polished as possible. I hope leadership in this company understood that. I celebrate your decision. 

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A delay isn't great, but at least this will (hopefully) stop some of the hand wringing that's been happening lately.


And, if I tell myself that I can have if for my birthday (which is in May), I shouldn't be too far wrong :)

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Early 2023 sounds great, and Im happy to see them take the time do it right. Technically it's not really a delay cause FY2023 runs through Q1 2023, so about what a lot of us already figured.


Edited by Pthigrivi
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@Nate SimpsonStop it Nate! You guys promised release at march 2020 when you show the preveiw on gamescom 2019. Even BEFORE the plague. So 3 year from then you still not shown ACTUAL gameplay even once. This game is dead, you just making damage control. It wont help you anyway. Just accept the truth and stop fooling your fans. Just say that you failed.

At least if you dont want to repeat NMS scenarion. But even Shean Murray not delaying the game for 3 years...
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@Nate Simpson I am sad to hear KSP2 is delayed again. I am sad because I must wait longer to play it. I am however happy to hear and see that all due care is being taken to bring a product to us of the highest standard and quality. I for one am willing to wait to get a product that is of high quality and that makes it worth it. 


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  On 5/16/2022 at 6:00 PM, Vegatoxi said:

@Nate SimpsonStop it Nate! You guys promised release at march 2020 when you show the preveiw on gamescom 2019. Even BEFORE the plague. So 3 year from then you still not shown ACTUAL gameplay even once. This game is dead, you just making damage control. It wont help you anyway. Just accept the truth and stop fooling your fans. Just say that you failed.

At least if you dont want to repeat NMS scenarion. But even Shean Murray not delaying the game for 3 years...

I think most people here thought the original timeframe was overly optimistic given the announced scope. 2 years to actually do things like interstellar and colonization and multiplayer sounds pretty reasonable to me, not to mention all the hubbub with the studio change and pandemic and all that. Most of us have been perfectly happy to wait for a really great game. And if you're interested they've shown a great deal, early looks at the VAB, power generation, resource processors, interstellar vessels, new planets, etc. Feel free to check out the dev blogs and show and tell sections. They've obviously got a great deal invested in this, so I wouldn't get too upset or prematurely worried. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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  On 5/16/2022 at 5:48 PM, Vegatoxi said:

So... Delay to 2023.
As i predicted.
Wait for complete cancel within a year.



You're so negative, i think you're causing a singularity.

Don't be like that. We get plenty of news, like once every two months. It's not much, but we know they're working hard.

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  On 5/16/2022 at 6:00 PM, Vegatoxi said:

@Nate SimpsonStop it Nate! You guys promised release at march 2020 when you show the preveiw on gamescom 2019. Even BEFORE the plague. So 3 year from then you still not shown ACTUAL gameplay even once. This game is dead, you just making damage control. It wont help you anyway. Just accept the truth and stop fooling your fans. Just say that you failed.

At least if you dont want to repeat NMS scenarion. But even Shean Murray not delaying the game for 3 years...

Seeing the page you linked, I’m not sure that conversing with you is a good idea… but to clarify things: 

This is not a delay in any official capacity. To the shareholders, the game is coming out at the time it always was, because it is still slated for FY 2023. Your theory that this is a cover-up only works if you imagine that the devs and fans are in a vacuum, and things like budgets, companies, shareholders, financial expectations, etc. do not exist. I encourage you to look at evidence that does not fit your theory; that is how all great theories are formed. 

Secondly, when you say ‘no real gameplay’ what do you mean? If you mean the graphics and look of the game, that is already discussed in a lot of detail. If you mean the user interface, we have seen that, both in vehicle construction and flight, and the devs have made the mistake of showing us too much of that, as we have seen multiple iterations over time. If you mean the user experience, try playing KSP 1. It will be sort of like that but with the UI that we have already seen. So, what would you like them to show? Someone looking at a spaceship while in flight mode? Look at that tutorial shader video, you get the UI. Someone flying in the middle of space? There is lots of footage from inside the game with the UI turned off, which should be fine since you have seen it already. 

The devs have communicated quite a bit with us. Did you know that HOTAS support is being developed? Try looking through the videos again to see where that was shown. There are lots of details that the devs have given us about how playing the game will be like, so beyond just another video of someone looking at a ship and doing random stuff like changing the throttle while the UI is visible, I don’t see what you feel that you are missing out on. 

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As both a software engineer and someone with thousands of hours in the original KSP, I applaud the decision to not rush KSP2 and put in the time it's going to take to finish the game properly. It's what a game like KSP deserves, and it's worth the wait!

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I don't mind delays as long as the final product comes out better. That said time is money, and I hope all the compounded delays doesn't impact the final product for one reason or another.

COVID delayed the game at least 1 year, and due to the complexities of the game itself I'd throw in another year. That's a lot of time, and thus extra resources invested into the game.

I hope for the best and that this game holds up. Even if that means sectioning off a feature here or there for some paid for expansion. 


Or even more Jeb plushies being sold at higher costs to recoup some funds hahaha.

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  On 5/16/2022 at 7:02 PM, MKI said:

COVID delayed the game at least 1 year, and due to the complexities of the game itself I'd throw in another year. That's a lot of time, and thus extra resources invested into the game.


They ALREADY planned release to march 2020 when show the preview on gamescom. Before any sign of plague. So if we accept the hypothesis that they not lied to us preemptively - game would be almost ready, cuz obvious to anyone that you cant make such a game from scratch to release in 6-7 months. And there is no ANY single explanation why this "almost ready" state stretched fro ~4 years

COVID can't affect it so hard. If, IF(!!!) They arent lied to us preemptively.


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