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What celestial body do you hate in ksp??


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Just like the title says, share your least favorite celestial body in ksp, including mod bodies. 
I absolutely despise Eeloo, it is the most useless, boring body in the game, either than being far away, it is useless.

Edited by Rutabaga22
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I don't hate any world.

I like Eve the least because to this day I can't reliably even land there with a ship capable of launching back to space, little alone launch that ship back to space.

My most popular challenge has manned landing and return from every world in the game, and the Eve return is the ONLY step I'm even remotely uncomfortable with in the entire challenge.

Jool 5? With one or both hands tied behind my back?
Eve return? No thank you!

Edited by Superfluous J
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I'm not sure any celestial body really deserves any sort of hate.

  • I might be inclined to hate Bop and Gilly for having gravity that is so weak, it's actually annoying if I want to timewarp to the surface. Pol's an exception to this rule because it looks so wacky and interesting compared to those two.
  • Dres is (theoretically) just the Mun, so it's not really hateable. It (theoretically) even offers easy access to lots of asteroids too. (if it existed, that is).
  • Eeloo has nice aesthetics to it, although it hasn't aged great in KSP1. KSP2 Eeloo looks goddamn beautiful though. It's flat, so landing isn't a hassle like what often happens with the Mun's hills. It's also a nice end-game challenge alongside an Eve return mission.
Edited by intelliCom
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Every body in the Kerbol system has something to dislike about it, if you try hard enough:

  • Moho takes a lot of delta-V to get to and from, with a relatively small SOI making orbital capture more difficult with the long burns you need to get that delta-V.
  • Eve is evil, high gravity plus thick atmosphere makes it incredibly difficult to get off of Eve, while the high orbital velocity makes it hard to get down without getting cooked and getting into and out of low orbit requires a lot of delta-V.
  • Gilly's gravity is so low that it's very difficult to land, and stay landed, plus its SOI is very small compared to Eve's and so it's quite hard to get to as well.
  • The Mun has so many biomes that it's all too easy to clean up the entire tech tree without going anywhere else, plus the day/night cycle is long so solar-powered vessels are likely to run out of power during the night.
  • Minmus is an oddball that's harder to get to than the Mun, with far fewer biomes and terrain that's either perfectly flat or very steep, plus it isn't nearly as deliciously minty as everyone seems to think.
  • Duna has just enough of an atmosphere to be annoying (breaking solar panels etc.), but not enough to be particularly useful (good luck getting parachutes to work) and the terrain is pretty forgettable.
  • Ike is like the Mun, only smaller and more boring, plus the mutual tidal locking with Duna means it gets in the way of a lot of Duna-bound missions.
  • Dres is... well, Dres. 'Nuff said.
  • Jool looks nice, but you can't land on it and orbital velocity is immense; with very little solar power you'll probably need RTGs or fuel cells for power or a lot of batteries and slow science transmission.
  • Laythe has almost no land to land on, a thinner atmosphere than Kerbin meaning wings generate less lift and jets generate less thrust, and did I mention the lack of land? Oh, and most of that land is very rugged with almost no flat areas so have fun landing your very expensive plane.
  • Vall is a pretty missable little blue lump, the biomes are out of order and there's not really much to see. If you're using Kerbalism, Vall is the deadliest place to land in the entire Kerbol system because it's right in the middle of Jool's radiation belt and lacks the protection that Laythe's atmosphere offers on the surface there.
  • Tylo is an absolute pain- equal in size to Kerbin with only slightly less gravity, it requires more delta-V to land on than anywhere else due to the lack of atmosphere to aerobrake in, needs just as much delta-V to return to orbit afterwards and there's not all that much to see down there; it also has a tendency to give you gravity assists that can throw you down into Jool's atmosphere or completely out of Jool's SOI, whether you want it to or not.
  • Bop is a lumpy potato miles off Jool's orbital plane, hard to get to and not much to see there once you get there (with one notable exception...)
  • Pol is also a strange little lump, even further from Jool than Bop and with some potentially nasty terrain.
  • Eeloo is so far out that it's hard to get to, solar power is effectively zero and it's not all that interesting when you get there.

Of course, they all have their good points too...

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hate? why should I hate any celestial body?

I used to hate eve, because making a lander for it was so hard, and it was a major obstacle in my grand tours. but ever since i learned the proper use of helicopterockets, eve is a breeze. and it gives kickass gravity assists.

so no, i don't hate any planet.

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  On 6/16/2022 at 12:12 AM, Richy teh space man said:

It does seem odd that Tylo has 0 atmosphere given its size.


yes, it's pretty much impossible at its distance from kerbol.  unless it had just recently lost atmosphere to a giant impact, but then it should still bear geological scars all over, and it should still have some thin remnant of atmosphere even then

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I got sorta carried away writing this reply and ended up dumping literally all of my planet based complaints about the game here, sorry about that!

I don't necessarily hate them, but I've always found Bop and Pol to be pretty boring. Part of it is aesthetic for Bop, it being nearly indistinguishable from Gilly other than its larger size. But also I think they should have given it a retrograde orbit for variety's sake, I don't think there are any bodies in KSP that do have a retrograde orbit. Then it could be an analog of one of Jupiter's many irregular moons with strange orbits. Either that or give it a much larger inclination and eccentricity than the 15 degrees and 0.235 it already has respectively. Also I find it annoying that it is much more massive than Pol and yet it's not rounded under its own gravity like Pol seems to be.

As for Pol, it annoys me that it has the perfect look to be an Io analog but isn't one. That's unfortunate since Jool really could use an Io analog. Io is a very underrated moon in the real solar system. Also, Pol has the same boring orbit problem that Bop has, but in this case its even worse. The three large moons of Jool fill that low inclination, roughly circular orbit, and moderately distant semi-major axis niche well enough by themselves. It'd be more interesting to me if Pol were given a close in orbit far within that of Laythe's. Maybe just outside of its Roche limit. Then we'd have the amazing view when landed on it, Jool absolutely dominating its sky. And it'd give us some lore about Pol being a doomed world in a decaying orbit like Phobos is in the real solar system.

Also there is a lack in rotational period novelties. Eve and Moho have relatively short rotational periods compared to Venus and Mercury. It'd have been nice if at least one of them had an extremely long rotational period. And I think it'd be great to give at least one of the planets in KSP a retrograde rotation like Venus has. Again, for variety's sake. I recently found out that's possible without Principia. Weird since it's effectively an axial tilt of 180 degrees and axial tilts aren't possible in stock. I guess the part of the code incompatible with axial tilt doesn't apply to a completely upside down body.

The rest of my complaints about the planets in KSP are aesthetic based. Eve and Duna are way, way, way too monochrome. If you've been anywhere on those worlds, then you've been everywhere on those worlds. Eve has nearly the same shade of purple regolith everywhere except for the oceans. Duna has the same problem with almost all the regolith on its surface being the same shade of orangeish-red. At least it has those huge, icey poles to spice things up, but within them you get the same problem, just the same boring off-white ice everywhere the eye can see.

Not only that, but its all rolling hills all the time. I know KSP is capable of having interesting terrain, it's really fun flying through canyons, and up and down the sides of mountains, and following along the long, winding rivers on Kerbin. But that level of detail never made it to the other planets. Especially Ike. It has like four or five shades of grey regolith and the same very gentle rolling hills everywhere, it's probably the most boring object in the game, even worse than Dres. The only saving grace for Ike is its uniquely large size relative to its host planet Duna.


Edited by cosekantphi
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I dislike Duna and Dres for the same reason: they have incredibly boring terrain with few exceptions (those being the canyons, but even those are kind of meh after you’ve seen them a few times). Practically the entire surface of both worlds consists of endless rolling hills, which, in addition to being boring, makes driving rovers on either quite annoying. At least Duna has an atmosphere for flight and a large moon, I suppose. Kind of a shame really, Duna would probably be one of my favorite places if its terrain were more varied and interesting.

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  On 6/22/2022 at 7:19 PM, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

Duna would probably be one of my favorite places if its terrain were more varied and interesting.


In earlier versions of the game the terrain of Duna was different. The main thing i remember about it is that it had some relatively flat low-lying regions that were suitable for landing planes. I miss being able to land my SSTOs on Duna aerodynamically.

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