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[KSP >= 1.3.1] Kourageous Tourists /L - - 2024-0127


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Kourageous Tourists /L is the sequel for the venerable Kourageous Tourists, from @whale_2 (the great). 

In a Hurry:

  • Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2022-1128)
    • It works from KSP 1.3.1 to KSP 1.12.4! Seriously! ;)
      • Module Manager is needed for handling the patches.
      • Read this post before updating!
    • Downloads


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Space Tourism is the Future, and the Future is now for Kerbals!

Kourageous Tourists /L is the sequel for the venerable Kourageous Tourists, adding different and challenging (or not!) rewarding missions related to tourism to the game:

  • Skydiving on planets with atmospheres
  • Swimming on planets with hydrosphere
  • Expeditions to many Points of Interest scattered on the Kerbol System
  • and more to come!

Tourists need to be trained, you just can't let a rookie to sky dive on Laythe without proper training - how to do it and still be profitable is the real challenge!

Don't forget to allow your tourist to take selfies! Remember, "Pictures or it didn't happened!". 




I need help in order to proper help you. :) Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support:

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Edited by Lisias
Release is on the Wild! Distribution Channels being updated as (or besides) Scheduled.
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Release BETA is available for the brave Kerbonauts that don't fear infuriating the Krakens by taking selfies with them! :sticktongue:

No crashes, no dumps, no Exceptions on the KSP.log to this moment. But other that accepting Contracts and fooling around with Tourists on the KSC, not too much was tested.

This is a significantly huge release, with the following changes:

  • Enhancements since the last official release:
    • Full support from KSP 1.3.1 to the latest. #HONEST!!
      • Support for RealChutes
      • For KSP < 1.6, KIS is needed to allow removing Helmets.
    • Added a new ability: SkyDive
    • Rebalance of the abilities for each Tourist Level
    • Allowing Tourists to remove the helmet when they can EVA on KSP >= 1.6
      • Swimming contracts for Bodies with Ocean
      • And lots of Anomalies added to Contracts. (more to come)
      • No Spoilers!!
        • Anomaly Contracts are only issued after you scan then on KerbNet!
      • No-nonsense requirements
        • You will not be offered a Contract to a Celestial Body unless you had gone there (and came back in one piece!) 
        • You must had landed there in order to get a Walk contract.
        • You must had splashed there in order to get a Swim contract.
      • Rep Farming Contracts
        • Low payment, heavy work contracts for recovering your reputation!
          • if you are lucky to get them!
      • Configurable requirements (Points of Interest and Celestial Body Accomplishments).
  • Bug fixes:
    • Memory Leaks removed!
    • Mitigating (not properly fixing, however) an issue where the Selfies where being taken too soon and not registering the Kerbal’s emotions.
    • Surviving KSP’s Upgrade(Update?) Pipeline
      • Tourists restrictions are not lost anymore on loading savegames
    • Tourists on External Command Seats (or similar parts) are now correctly handled.
      • Including the ability to take selfies. :) 
    • Contracts for absent Anomalies are not issued
      • Planet Packs (as JNSQ) that remove/change the Anomalies are not a problem anymore
        • Contracts tailored for Planet Packs are now possible!
  • Known Issues:
    • SkyDivers will poof if they go beyound the Physics Range of the focused vessel. #3
    • The Contract payments don’t scale with the difficulty, they are a flat rate. #4
    • Support for EVA Fuel/Enhancements/Follower are temporarily disabled. #8
  • Closes issues:
    • #2 Prevent creating Contracts for absent Anomalies

See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub. Right Now.
  • CurseForge. Hopefully Soon
  • SpaceDock.  Eventually!

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi che entrate

This is a beta release for testing and troubleshooting, not meant for wide public consumption.

Bugs and mishaps are expected, do not use it on valuable savegames! Use at your own risk.

Your attention please

You need (temporarily) to install the latest release of KSPe in order to have this release working on your rig:



Edited by Lisias
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  • 2 months later...


TweakScale (and some other mods) are borking due PDLauncher changing how things are started up on KSP.

On reddit, it was found the copying everything (but Squad and SquadExpansion) from <KSPROOT>/GameData to <KSPROOT>PDLauncher/GameData will "fix" the problem.

Problem: what happens with the settings.cfg? The savegames? KSP.log surelly is there now.

I will have an answer to it soon.

In a way or another, using PDLauncher is highly not advisable with or without Mods. 


Given that I finally got a Windows machine (blergh) to test things, I could check things myself and understood what happened about PD Launcher

The whole ordeal was a mess. PD Launcher is not a problem. POINT. TweakScale was the one reporting something wrong, not the victim nor the cause of the problem. POINT.

Some dude tried to accomplish something on Steam Launcher, made a mistake, and then a lot of people started to shoot the messenger (TweakScale) and I got involved on the shooting without a gun.

Yes, I'm eating my words on this one.

— — 

I just got notice of an even better solution!


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  • 4 weeks later...


Release is available for download.

KT/L finally goes gold, this release is meant for the general public.

  • Replaces KSPe external dependency with embedded KSPe.Light
  • Kourageous Tourists /L goes gold!  #HURRAY!!

Some minor mistakes and annoyances from the 6.0.0 release were fixed, and the thing know has KSPe.Light embedded.

Support for the following 3rd parties are not implemented yet due unusual difficulties:

  • EVA Fuel
  • EVA Enhancements

See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

Edited by Lisias
All your Distribution Channels are belong to us!!
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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/3/2023 at 6:29 PM, StormxWolf said:

So I thought it was fixed. I had to consult with the table that says what levels allow what. Here is my setup:cKMMHnV.png

Using the lab I level them up to level 1. In this case I did that in kerbin orbit befor hyper-editing it to the surface of the mun to check if it was, in fact, fixed. As you can see, despite Gembas being a level 1 Tourist they still can not leave the seat.


What's the celestial body you are landed on?

Check the table for this fork:


Edited by Lisias
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  On 1/3/2023 at 9:28 PM, Lisias said:

What's the celestial body you are landed on?

Check the table for this fork:



I was landed on the Mun. To be fully clear, I had the setting to enable level up of kerbals using a lab on. So what I did was launched the janky little test ship, hyper edit to orbit, level up using lab, hyper edit to the Mun's surface, level up again, then try to leave the seat. Worth mentioning these are 2 somewhat bugged kerbals in the sense that their contract expired and now they're just sort of..... with my space agency lol. Meaning they appear in the astronaut complex. I can even fire them.


I've also checked your github, according to the table they should be able to EVA from the seats.

Oh and from what I can tell, it's only the command seats. I can EVA from a hatch just fine.

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  On 1/4/2023 at 2:37 PM, Nazalassa said:

You should rename it "Vallhenge"


As a matter of fact, it's a nice idea!

However, the game itself calls it "Icehenge" so renaming it would cause confusion as the remaining of the game will not follow suit:

		name = Icehenge
		anomalyDescription = Icehenge at Vall
		body = Vall
		poi = POIVallIcehenge

Note the "poi" attribute. It's the internal name of the Point of Interest (how the game calls the landmarks).

I wondering if I should use the Localization TAG instead of the hard coded name, however...


  On 1/4/2023 at 5:03 PM, StormxWolf said:

I was landed on the Mun. To be fully clear, I had the setting to enable level up of kerbals using a lab on. So what I did was launched the janky little test ship, hyper edit to orbit, level up using lab, hyper edit to the Mun's surface, level up again, then try to leave the seat.


I was going to suggest to make a backup of the savegame, and then cheat the Tourists into level 5 to do the test! :)


  On 1/4/2023 at 5:03 PM, StormxWolf said:

Worth mentioning these are 2 somewhat bugged kerbals in the sense that their contract expired and now they're just sort of..... with my space agency lol. Meaning they appear in the astronaut complex. I can even fire them.


As a matter of fact… This is a use case that I completely missed, the thing kinda worked by plain luck. I need to add code to remote the Tourists if the contract is expired as soon as the Kerbals is back on Kerbin. Would be interesting to tax the reputation for every year a disappointed Kerbal spend away from Kerbin once the contract fails!



  On 1/4/2023 at 5:03 PM, StormxWolf said:

I've also checked your github, according to the table they should be able to EVA from the seats.

Oh and from what I can tell, it's only the command seats. I can EVA from a hatch just fine.


Ouch! If you can EVA with the Kerbals, you should be able to leave the seats too! You found a bug!


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(Good thing I don't rely on the USA's FAA for it, not? :sticktongue:)

KSP 1.12.5 is on the wild, and I will do my best to update KT to it without spoiling the thing. :)

A new KT release is scheduled for Soon™ with full support for it (and some bug hunting).

Cheers and happy hunting!!! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/29/2022 at 5:07 AM, Lisias said:


Release is available for download.

KT/L finally goes gold, this release is meant for the general public.

  • Replaces KSPe external dependency with embedded KSPe.Light
  • Kourageous Tourists /L goes gold!  #HURRAY!!

Some minor mistakes and annoyances from the 6.0.0 release were fixed, and the thing know have KSPe.Light embedded.

Support for the following 3rd parties are not implemented yet due unusual difficulties:

  • EVA Fuel
  • EVA Enhancements

See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:




Would this be a seamless upgrade from @whale_2's version (0.5.2) to this?

I don't see it on Spacedock, are you going to get it there?

And, are you going to ask to get it added to CKAN?  I believe that if @whale_2 gives you access to the Spacedock page for this, then CKAN will automatically see the new version



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  On 1/27/2023 at 3:35 PM, linuxgurugamer said:





  On 1/27/2023 at 3:35 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Would this be a seamless upgrade from @whale_2's version (0.5.2) to this?


Other than some rebalancing on training Tourists because I created lots of new easier contracts, yes.


  On 1/27/2023 at 3:35 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I don't see it on Spacedock, are you going to get it there?

And, are you going to ask to get it added to CKAN?  I believe that if @whale_2 gives you access to the Spacedock page for this, then CKAN will automatically see the new version


Geez!! I forgot about!

Working on it!!!


— — POST EDIT — — 

I reached whale_2 in a private message about the subject. As soon as it answer it, I will take action accordingly!

Edited by Lisias
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  On 1/27/2023 at 3:56 PM, Lisias said:

I reached whale_2 in a private message about the subject. As soon as it answer it, I will take action accordingly!


Kool.  I checked the netkan for the mod, it does pull from Spacedock.  As long as you haven't added any new dependencies, it will be perfect. 




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  On 11/29/2022 at 5:07 AM, Lisias said:

Some minor mistakes and annoyances from the 6.0.0 release were fixed, and the thing know have KSPe.Light embedded.


Small typo:   change "know have" to "now has


  On 11/29/2022 at 5:07 AM, Lisias said:

Support for the following 3rd parties are not implemented yet due unusual difficulties:

  • EVA Fuel
  • EVA Enhancements

Let me know if I can help with these.


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  On 1/27/2023 at 5:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Small typo:   change "know have" to "now has


I hate grammars. Thanks for the tip!


  On 1/27/2023 at 5:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Let me know if I can help with these.


Something is resetting their PAWs on every frame, so I can't replace some actions from the Tourist (they are Tourists, not regular Kerbonauts!).

I will reach my notes and open a github issue on KT/L with the details and I will mention you there.


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  • 9 months later...
  On 1/27/2023 at 5:24 PM, Lisias said:

Not necessarily, they choose to keep their SpaceDock entry. I'm working with CKAN guys about it from now on!


(and thanks again, @whale_2!!)


Have you notified the CKAN people about this?  I know you don't support it directly, but earlier you did say you would contact them

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  On 11/6/2023 at 1:54 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Have you notified the CKAN people about this?  I know you don't support it directly, but earlier you did say you would contact them


SpaceDock just applied a pull request into CKAN, I think they are aware at this time.

Frankly, I'm pretty embarrassed on this one. I virtually forgot to click on the "Publish" button all this time. :blush:

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  On 11/6/2023 at 1:54 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Have you notified the CKAN people about this?  I know you don't support it directly, but earlier you did say you would contact them


The pull request made by SpaceDock was denied. I'm afraid Kourageous Tourists will not be available on CKAN.

The pull request is Work In Progress!!! #HURRAY!!

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/26/2024 at 5:33 PM, Fizzlebop Smith said:

I LOVE this mod.


I'm more or less relatively (hopefully) less buried in Day Job© tasks this week (famous last words, uh? :P).

There're some lessons learned from my other projects in the pipeline to be applied to this one.

As usual, you can see what I'm doing (when I'm doing) here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KourageousTourists/milestones

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