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Will youtubers and such get the game earlier?

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I think the price tag is good too because it means that the more passionate players will be more willing to buy it in order to test it out and send bug reports. This will help the devs in their process of having to sort out all the spam bug reports. THIS IS AN ASSUMPTION. Don't come at me.

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10 hours ago, SpottyList35 said:

Alot of people have been complaining about the Early Access price tag of $50

You would have the same kind of complaints even if the Early Access was free.

People love to complain and influencers and gaming "journalists" get most of their clicks and revenue out of controversies.

Negativity in gaming is profitable right now.


Buy it on a platform that has a refund window and test it out yourself, that's the only way to know if it's worth 50$ to you.

Given that EA is just the sandbox mode the 2 hours provided by Steam's refund policy are more than enough to figure out if KSP2 is a 50$ upgrade over KSP1 sandbox.

Edited by Master39
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On 10/26/2022 at 2:16 PM, SpottyList35 said:

Alot of people have been complaining about the Early Access price tag of $50... .

I do not believe that. 

The level of grousing on these forums is negligible and I've seen very little elsewhere. 

OTOH - most seem happy to finally have a date to have any access, early or otherwise. 

So... The Content Creator group can do EA with the rest of us, post their early impressions in an attempt to make profits and if you want - you can wait for them before deciding whether to part with fitty. 



You can be like me and buy it day one.

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On 10/27/2022 at 12:58 AM, Master39 said:

Given that EA is just the sandbox mode the 2 hours provided by Steam's refund policy are more than enough to figure out if KSP2 is a 50$ upgrade over KSP1 sandbox.

I see two different ways this can work out.

1. T2 really has most of the features complete an EA is truly intended as a test platform. Game goes live relatively quickly with a price hike to $75. “Why do we  have to pay so much more?! It’s the same game! This is not fair!”

2. The naysayers were rght. The game will forever linger in a 0.2x state, with new fearures being introduced but not the roadmap features. Then, for murky reasons never to be clarified, the game version will jump to 0.95 and two weeks later to 1.0. Most fans will be unhappy but the naysayers celebrate. Told you it would disappoint

I suspect some youtubers and twitchers will get a prerelease with an NDA so there will be an avalanche of streams and videos on day 1.

Edited by Kerbart
Fixing ipad typos
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16 hours ago, Kerbart said:

I suspect some youtubers and twitchers will get a prerelease with an NDA so there will be an avalanche of streams and videos on day 1.

It’s virtually guaranteed that will be the case. I would be massively surprised if that didn’t occur. 

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16 hours ago, Kerbart said:

I suspect some youtubers and twitchers will get a prerelease with an NDA so there will be an avalanche of streams and videos on day 1.

Why NDA until release? Only spoiler is parts and features included.  

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Content creators will almost certainly get early access for marketing purposes - but we're talking days. The game comes out on a Thursday, creators like streamers will probably get it monday/tuesday, for some sponsored streams/vids to hype it up before release. I wouldn't expect any examinations deep enough to decide if its worth $50.

Frankly, the "Is this a KSP upgrade" question won't really be solved until launch. If "KSP Sandbox mode with some new parts" isn't worth $50 to you, that's fine, give it a month and see how the EA release goes, how fast content drops, etc. Constant price hikes are uncommon, so its not likely to climb to full release price until the actual 1.0 drop, whenever and wherever that is.

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28 minutes ago, Profugo Barbatus said:

Content creators will almost certainly get early access for marketing purposes - but we're talking days. The game comes out on a Thursday, creators like streamers will probably get it monday/tuesday, for some sponsored streams/vids to hype it up before release. I wouldn't expect any examinations deep enough to decide if its worth $50.

Frankly, the "Is this a KSP upgrade" question won't really be solved until launch. If "KSP Sandbox mode with some new parts" isn't worth $50 to you, that's fine, give it a month and see how the EA release goes, how fast content drops, etc. Constant price hikes are uncommon, so its not likely to climb to full release price until the actual 1.0 drop, whenever and wherever that is.

For me its mostly a question if we get cool engines like orion, fusion or something like nuclear salt water. 
XXX large engines give me some hope.  Orion is not really interstellar unless you build them huge as in miles in diameter. 

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24 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

For me its mostly a question if we get cool engines like orion, fusion or something like nuclear salt water. 
XXX large engines give me some hope.  Orion is not really interstellar unless you build them huge as in miles in diameter. 

I'm pretty sure we've seen an official Orion Drive already - And Orion is interstellar capable, even IRL. Plenty of time to accelerate and Decelerate, and enough energy to hit reasonable fractions of C. We've also definitely seen Fusion Torches. But, we may not see all (or any) of the interstellar drives until the Interstellar update, which comes with "Interstellar Scale Parts". So depends how big some of them are, I suppose.

I guarantee you that if Orion is in at launch, the first thing every creator will do is attempt a surface launch with one. We will see a lot of memes from that chain of war crimes climbing into orbit.

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1 hour ago, Profugo Barbatus said:

I'm pretty sure we've seen an official Orion Drive already - And Orion is interstellar capable, even IRL. Plenty of time to accelerate and Decelerate, and enough energy to hit reasonable fractions of C. We've also definitely seen Fusion Torches. But, we may not see all (or any) of the interstellar drives until the Interstellar update, which comes with "Interstellar Scale Parts". So depends how big some of them are, I suppose.

I guarantee you that if Orion is in at launch, the first thing every creator will do is attempt a surface launch with one. We will see a lot of memes from that chain of war crimes climbing into orbit.

Stats are decent for interplanetary but only 3-15 times LN-N, 30-100 km/s dV is good here, it don't cut it interstellar. 

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