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Beyond: Kerbalkind's History of Space Exploration


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Now that's a cool little rocket. I really like those extra little fuel tanks half-clipped into the fuselage, and the lights on the bottom. Small decorative parts can go a long way to make a rocket look more than just some fuel tanks and an engine.

Edited by TwoCalories
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out "New page," and were suddenly silenced.
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3 hours ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

 But the rocket? Well I imagine it can lift at least 6 tons to LKO. Impressive for a rocket of that size.

Sorry must have done a misspelling in the description it can only Carry 600 Kilograms to LKO (1322 Pounds)

The mission was Very well done and we look forward to working with Beyond again!


I have a small Munar Mission in the works. ;)


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3 hours ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

I was thinking of uploading some of the craft I've made for this thread to KerbalX. I'm wondering, what craft would you guys like me to upload?

The Kitten II carried the program in its early days. I feel it deserves to be the first posted on KerbalX.

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13 hours ago, Kerbalsaurus said:


Not affiliated with Commsat...


Yes, arriving here today is Kiwi Tech's Apteryx-9, an electric powered rocket. With it, they sent a satellite, which now will become Kerbin's very first commsat! Why we didn't have commsat program before is quite confusing, as there was a proposal for one before... Anyways, the Kiwisat isn't something that's that impressive. All it has are two solar panels and two Communotron 16-S Antennas. But the rocket? Well I imagine it can lift at least 6 tons to LKO. Impressive for a rocket of that size. Anyways, lettuce prepare for liftoff.


Engine ignition!




Sorry the pictures are so dark, ambient lighting is up to 30% and the pictures still look like this.


Stage 2 ignition




And KiwiSat is now in orbit! What is the mission's goal exactly? It's just a small scientific satellite. But the Apteryx-9 has certainly proved itself a capable vehicle. And it's second stage can de-orbit itself, preventing kessler syndrome.


Second stage on re-entry.

wait... are those city lights?

hmm... i hope you land on water... i mean splash in water

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16 hours ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

I was thinking of uploading some of the craft I've made for this thread to KerbalX. I'm wondering, what craft would you guys like me to upload?

i honestly would ask for the libra plane but sadly im a ps4 player, and i dont feel like breaking my warranty and the TOS for the libra


if it was easy to jailbreak it, i would do it though, but its too hard :(


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L00NSAT 1&2 - YEAR 3, DAY 182

You're a l00ny...


After rigorous testing to make sure the booster will make a safe return (and procrastination), Beyond is finally sure that they're ready to launch the RBS. The goal of this mission will be to launch two commsats into orbit, which are designed to make the internet more available to everybody on Kerbin. Of course, that's just the payload. Everybody's here to see the launch of the RBS, Kerbin's very first re-usable booster! Our goal is to land it at the KSC, but really anywhere flat will do. Anyways, it's time for the maiden flight of the RBS!



The RBS is speeding through the atmosphere!


Orbital insertion burn


And the mission is in orbit! All that has to be done is deploy the satellites... which I forgot to put RCS on.



Deployment of both L00nSat 1&2

With the satellites deployed, the next goal will be to return the booster. Easy, right? Well, not really. While parachutes are included on the booster, they can only take us so far. The rest is up to engines. So, holding their breath, mission control begins the Entry Descent and Landing (EDL) procedure. Kerbin sits on the edge of its seat.


Re-entry begins


Drogue chutes deployed


Final approach, engine startup!


The booster has landed in one piece, the first successful booster landing! Mission Control cheers for this success! The door to kessler syndrome-free spaceflight has been opened! Beyond would like to congratulate @Watermel00n Kerman and their company L00ntech for extraordinary technological achievement, as well the creation of the very first true SSTO.

Edited by Kerbalsaurus
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On 8/12/2023 at 12:07 AM, Kerbalsaurus said:

L00NSAT 1&2 - YEAR 3, DAY 182

You're a l00ny...


After rigorous testing to make sure the booster will make a safe return (and procrastination), Beyond is finally sure that they're ready to launch the RBS. The goal of this mission will be to launch two commsats into orbit, which are designed to make the internet more available to everybody on Kerbin. Of course, that's just the payload. Everybody's here to see the launch of the RBS, Kerbin's very first re-usable booster! Our goal is to land it at the KSC, but really anywhere flat will do. Anyways, it's time for the maiden flight of the RBS!



The RBS is speeding through the atmosphere!


Orbital insertion burn


And the mission is in orbit! All that has to be done is deploy the satellites... which I forgot to put RCS on.

DwWCoIn.png FAOiljX.png

Deployment of both L00nSat 1&2

With the satellites deployed, the next goal will be to return the booster. Easy, right? Well, not really. While parachutes are included on the booster, they can only take us so far. The rest is up to engines. So, holding their breath, mission control begins the Entry Descent and Landing (EDL) procedure. Kerbin sits on the edge of its seat.


Re-entry begins


Drogue chutes deployed


Final approach, engine startup!


The booster has landed in one piece, the first successful booster landing! Mission Control cheers for this success! The door to kessler syndrome-free spaceflight has been opened! Beyond would like to congratulate @Watermel00n Kerman and their company L00ntech for extraordinary technological achievement, as well the creation of the very first true SSTO.

Great job on performing the safe and crash-free landing on the booster even without using the landing gear.

Is it likely that their next manned mission on Duna will happen enough?

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On 8/12/2023 at 11:33 PM, RevanX_LSR said:

Hmm… deciding on using a design from my LSR save to deploy some large satellites. There really is no kill like Overkill.


On 8/14/2023 at 3:17 PM, kerbalyeeter40 said:

Is the shuttle thingies still going? Because i have a small reusable station shuttle, designed to launch ontop of a rocket like the dream chaser shuttle ( i am also making a mk2 payload ssto)


Agency is KerbalYeeter Industries 

flag is default kerbal1 flag


These are great suggestions, but I'm sorry to say the private agency submissions are over. Already it's quite hard to keep track of four agencies. Of course, to make it up to you guys, I could make Kerbals of you.

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Sorry a move hasn't really been made on this thread for over a week now. I've just been facing KSP burnout. I seem to always find myself opening the game and then feeling uninspired to play. I've entered what I call a stale period. All of the transfer windows are over 100 days away (except Moho but I hate Moho), and Kerman Station is really the only place to go with Kerbals. It's just kind of boring, ya know?

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1 hour ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

I've entered what I call a stale period. All of the transfer windows are over 100 days away (except Moho but I hate Moho), and Kerman Station is really the only place to go with Kerbals. It's just kind of boring, ya know?

What about the Aurora Program from all the way back? That's something to do (once you're through with KSP burnout, though).

On 5/11/2023 at 1:48 PM, Kerbalsaurus said:

Beyond will be going back to the Mun. But this time, in style. Hence, the Aurora Program. The new Aurora Program aims to set up a permanent Kerbal presence on and around the Mun, as well prove technologies that would be important for the first missions to Duna. We will be going back. And this time, we're going back for good.

Edited by TwoCalories
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NOVA 4 - YEAR 3, DAY 198

Crew: Tito


The day has come. On this historic day, the first civilian Kerbal and first space tourist will head off to Kerman Station, a huge milestone is private space travel and space travel as a whole. All of Kerbin watches as Tito Kerman climbs the launch tower and boards the MLO, which will go down in history as the first civilian space craft. In fact, and entirely civilian spacecraft. Nova 4 is launching atop L00ntech's RBS rocket, a true mish-mash of private companies. As the clock slowly counts down, many mission controllers tart to shift around a lot in their seats. On this mission, there is no room for error. One mistake, and Tito Kerman could burn on re-entry or be shot out into deep space forever. Preferably, we would like none of that to happen.


We have ignition...


...and we have liftoff! Liftoff on Nova 4!




Nova 4 has entered orbit! Tito Kerman reports that the view from up there is tremendous! Meanwhile, the RBS's EDL team prepare for the flyback of the booster.




Small issue, the RBS headed right for slope! EDL tries their best to guide it to flatter ground, but...


...to no avail. Sadly, the RBS toppled over and most of the upper half was destroyed. We're especially mad because right in the background is some ground where a safe landing could be done :mad:. Recovery teams are quickly dispatched to pick up what remains of the RBS.


Back in orbit, preparations are made for the rendezvous burn to Kerman Station. And there isn't really much to say about that.


Rendezvous burn


In the dark of Kerbin's nightside, Nova 4 arrives within 50 meters of the space station. I t aligns itself with its docking port and...


Hard dock confirmed! The hatch to the rest of station, and Tito is welcomed by all 6 of the crew members! He's shown his bed-closet, and unpacks for his 10 day stay. Tito's very ecstatic. How many Kerbals can say they've been on a vacation to space?



A kerbal among legends

However, there's one more thing he's signed up to do. After being given a few hours to settle in, Tito is brought back to the airlock with Valentina. He will in fact be going on an EVA! He suits up, and steps out, and lets go of the ladder.



The view of Kerbin takes his breath away. He's seeing what only a select few Kerbals have ever seen. Valentina shortly after joins him.


After about a 30 minute EVA, it's time for Tito and Val to head back into the spacecraft, which Tito described as "one of the saddest moments of his life. He settles in to the space station, and begins his 10 day trip literally on top of the world.


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It appears for me that the time we all dread is almost upon us. That’s right, it’s almost time for back to school. What grade am I going into? I’ll give you a hint: it’s between pre-k and senior year. So this thread is about to move a little slower. I will say new missions are on the way though, as I have found a mouse suitable for playing KSP.

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I'm glad that you have been able to find a new mouse! I look forwards to the development of the story of Beyond and its many competitive and explosive private contractors.

Have fun in school and make sure to keep playing KSP practising advanced orbital mechanics, calculus, vector fields etc.!

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We back...


View from Nova 4's docking port

After a thrilling 10 days in space, it's time for Tito Kerman to come home. He says his goodbyes to the crews, and hesitantly enters the MLO to head back home. The MLO has also proven itself a very safe, reliable, and capable spacecraft. Beyond gives the greenlight for more missions with the MLO to be scheduled, opening the doors for more missions bringing space tourists up as well as scientific missions too. One might say a new era has been ushered in.


De-orbit burn.



Five pixel city


Nova 4 successfully returns home in the grasslands of Kerbin, just outside a small city. Tito went up a famous rich billionare, and came back a super famous rich billionare. He will be echoed throughtout history as the first normal Kerbal (normal compared to kerbonaut) to ever touch the stars. Beyond would like to congratulate @Dunas Only Moon and @Watermel00n, as well as their respective companies, for their amazing contributions to space travel.


Been a while, innit? First mouse trouble, than *gag* school, and then an extreme case of Writer's Block. But here we go, another update to Beyond. I'm glad everyone stayed by during this slump. We may have even gained a few new followers. Beyond and adjacent stories will now continue, and I will also try to step up my photography game, too. Every shot unique with lots of thought put behind it. Consider it a "rebirth" of Beyond.

So, until next time,


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YEAR 3, DAY 233 - 'AURORA 0'


Awaiting launch at the KSC today is a prototype of the spacecraft that will bring Kerbalkind back to deep space, a mission dubbed 'Aurora 0'. The missions consists of a dummy payload, or a boilerplate capsule, with a prototype service module behind it. The goal for this mission is to wring out the systems of Aurora as thoroughly as possible. The mission plan goes as follows: once Aurora 0 is in orbit, it will wait about 5 orbits before burning to an apoapsis of about 1,000km. There it will remain for about a day, as it's deep space systems are tested again and again. Once that's done, it will preform an inclination burn to align with Minmus. It will remain there for another day. Once it's mission is over, it will de-orbit, and return back to Kerbin hopefully safely. And now, with mission briefing out of the way, let's get to flying!


Aurora 0 breaks through the clouds


Stage 2 separation


Full view of the Aurora Boilerplate



Aurora 0 is in orbit!

Now the fun part can begin. With Aurora 0 in a stable LKO, it's maneuver to insert itself into a highly elliptical Kerbin orbit is set up.


Now comes the waiting. After a few Kerbin orbits, the new upgrade RE-10 "Poodle" lights up for the first time!


Now our orbit looks like this:


Mission control settles in, and begins to test and re-test Aurora's systems.


View from 1,000km

Just a day later, Aurora 0 prepares for it's inclination change. Believe it or not, apparently having an elliptical orbit made the inclination change more efficient. I would've thought the opposite, but I don't know.


Inclination change

After another day in orbit, it's time for Aurora 0 to come home. The periapsis is lowered to 20km, the service module is separated, and the capsule srifts back into Kerbin's atmosphere.



Parachutes deployed


Camera's appeared to have captured some strange lights in distance. Strange, considering how remote this part of the desert is. Eh, probably nothing...



Aurora 0 safely touches down in the desert! Rescue teams are quickly dispatched. Kerbalkind will soon be returning to deep space. This time for good.

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