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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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I managed to send a ship interstellar. It wasn't supposed to be interstellar, it was only supposed to go to Jool. However when I was trying to timewarp to line up an encounter, the tracking station had other ideas.


about the only non-bugged thing I've achieved so far was getting said ship into kerbin orbit, before it got flung into interstellar space.

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Today I landed on the Mun.  Graphics are amazing.  The flight...not so much.  I'm still struggling with EVA in that I can't seem to figure out why the hatch is always blocked.  Is the hatch no longer centered on the pod?  Or is this a glitch?

Video of the landing will be posted this weekend.  I'll have a part two, which will be getting back to Kerbin, to go along with it.

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For my first mission in KSP 2 I build a mun rocket and sent Jeb, Bob, Bill and Val for a trip. Saw the the new mun arch from orbit and decided to attempt a landing there. Only broke a landing leg, I hope this will grant me luck for future missions :)


The return trip was a bit tricky. For some reason my orbit lines did not show up in map view and I couldn't create maneuver nodes. Even restarting the game did not fix the problem. Had to fly basically blind, but managed to hit Kerbin eventually :). Recovering the vessel fixed the problem.

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Yesterday I tried to fly a rocket:

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I tried again:

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Got some beautiful shots:

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Then my craft started flying away from the camera:

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I also tried flying a plane:

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This game barely runs on my laptop and it's hard to tell why my rocket keeps losing control when I'm playing around 5fps, but I'm having a lot of fun!

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I went to see Dres rings!




They are non collidable yet (read on the Discord that it will be added during EA) and they look a bit weird (with zero inclination and a perfectly circular orbit the particles still move really fast compared to my ship, while they shouldn't) but they exist and aren't just a flat texture!

Edited by Truebadour
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I reached back into the dusty corners of my memory, circa 2017 or so, and remembered/relearned how to do a completely unassisted docking, in Munar orbit no less, to rescue two Kerbals I had left stranded in orbit in a dedicated lander. They needed a ride home so, necessity was the mother of reinvention, and I got it done. I've gotten so used to @NavyFish's amazing Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod in KSP1 that flying without it felt like I was blind. Before I remembered the old fashioned techniques of "pushing" and "pulling" the velocity vector symbols on the navball onto the target marker, things were a little dicey - at one point the two craft went flying past each other at about 20 m/s. Zoinks. Fortunately, the closest approach was still far enough to avoid a collision.


Next stop, home!

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Haven't played KSP for like 6 years but I'm back to my old habits. I made a custom launch escape system and wanted to test its efficiency. So I put a command seat on it and attached as many SRB's to the back as I could and tore through the atmosphere since we have a brief window to get away with this without them catching fire.

It worked luckily as poor jeb was pretty close to achieving an escape velocity in atmos strapped to the front of that thing.

Edited by Kerbonautical
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  On 2/25/2023 at 3:20 AM, whatsEJstandfor said:

Seriously, I feel like I'm the only one who still pronounces it "Mün". I always forget it's no longer spelled that way canonically anymore. It's like that spelling was suddenly abandoned at some point and everyone just started pronouncing it boringly :/


There's dozens of üs!

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Continued my development of kerballed flight today with the construction of a light aircraft for the purpose of visual observation of the surrounding area.

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Also launched the agency's first orbital satellite - a light, but fairly uncontrollable craft - today. Will continue developing vehicles to go further and faster than ever.

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Wanted to mess with some of the lower stage XL parts and get a big rocket into orbit just for fun.
Conveniently had way too much fuel and thrust, so I decided to keep going and turn it into an impromptu Minmus mission!


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  On 2/26/2023 at 12:35 AM, Yakuzi said:

There's dozens of üs!



  On 2/26/2023 at 1:11 AM, Chilkoot said:

Whoa whoa whoa... so it's officially "Mun" now and not "Meueun"?  Has it been changed from "Mün" to "the Mun" as well (heard that in a few dev vids).

It feels like my world is collapsing a bit here...



It will always be Mün. anyone who says it is Mun is lying to you

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