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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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On my second career -- I'm doing a two-launch Duna mission. One launch sends down a rover (and leaves an orbiter in orbit), the other launch sends the kerbonaut to drive the rover and do other stuff, along with the return module. 

This time I've hit some annoying bugs, including the dreaded "the parachutes do nothing!" one. I had to reload for that. My radial chutes simply didn't deploy, and when eventually on a reload one of them did, it didn't produce any drag. Strangely the other one did deploy after enough frantic clicking on the button, and the craft landed in one piece, although strangely lopsided. Who said the game doesn't implement part failures? :joy:


Other than that, I had a few instances where I couldn't place maneuver nodes (quit and reload cleared that) and some other minor annoyances.

Current mission status is, the rover has landed and the kerbonaut is in orbit. There will be a longish drive to my destination but that's for another day!


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I went to the Mun and Minmus again, hoping to biome-hop and pick up some Science points so I can unlock some new tech that will help me get to Duna.  Nope.  Not enough science is gained from biome-hopping like it was in KSP1.  So I'm still not capable of getting to Duna and back in the sequel.

Perhaps I'm looking at this wrong?  I want to send Kerbals there and back, but I'm beginning to think that we are supposed to send probes and rovers instead?  My 4th launch in KSP1 for the Kerpollo challenge was sending Kerbals to Duna and back, and I pulled that off easily.  Why am I incapable of doing it here?  Again, am I looking at this wrong?  Should I send a probe/rover to the monument on Duna and transmit the science back?  Am I supposed to send Kerbals on a second (or third, or fourth, or whateverth) trip to Duna?

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  On 1/19/2024 at 7:05 PM, Mister Spock said:

Good stuff! What is the function of the orbiter you left in orbit? A fuel depot?


A relay, my rover only has a short-range antenna and I piloted it down uncrewed. There’s only one seat on the return module!

  On 1/19/2024 at 7:30 PM, Scarecrow71 said:

Perhaps I'm looking at this wrong?  I want to send Kerbals there and back, but I'm beginning to think that we are supposed to send probes and rovers instead?  My 4th launch in KSP1 for the Kerpollo challenge was sending Kerbals to Duna and back, and I pulled that off easily.  Why am I incapable of doing it here?  Again, am I looking at this wrong?  Should I send a probe/rover to the monument on Duna and transmit the science back?  Am I supposed to send Kerbals on a second (or third, or fourth, or whateverth) trip to Duna?


It’s not supposed to be that hard. I think you’re overthinking it. Forget docking and fancy stuff, just build a basic stack with about 3500 + 2500 + 3000 m/s with a capsule with heat shield and parachute on top. Tier 1 with maybe just a little dip into tier 2 will do it. It’ll get the job done.

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Also keep in mind that you don't need to have a ton of extra dV so you can adjust everything to land right on top of it. Either you can savescum to get close or just take time running across the surface on EVA

Edited by hatterson
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Still stuck on the Tylo primary mission, I have been slowly chunking through the secondary ones and yesterday I completed the Kerbin two, then I set my sights on the BIG N HUSKY mission. A lucky mistake saved me, although it strained my computer to several crashes and almost complete slow downs, when I added radial parachutes, forgetting that I had several radial fuel tanks, which ended up with 118 parachutes being added! I still had to retroburn right down to the ground as I had about 20 m/s even with the parachutes. Landing was the issue for the computer as 118 parachutes all collapsed. However, mission complete and 3000 more science.

I present to you the 'Loafer'!


Edited by Oak7603
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I landed Bill, drove the rover to him, and completed the Duna story mission. 

Hit a few odd bugs. At one point my rover lost most of its power and steering, top speed dropped by half. Saving and reloading cleared that. Also there still is that weird regular kick that requires some sharp steering to keep going. Otherwise it was fun, even with a longish drive.


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  On 1/6/2024 at 4:13 PM, Periple said:

I don’t entirely trust docking yet so I’m trying to avoid having to do that! :joy:


I've found it's pretty reliable to be honest. In the process of building a station at 200km above Kerbin, and so far it's been great! Only challenge I've had so far is the overheating of items within a fairing. I'm only doing about 600m/s at 30km up and I'm having docking ports on my coupling module exploding which is fairly frustrating...

Suppose I just need to use a heatshield on the front while we wait on a few tweaks to the thermal mechanics....

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Just had the worst ksp experience ever :(

It started out wanting to do a rescue mission for 2 kerbals, one stranded in Tylo orbit, and one on the Tylo surface, from a previous mission.
Previously, I had estimated the amount of deltaV wrong, or ksp got it wrong. either way, it ended up in the above situation.

So I build a new transfer vehicle, more than triple the amount of deltaV, launch it into orbit, perfect.
I build my new lander, over also a little bit more deltaV than the original, but I added more stages than the original so
I could make optimal use of my fuel.

It all started going wrong when I started my burn to Jool, it took over 3x as much deltaV than the readout said, but no worries, 
I should still have plenty left for the return. it burned over 10k deltaV, while saying it only needed about 2.5k. 

The rendezvous with the stranded kerbal in orbit went pretty smooth. a few gravity assists and I got a nice Tylo orbit, without
spending almost any fuel. The real trouble started on Tylo. Not only did it require almost 4k deltaV to land, even after shedding some stages.
Bob, who was stranded on the surface, couldn't walk to the rocket when it had finally landed. it's like he ran into an invisible wall and started
floating. when I switched back to the ship, or every time I loaded a save, it launched itself off it's landing legs and exploded.
I eventually managed to retract the landing legs and land on some fuel tanks, and got Bob on board, ready to go back. 
Again, it took way more deltaV than it said, but when trying to rendezvous with the transfer stage, both just kept spinning out of control
constantly. And when I finally did manage to dock with it (at this point there was only my command pod with some rcs thrusters left)
it said I had no more fuel, even though I still should have about 7k deltaV in the tanks. The return trip should've only cost me 2.5k
again, but ofcourse, it took everything I had and still couldn't even get a gravity assist. so I just settled and said screw it, I'm cheating my way home.

I ran into so many bugs, there's just too much to even start making bug reports about. I just needed to vent somewhere :( 

I think I'm gonna lay off this game again for a while because this just took too much out of me, and that for only a measly 5k science points.

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Why did your burns use so much dV?

I usually use a bit over 2k to get to Jool, then I gravity capture so that’s maneuvering fuel only, getting into low orbit around Tylo will cost something.

 Tylo landings can be expensive but 4k is a lot there too, about 3k should be enough with some safety margin.

Was the game bugging out or was it something you did?

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  On 1/21/2024 at 4:42 AM, Periple said:

Was the game bugging out or was it something you did?


it was the game bugging out, because when I made a maneuver node it said I only needed a bit over 2k, and that's also how Im used to doing it.
But my fuel levels were going down faster than the maneuver timer. It's like there was a fuel leak or something.

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I've had no end of Dv errors getting to Jool. It seems to get worse, the more stages and rockets you have. My attempt at landing on Tylo, in a specific location for the mission of course, has been thwarted because you need so much Dv to just land that I have to build a dedicated landing craft which has a load of rockets to even get it down safely that the Dv calculator can't get it right. The best and easiest times getting to Jool have been those single type rockets with no extra craft attached.

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I’ve seen  a similar bug with the dab going down way faster when I used multiple engines on the same tank. Not sure if they were occluding or something.

Do  you have a screenshot of the craft? Would be interesting to see if the issue is with the dV calculations on screen (showing too high a number) or if fuel was actually burning too fast.

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Built the Tylo Claw here to do something I haven't done in years.... land on Tylo.


The in-game delta V calculator is quite useful. Made it to the planet with plenty to spare and managed to safely land about eight km from my target. Did some science, then took a dangerous low-fuel bunny hop.


Lost my engines and fuel, but arrived at the [REDACTED] on Tylo.  After some flag-planting and transmitting even more science, my mission was complete. Between the mission rewards and experiments done, I managed a nice haul of 16,000 science!

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I completed my first serious interplanetary build. Designed to be modular so that I can replace pieces if I determine upgrades are required.

Construction was nasty though with all of the current bugs. Had at least half a dozen spotaneous rapid disassemblies due to it deciding to shake itself to pieces. A few more minor shaking fits that decided to throw off all of the solar panels randomly. A few launches were underbudgeted due to the VAB dV calculation bugs (likely the same that caused the issues in preceding posts). At least two occasions of ships teleporting short distances coming out of time warp causing them to collide during rendezvous and obliterate each other. SAS and RCS causing nightmares for docking requiring manually disabling pitch, yaw, and roll RCS control on dozens of RCS thrusters to avoid wasting all of my monoprop in an unstable blasting of fuel because it won't stop attempting to stabilize despite being a fraction of a degree from target. But it's done.


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I ran into some frustrating bugs today! :sob:

I'm building a mission to Jool, with a relay that will drop a probe into Jool, and a rover that will go to Tylo. The problem is that after launch, the parts go crooked! I didn't notice until I was descending to Tylo when thrust was way off-axis and three parts were visibly misaligned, then some fuel tanks blew up because the misalignment had caused a rocket to become partly occluded; I even managed to correct that by adjust thrust, but then all of a sudden one pair of wheels and a few other parts just flew off my rover. 

I reloaded an earlier save and saw that the parts were already misaligned right after the launch. When I rolled back further and re-launched, I saw that those parts were now straight, but another part was way out of alignment!

The weirdest thing is, the parts that go out of alignment are just completely normal decoupler-tank connections connected with nodes! All my weird surface attachment stuff stays put!

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  On 1/23/2024 at 2:32 AM, feradose. said:

I made my Wilhelmina 875 somewhat lighter and also made the transit fuel tank easier to assemble. It's Wilhelmina 500, I suppose. Now that it's a lot simpler to dock together, only the surfaces of Eve and Jool can elude my clutches.



Forgive me, but what's that dark tire-tread pattern to the right on the surface of Dres? Is it aligned with the equatorial ridge, the Dres canyon, or something else? Neat ship btw.

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I landed on Duna!

I've managed to drive more than 100km on the Mun, so for my first Duna landing, I used the same rover/lander combo, plus a bunch of parachutes.

I'm still experimenting with wheel settings on this run. (All advice welcome) It moves smoother and is less likely to flip, but if it does flip there's no 'rolling it back upright', like I can do on the Mun.

So far, I'm more than 5km from my Lander, which is fine. I plan to keep a'Rovin along, until I get to the Anomaly (not that far away) and unlock the 2000 Science Points.

My policy at this stage is to land a one-way craft and unlock a bunch of points, to make the 'next gen' craft better, and pick crew/samples up for a return flight.

In the meantime, I'm running the 'journey' scene from the third act of 'The Martian' and enjoying the drive, and the blue sunsets. I hope to go through a few biomes and collect samples/data from all of them for later.

Val is smiling real big in the preview window. She's enjoying the drive too.

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There's a scene in The Martian where Watney is driving his Rover across Mars, towards Ares IV. His log opens with: "Whoohoo! I've detected the Beacon! I'm going the right way!"


I've been driving my rover across Duna for a few hours, picking my way around/over craters, and I've collected over 700 Science Points. And behold, I've found the beacon for the Duna anomaly! I was following the moon to give myself a direction until then. (Incidentally, taking a bearing off the moon was what Watney did too.)

Interestingly, my landing site was almost exactly the same distance away as the range of the beacon.


And it's my second blue sunset.

Next step: Unlock the Duna anomaly. Get 2000 points. Build a superior lander, to collect the Rover's driver/samples. I might drive north, to collect science points from the polar region too. (Also, send a satellite with multiple transmitters into Duna space, to help with science transmissions.)

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