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LETS FRICKEN GO!!!!!!!!!!!


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Tutorials so far... it's lovely, just a few rough spots.  Second tutorial doesn't seem to recognize I returned my rocket to vertical until after I exited the atmosphere.  The pauses during the tutorial just resulted in me jettisoning the second stage as well as the first.  Probably because I'm being impatient.

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1 minute ago, James Kerman said:

I'm also in a remote area, less than an hour until I'm off peak and can download!

I think that my laptop will keep me warm through winter.

My CPU is sitting at a toasty 96C. I think I need to repaste it 

4 minutes ago, Wheehaw Kerman said:

Still at 43% - I am in a remote area, but bears in back yard > super fast downloads IMHO.  Gonna be running this on a i7/1050ti from 2017 until the new machine arrives Tuesday.

Don’t wish me luck, wish me patience :).

Patience wished

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I am buying this before work.

I am going to have my computer install it before work.

I am going to have my computer running it while I am at work.

My poor 1080 is going to cry.


May need to get a new graphics card in a month or three.

Edited by Mekan1k
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