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All Noted Tracking Station Bugs For Celestial Body Information (So Far)


Bug Report

(Current for EA Release Build, Last Edit: 3 March 2023)
Hi, Figured I'd compile my own noticed issues along with the others that people have noticed here on the forums, if you notice something new, note it down!
I'll do my best to organize these.

Side note: It does look like some parameters, like Eve's Sea Level Pressure being changed from KSP1, until someone tells me otherwise, I won't label this as a bug.

Units of Measurement
Surface Gravity:
Units are labeled as m/s, when the value given is in G's (1.00034 vs. 9.81 for Kerbin)
Related Threads:
Author: Sginga
Forum Thread: 

CircumferenceValues given for the physical characteristic "circumference" make no sense, I have tried figuring out what these values are, It's not related to the planetary radius, SOI or orbit, I'm honestly at a loss (props if you can figure out what the devs are trying to show here)
Related Threads:
Author: Rook116
Forum Thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/213361-kerbin-tracking-station-information-incorrect/#comment-4244728

Atmosphere: Units here are given as (atm), when the values given reflect the densities, which have units of (kg/m^3). Atm is a unit of pressure where 1 atm = 101,325 Pa
Related Threads:
Author: ShadoxFilms
Forum Thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/212899-different-celestial-body-properties-are-presented-in-the-tracking-station-why/#comment-4243319

Eccentricity: Value should be unitless, current UI shows it having units of degrees 
Related Threads:
Author: Trickplay
Forum Thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/214331-planetary-data/


Localization / Typos
General Typos In descriptions: Grammar is hard, I completely empathize. Other times, describing astrophysics is even harder.
Related Threads:
Author: Zipmafia
Forum Thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/213718-typos-in-synopses-of-kerbin-and-dres-in-tracking-station/#comment-4246376

Author: Strawberry
Forum Thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/214160-disrepencies-and-bugs-in-the-tracking-station-menu-descriptions/

Planet order does not make sense: If it were by orbit, order would be Moho, Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Dres, Jool, Eeloo. It's obviously not alphabetical either.
Author: Shadoxfilms
Forum Thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/214163-all-noted-tracking-station-bugs-for-celestial-body-information-so-far/&do=findComment&comment=4252139


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Version: KSP2 v0.2.0 For Science!

I've pulled issues from Kerbin, Moho and Minmus with annotations:


EDIT: In addition to my in-image notes:

  • Eccentricity should not be stated in units of degrees, it is unitless.
  • The Velocity metric under the Orbital Characteristics section should state 'Orbital Velocity'. 
  • The Gravity stat is being listed as factors of 1g but are being stated as m/s^2. 
  • The body masses are out by a factor of 1000 as stated in the image but I've also determined that the body mass differences between KSP1 and KSP2 are due to the difference in Gravitational Constant values being used by both games;
    • KSP1: 6.67408E-11
    • KSP2: 6.67430E-11

As body mass in KSP2 is calculated using G, gEarth (9.80665m/s^2 - KSP1 uses the same value), gASL (of the body as a factor of gEarth), and the body radius... the difference in G between the two games is affecting the mass and density values between the two. Not sure what kind of knock on effect this has with other orbital or gameplay parameters. It definitely is an argument for the need of a separate KSP2 Wiki though.

Also... it would be FANTASTIC if when you mouse-overed a data value, it presented the raw base value as a tool tip. For example, hovering over Kerbin's SMA presented a tooltip of 13,599,840,256m.

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Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 Home 64-bit | CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700F @ 2.50 GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 | RAM16 GB


In the Physical/Orbital Characteristics section of the Tracking Station, there are a couple of units and values that seem to be bugged:

  • Eccentricity has a degree unit, even though it is a unitless value.
  • For values that end with the unit "km", it is erroneously represented as "k/m."
  • Gravity seems to have the incorrect unit, and should either be changed to "g" or multiplied by 9.81 to be correctly represented in this unit.
  • Sidereal period is incorrectly measured as a unit of speed/velocity, not as a unit of time.
  • Every CB has an impossibly large circumference (i.e. Kerbin in the provided screenshot having a circumference of 7.56 astronomical units), presumably from some error in calculating the circumference of each CB.
  • Atmosphere seems to be given as atmospheric density instead of atmospheric pressure, so should either be represented as "kg/m^3" or defined as 1.00 in Kerbin's case.

This issue has been present since launch day, and I am hoping that this will be addressed in a future hotfix/update.


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 11 Pro | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700X | GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070ti | RAM32 GB


The Gravity values in the information panels (in the Tracking Station) for the planets / moons are false.

The values are measured in the wrong unit.
It displays Kerbins gravitational force as 1.00 m/s^2, which would be fine if the m/s^2 would be replaced with g (location factor).

Possible fix:
Replace the unit "m/s^2" with "g" OR

Replace the values (for example: Kerbins gravitational force: 9,81 m/s^2 not 1,00 m/s^2)



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"SIDEREAL PERIOD" has units of "m/s", which makes no sense for a time interval:


(Image sampled from a screenshot in a previous thread. If this has been patched, let me know and I'll retract this within the limits of the forum software.)

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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750 CPU @ 2.60GHZ | GPU: Intel(R) UHD Graphics | RAM16 GB


Severity: Low - Just some wrong numbers/values.

Frequency: High - It seems to be permanent.


While playing on the branch of KSP, I noticed some things that didn't quite add up properly. I noticed that things such as gravity, atmosphere, and circumference didn't quite make sense across the Kerbolar system in the Tracking Station.  There doesn't seem to be any steps to replicate, just that the game either started that way (I don't remember if it did, sorry!), or it just happened. I think it's more likely the former.

My expectations, and what actually happened, are listed below.

Here's some examples:

Kerbin's values seem to be off - I don't think Kerbin's gravity is 1.00 m/s^2, nor is its atmosphere 1.22 atm. I also doubt Kerbin's circumference is 7.56 AU.


I think the values for the gravity, and atmosphere may just have the wrong measurements. I think the proper measurement for the gravity would be in Gee's, (1.00 G), and the proper atmosphere measurement would be in kg/m^3 (1.22 kg/m^2). I don't know what Kerbin's circumference would be, but I think it would be less than 7.56 AU. A lot less!


Here's some more examples!

The Mun:


I think the gravity is closer to 0.17 Gees, not m/s^2. I also still don't think the circumference is right.



I think the gravity's closer to 0.05 Gees, and the circumference is lower



I know for a fact Eve's gravity is 1.7 Gees, not 1.7 m/s^2! The atmosphere reading seems somewhat right, but I think it's supposed to be ~5 atm, which is pretty close to the displayed value, in kg/m^3. Also, there is no way that Eve's 10.29 AU in circumference!

From here on out, I'll just show some more examples, you decide if the displayed values/measurements are right or not.







Kerbol: (Just for how crazy the circumference is, 22.72 Ly? Really?)






Ike: (Don't know why I left the orbital characteristics open for so long, my bad!)
























And finally, Eeloo:



That's pretty much all there is for this bug, a relatively simple, and probably low-priority one. I hope this does get resolved eventually, though! Keep up the good work, team!

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If I am allowed to add: better write "g" in "when the value is written in g's" . G ("Big G")  is the gravitational constant . g ("small g") is a gravitational generated acceleration value, for earth it is defined with a standard value of 9.80665 m/s^2 .

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4 hours ago, Excors said:

The circumference is actually being calculated as pi*r^2, instead of pi*2*r. (With r=600km for Kerbin, that gives exactly the value shown in the tracking station.)

LMAO,  such a simple mistake, Sounds like a typo I'd have in my code, nice job figuring that one out.

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4 hours ago, Excors said:

The circumference is actually being calculated as pi*r^2, instead of pi*2*r. (With r=600km for Kerbin, that gives exactly the value shown in the tracking station.)

No. That's the area.

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1 hour ago, TomKerbal said:

No. That's the area.

Right, they are saying that the value of circumference as shown in the tracking station is using the wrong formula.
For example, Kerbol has a reported C = 2.1499351693039E+17m

if you use the incorrect formula, as @Excors found, then you get a radius of 2.616E+8m, which is the same radius of Kerbol in KSP1
If you use the correct formula for radius, which is C = 2*pi*r, and plugging in the reported C from the tracking station, you get a radius of 3.4217E+16, which is 5 orders of magnitude larger than the semi-major axis of Eeloo.

In other news regarding tracking station

Planet list order is neither in the order of the orbits, nor is it alphabetical, added to main post

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Ahhhhh... now I got it... Very bad  :-D  . They should write the radius there anyway. I checked the values for Kerbin. The "circumference" value is nonsense in the way you describe and the gravity unit as well ( as said before it seems to be in the unit of g (Earth) ). And the density is incredibly high, no chance to create with the elements we know. But better than changing the gravitational constant of the universe, G ;-)

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8 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Oh, yuck!
These were written before I took over as writer. I had no idea they were there but I will get on it immediately.
Thank you for pointing them out! 

:happy: :valhappy:

You're welcome!! Thanks for the response!

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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H | GPU: RTX 3080 | RAM32 GB

As mention in the title, the physical info section in the planet synopsis measures the gravitational acceleration in G's, but specifies the unit as m/s. For instance, it says that the gravitational acceleration of Kerbin is 1.00 m/s^2, when it should be either 9.81 m/s^2 or 1.00 G.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: Nvidia GTX 1660S | RAM16GB


I believe that some information inside the Tracking Station information panels are incorrect. For example, Kerbin does not have a planetary circumference of 7.56AU, and that seems like a stretch for its orbital circumference too. Nor does it have a density of 58482 kg/m^3. It appears that there are also issues with other bodies. If I am rusty with this kind of data or just wrong, ignore this bug report.

[This page errors whenever I try to upload a screenshot.]


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 19045) | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8-Core Processor (16 CPUs) | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 | RAM32978 MB

Severity: Medium, some of this information can be really helpful for planning a flight/manoeuvre but if it's incorrect it's worthless

Frequency: High, any time you open this screen

Description: The information shown for planets in the tracking station is quite bad. For Kerbin, for example, in Orbital Characteristics, the sidereal period is displayed as 9,204 k/m/s. Kilometres per metre per second is not the appropriate unit of measurement for an orbital period. It should be in seconds, or days given its scale. The figure itself is probably correct, but for some reason the unit is absurd. It would be nice to see the planet's apses in addition to its semimajor axis. Useful information for bodies in elliptical orbits.

In Physical Characteristics, gravity is shown as 1.00 m/s2 which of course should be 1g or 9.81 m/s2 (or 9.81ms-2 but that's a matter of taste). Circumference is shown as 7.56 AU (sic). I don't know what that's supposed to mean here. Even using the ingame 'AU' equivalent it's way off of the actual figure, 3.769Mm. Atmosphere is shown to be 1.22 atm, which doesn't make much sense either. AFAIK atmospheric pressure on Kerbin at sea level is the same as on Earth so it should be 1 atm in that case. If that's changed fair enough, although it's a little weird to use Earth's 'atm' baseline for Kerbin. It would be confusing to use 'atm' ingame if it doesn't refer to Earth's 'atm', however, so it might be better to just use kPa here.

These are not all the problems in this part of the Tracking Station screen, there are others. This issue was raised on the forum back in March but the forum told me to consider starting a new thread instead of necromancing that old one, so I did.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows 10 | CPU: AMD ryzen 7 3700X 8-core | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti | RAM64GB DDR4

So i decided to launch a geostationary satelite and as a physicist myself i decided to do all the calculatoons for the height of the orbit, however the data for kerbin seems wrong;

siderial period is is kelvin/meters/second  shows game units as k/m/s, and i honestly have no idea what unit this is, km/s but its a time seasurement thats speed unit? 

Acceleration due to gravity, its 1  m/s^2 this seems quite low as i remember ksp1 was 9.81 as is in real life or in the wiki, it state "surface gravity; 9.81 m/s^2 (1g)"  (https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin)

circimference isnt really a problem i just wanted to mention radius or diameter would be easier and using m as SI units but if this is the intention or its easier for players then im really not fussed as its easy converions, just thought id give it a mention 

sphere of influence is in k/m not km 

another small point mass is in standard form then units of GT (giga ton i assume) would be easier for just standard form of kg 

i belive these units and errors vary from one celestial object to another as the mun has m/s (still seems wrong as period is time) but minmus has k/m/s? however one BIG mistake unless the sizes have really been changed about and the scale of the kerbal universe shifted is kerbol (the star) has a diameter of 7 LIGHT YEARS?! circumference of 22ly?!?! however this would be too small if the density was assumed correct, as it has no density. 


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win10 64bit | CPU: i9-13900k | GPU: RTX4090 | RAM64Gb


I saw some Units which are wrong in the UI.
For example when informations about planets are displayed.
- Semi-Major Axis: k/m does not make any sense. "k" is a prefix and means a factor 1000.  A prefix can't be written without unit. You may mean "km"?
- Sphere of influence: same as above
- Sidereal period: m/s or k/m/s is wrong. k/m/s would mean: 1000/(m*s) which does not lead in the same unit as m/s. Both would not make sense for a timeperiod. The unit shuld be a time.
- Rotation velocity: I think it does not make sense to specify a rotation speed in m/s because such a speed would be depending on a radius. If it is the tangential speed of the surface height of the body,
                                            I would name it "Rotation ground speed". Otherwise I would define the rotation velocity as rad/s or degrees/s.

- Mass: Using the scientific notation, a prefix is no longer needed. 9.76E8 Gt would be 9.76E17t


I also saw some strange values which in my opinion do not make sense:
- Kerbin->Circumference: 7.56AU is a little bit to much ;)
- Kerbol->Circumference: 22.72ly... I don't think that the light would have to travel 22.7 jears to circle around the star once.
- Kerbol->Density: 0kg/m^3, can be a bit higher.


Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards

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