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Returning after four months.

Kim Hanson

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That's right.  I haven't played since  I wanted to see what progress has been made and as far as I can tell things may have actually become worse.  

In the VAB, rotating and translating anything not installed on the cardinal directions is quite an adventure.  I don't recall it being that difficult before.

In flight an unmonitored vehicle may do almost anything.  Today it decided to use up remaining fuel thus climbing it to a higher orbit before running out.  All the tell tales say it was not powered.  Engines were shut down, throttle was not left accidently cracked a fraction.  I then remembered to shut of SAS.  I like to do this when a vessel has no need for control and thus uses no electrical power for that function.  Well apparently SAS was the only thing holding the craft's orientation.  Once disabled it began pitching, faster and faster... and faster.  I wonder what would happen if I just left it running like that?  Would it eventually crash my computer?  What would it look like?  Would I discover some heretofore unknown effects when reaching light speed?  Buggered if I know.

Anyway, I guess KSP2 is not yet ready for prime time.  Kindergarten seems to be about the right speed for it.  I will wait a little longer and try again.  Maybe around Christmas.  See y'all then!

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  On 8/23/2023 at 8:02 PM, Kim Hanson said:

That's right.  I haven't played since


Unfortunately, this statement is probably not as surprising or impactful as you might expect. Judging by the KSP 2 player counts, most of those who bought the game are in the same situation. I personally haven’t played since launch- I’m waiting for reentry heat.

Also, I see that you have expressed some negativity about the state of the game and the pace of development, and I regret to inform you that this indicates that you are an impulsive and irrational hater intent on polarizing the community.

Welcome back :)

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  On 8/23/2023 at 8:40 PM, VlonaldKerman said:

Also, I see that you have expressed some negativity about the state of the game and the pace of development, and I regret to inform you that this indicates that you are an impulsive and irrational hater intent on polarizing the community.


:D  Actually I'm just old and would like to play the release version before I die. 

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And just for the record, as of this moment, there is a new release slated to be shipped out next week, so if you're considering canning the game for another couple months you may at least wanna check it when it comes along!

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  On 8/23/2023 at 8:40 PM, VlonaldKerman said:

Also, I see that you have expressed some negativity about the state of the game and the pace of development, and I regret to inform you that this indicates that you are an impulsive and irrational hater intent on polarizing the community


Yeah you negative person, stop talking about what's wrong and focus on all the positive things ksp2 has to offer! 

Like....you know...the thing...doing that stuff...I mean, the list goes on and on!

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  On 8/23/2023 at 8:40 PM, VlonaldKerman said:

Also, I see that you have expressed some negativity about the state of the game and the pace of development, and I regret to inform you that this indicates that you are an impulsive and irrational hater intent on polarizing the community.

Welcome back :)


They expressed an opinion different from mine they must be a horrible human being!

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Recently I put together a new gaming rig.  I have yet to install KSP2 and probably won't until...   It gets fixed and we see the promised content, or the franchise gets sold to a talented, passionate and motivated independent studio that cares about the KSP franchise.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/23/2023 at 8:40 PM, VlonaldKerman said:

Also, I see that you have expressed some negativity about the state of the game and the pace of development, and I regret to inform you that this indicates that you are an impulsive and irrational hater intent on polarizing the community.


Is it really negativity to say that the game is excrements, and that this development process is one of the slowest the world has ever seen? Or is it just reality? 


Everyone collectively agrees with this and stopped playing. There is no polarization. We are all just checking in every few months to confirm that the game really is dead. 

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  On 9/6/2023 at 11:50 AM, isitbroken said:

Everyone collectively agrees with this and stopped playing. There is no polarization. We are all just checking in every few months to confirm that the game really is dead. 


I'm still playing, please don't presume to speak for the whole community. 

For what it's worth I'm currently running a multi-ship return mission to Duna and Ike and (with some stubbornness) having a rather fun time.  I would assume that over time new features will be added, and bugs will be squashed, and the stubbornness/fun ratio will further improve.  I'll still have had fun and enjoyed myself.


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I haven't been playing since 0.1.3 but not because I'm frustrated, it's just that I really need a progression mode to properly have fun. I could live with the bugs just fine if I had that.  When I started playing KSP there were all kinds of really nasty bugs there too! Like intercept markers flying all over the place, orbits decaying, craft spontaneously disassembling when they flew over the south pole, all kinds of kraken attacks, and... loads more really! And I had a LOT of fun! :joy:

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  On 9/7/2023 at 10:48 AM, Periple said:

I haven't been playing since 0.1.3 but not because I'm frustrated, it's just that I really need a progression mode to properly have fun. I could live with the bugs just fine if I had that.  When I started playing KSP there were all kinds of really nasty bugs there too! Like intercept markers flying all over the place, orbits decaying, craft spontaneously disassembling when they flew over the south pole, all kinds of kraken attacks, and... loads more really! And I had a LOT of fun! :joy:


Do you remember what version of KSP you start playing with ?

In all honesty, I can't remember of anything Game-Breaking when I played in 0.18, and I think I started in 0.13 as well but probably not that much.

Back in 0.18, I can remember spending about 3-5 hours a day for months, real, and I don't recall the game being broken, like, even a bit. But i'm also pretty sure that i'm forgot about it haha, It was certainly not perfect, far from that. But like, I built and flew sooooooo many weird things, I did not remember being frustrated at all by bugs !

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  On 9/7/2023 at 12:41 PM, Dakitess said:

Do you remember what version of KSP you start playing with ?

In all honesty, I can't remember of anything Game-Breaking when I played in 0.18, and I think I started in 0.13 as well but probably not that much.

Back in 0.18, I can remember spending about 3-5 hours a day for months, real, and I don't recall the game being broken, like, even a bit. But i'm also pretty sure that i'm forgot about it haha, It was certainly not perfect, far from that. But like, I built and flew sooooooo many weird things, I did not remember being frustrated at all by bugs !


I don’t remember the exact version but maybe 1.0? It wasn’t EA.

It was tremendous fun but lots of things were really broken. I remember how hard it was to get an intercept because the markers were flying and flickering all over the place, if I got into low orbit it would spontaneously decay (lost my first attempt at a Mun landing this way), and there were times craft would just spontaneously get corrupted.

This happened to me when I tried a hardcore career run, I had gotten all the way to a big complicated crewed Jool mission and my craft just became a set of unconnected, uncontrollable parts — still reading as one craft but with loads of space between the parts and not controllable.

I also remember surface landed craft spontaneously falling into the planet, bouncing into the air and then crashing when they got into physics range, and of course the frame rate went into single digits when approaching a base with a few landed vehicles, this was especially bad on Duna and made it almost impossible to land safely there.

Then there was the garbage collection bug/memory leak that would progressively slow down scene transitions and produce a half-second stutter every few seconds, so I had to quit and restart the game every half hour or so.

There was loads more like that which I’ve mostly forgotten about because I was having such fun. I just remember those because the first one was really super frustrating and the second one ruined my hardcore run.

In any case when I last played KSP2 at 0.1.3 it wasn’t worse than KSP was when I first played it. Better and more stable in many ways!

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I really can't recall of KSP being like we have currently in KSP2 : as you said, we've had some bugs along the dev, now that you quote them I remember having them : craft falling into the ground or bouncing on it when entering the physis bubble, encounters cursors getting mad, and the terribly frustrating stuttering that was a really pain in the ass. But the 2 first items were far from systematic, like, I've only rage quit because of it once in about 3000h of gameplay by that time ! It happened but really really really really less often than KSP2 which cumulate far more other concerns in addition of having them way more systematic.

Do you really honestly feel that the current KSP2 state is better than any post 1.0 KSP1 version ?... Sincere question, you might be right and me wrong, just to ask if there is any kind of exageration ;)

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  On 9/10/2023 at 7:08 AM, Dakitess said:

Do you really honestly feel that the current KSP2 state is better than any post 1.0 KSP1 version ?... Sincere question, you might be right and me wrong, just to ask if there is any kind of exageration ;)


Memory is tricky! It’s impossible to say for certain without a side by side comparison, but I would put 0.1.3 about on par with 1.0 or whatever version I started with. Some things in 0.1.3 are much better (consistency of performance, aerodynamic flight, construction) and others are as bad or worse (decaying orbits, flakiness with orbit lines, wobbly rockets). The bugs and annoyances aren’t the same but in my mind the impact is similar!

It’s hard to do a comparison also because there’s no progression mode. I do think some are forgetting just how flaky KSP1 was until 1.3 and then again until 1.8 or thereabouts!


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  On 9/10/2023 at 7:16 AM, Periple said:

Memory is tricky! It’s impossible to say for certain without a side by side comparison, but I would put 0.1.3 about on par with 1.0 or whatever version I started with. Some things in 0.1.3 are much better (consistency of performance, aerodynamic flight, construction) and others are as bad or worse (decaying orbits, flakiness with orbit lines, wobbly rockets). The bugs and annoyances aren’t the same but in my mind the impact is similar!

It’s hard to do a comparison also because there’s no progression mode. I do think some are forgetting just how flaky KSP1 was until 1.3 and then again until 1.8 or thereabouts!



I think your memory is incorrect about this.  You should boot up KSP 1.0 and check it out.   KSP 1.0 had about a 97% rating on Steam in April of 2015 of 11,433 total.  I think if it was anywhere near as bad as KSP2 is now - even with people being more forgiving since its not a sequel - you wouldn't see such high reviews.  The difference is very stark.  

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  On 9/10/2023 at 7:16 AM, Periple said:

Memory is tricky! It’s impossible to say for certain without a side by side comparison, but I would put 0.1.3 about on par with 1.0 or whatever version I started with. Some things in 0.1.3 are much better (consistency of performance, aerodynamic flight, construction) and others are as bad or worse (decaying orbits, flakiness with orbit lines, wobbly rockets).


I thought you were talking about some very early versions of KSP1! It seems your memory is failing you. In KSP 1.0 there was excellent performance on the built-in video card, there were practically no krakens and game-breaking bugs were quite rare.

  On 9/10/2023 at 7:16 AM, Periple said:

aerodynamic flight


It seems that the aerodynamics in KSP2 were done in such a way that even a brick will fly like a falcon if you attach an engine to it

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  On 9/10/2023 at 9:45 AM, Alexoff said:

I thought you were talking about some very early versions of KSP1! It seems your memory is failing you. In KSP 1.0 there was excellent performance on the built-in video card, there were practically no krakens and game-breaking bugs were quite rare.


Yes, I don't think progression play is even possible in KSP2 even if it was implemented, given how.many issues people have with save corruption.  I saw people still recommending starting a new 'campaign' for each mission.  

Plus there are issues like this 


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  On 9/10/2023 at 9:45 AM, Alexoff said:

I thought you were talking about some very early versions of KSP1! It seems your memory is failing you. In KSP 1.0 there was excellent performance on the built-in video card, there were practically no krakens and game-breaking bugs were quite rare.


That wasn’t my experience! I’m not sure it was 1.0 though, it might have been a later version, but at one point I got into base-building and it was almost impossible on Duna because performance dropped like a stone if I had more than 1 or 2 landed craft. I also lost lots of craft to the kraken and hit a whole bunch of game-breaking bugs too. 

I was playing 100% stock at the time, I only discovered mods later. Maybe we were doing different things?

I was still having a great time and gave the game a glowing review on Steam! I did mention the bugs as a downside of course.

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  On 9/10/2023 at 11:45 AM, Periple said:

I’m not sure it was 1.0 though, it might have been a later version, but at one point I got into base-building and it was almost impossible on Duna because performance dropped like a stone if I had more than 1 or 2 landed craft. I also lost lots of craft to the kraken and hit a whole bunch of game-breaking bugs too.


This is absolutely impossible! The most unoptimized version 1.0.5 showed “yellow” FPS only after 200 parts. Kraken attacks disappeared somewhere around 0.18. I started a new career in 1.0.0 without any problems and spammed the entire system with crafts, my 970 did not feel overvolted at all. And then I started my career in “New Horizons” and also did not encounter any serious bugs.

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  On 9/10/2023 at 12:12 PM, Alexoff said:

The most unoptimized version 1.0.5 showed “yellow” FPS only after 200 parts.


Part count wasn’t the problem. The FPS drop manifested near landed craft. If there were more than two, FPS dropped into the single digits. The problem was particularly bad on Duna.

They fixed it eventually but at one point it was really bad!

  On 9/10/2023 at 12:12 PM, Alexoff said:

Kraken attacks disappeared somewhere around 0.18.


I lost several craft to them. In particular, when I was building very heavy spaceplanes or orbital stations, docking and undocking was seriously dangerous. And there was the issue I described above of craft spontaneously corrupting — it happened to me several times, most memorably when it ruined my hardcore run.

  On 9/10/2023 at 12:12 PM, Alexoff said:

. I started a new career in 1.0.0 without any problems and spammed the entire system with crafts, my 970 did not feel overvolted at all. And then I started my career in “New Horizons” and also did not encounter any serious bugs.


Good for you! I think we must have had different play styles because my experience wasn’t the same!

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