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Science and Spaceflight - inaccessible via mobile or PC


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I know. Bizarre, ain't it?

Okay, I see. Using Chrome on PC, I get the Error 500 message when I try to access S&SS, but it works fine using the Edge browser.  @JoeSchmuckatelli, @JoeSchmuckateli, have you tried other browsers?

I tried Safari, Chrome, and Edge on iOS, and they all give a blank white screen for S&SS. The I started clicking around and discovered KSP1 Discussion is also giving the a white screen. Chrome on PC gives Error 500 for those two subforums, but Edge on PC is working fine. Tried Chrome and Firefox on my wife's laptop, with the same issue; Firefox was a blank white screen.

So the only way I can access those two subforums is Edge on PC. Or be logged out. Weird.


Tried different themes, no difference.

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18 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

different themes, no difference

I too played with themes to no effect.  I've tried multiple browsers and platforms to no avail.  Even the Alt doesn't work on edge, but does on Firefox. 

The problem with the primary was intermittent and sometimes shifting - where I would have access on mobile but not PC or on PC but not mobile... Until one day I had no access from either for weeks.  The Alt is a workaround but I can only use it on Firefox / PC... But at least I have access again! 

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50 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Oh - and something really weird - I think I just posted on S & Sf from my regular account on my phone (Chrome) 

@Dakota @Gargamel... Did you guys flip a switch or something? 

Yeah, it is weird. When S&Sf wasn't working for me, I was able to back into the SpaceX thread through notifications and post there. Now S&SF is working in Safari (iOS) and Chrome (PC), but KSP1 discussion still does not work on either

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On 11/20/2023 at 8:14 AM, Gargamel said:

Before we close this out internally, is anybody else having this issue (or similar)?

Actually, yeah. Yesterday S&SF started giving me the white screen, but a refresh would load the page nromally. Today it's back to white screen no matter how much I refresh.

Oh, and BTW, while S&SF did go back to working until today, KSP1 discussion never did get back to working order, but I rarely go there so I didn't keep squeaking about it.

The above is what happens on my phone. However, on PC these days I've been surfing with the Edge browser, and it still works in those forums, while other browsers do not. None of the browsers on my phone will load those forums, nor do the other browsers on PC work. Unless I sign out, of course. 

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Yeah - sorry.  Just checked Edge (previous report was phone).  I'm back to Error 500 on the primary (Alt is defunct).

I don't know what you guys did - but once I created the Alt I had access only on the Alt (for the first few days), and then suddenly it was working on both accounts (hence the shout-out I sent you) on SpaceX.  Whatever you guys did - I really appreciate your turning on the lights so I could participate in the excitement of IFT-2.

Where I am at now is back to being limited to going into sub-subs where I've got a notification link (someone liked/quoted a post) - which will only take me to that particular thread.  Thus, if you see me posting on SX or Science News - it's because those are the only threads where I've got notification-assisted access.

So - back to multi-platform, multi-browser 500 errors whenever attempting to access the main S&SF sub from my Main - which, is the only account I actually have now since the merge.

Good luck!

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5 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

OMG it works again! At least Science and Spaceflight does. KSP1 Discussion is still giving me the white screen on iPhone. But it’s progress, right @Gargamel?

@JoeSchmuckatelli, working for you?

Still no on phone. 


I'll check PC later but given Gargamel's post I'm not hopeful 

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7 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Not sure if they did anything last time it fixed itself either. Might wanna check the server room for gremlin nests…

@Gargamel (for info)

I'm getting intermittent success with S&Sf via PC.   (One in 3-5 attempts gets 500, but sometimes I get through)

Ofc - I also got this interesting thing trying to hit the BO sub:

Website blocked due to a suspicious download

Website Blocked: tpforum.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

v2.6.15 | Heuristics: a suspicious download

Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this page because it may contain malicious activity.
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1 hour ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Aaaaand it’s back to goobered. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a last-post avatar or something silly that the browsers don’t like. Or maybe I need to clear my caches. I just don’t freaking know

Yeah - sunspot activity can only suppress the Kraken-Ban for so long. 


Read: I'm 500 as well 

Just now, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Or maybe I need to clear my caches

I did all of that (including a full reset of my modem and router) to no avail. 


Too many different ways of trying (phone, work pc, home pc, different browsers, you and magnemoe...

It's not us. 

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Well, imagine that, S&SF is working on my phone again, although KSP1 Discussion still gives me a white screen. Scrolling back, I'm seeing a pattern where it starts working on Monday or Tuesday then craps out on/by Thursday., repeat next week. Maybe coincidence, I don't know. It's...



I totally believe the IT team still hasn't actually done anything. I'm reminded of the old joke about a woman in a restaurant (who would probably be labeled a Karen in modern jokes)  who  tells the waiter it's too hot, please turn up the AC, soon followed by it's too cold, please turn down the AC, rinse, repeat. When a nearby customer comments to the waiter how aggravating it must be, the waiter replies "The joke is on her, we do not have air conditioning."

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