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(Theory) For Science! will release the 17th december 2023


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This is a theory I shared on the discord and because I can't be wrong because I'm always right, I share it with you too :maneuver:

KSP2 EA released the 24th february 2023. February is the 2nd month of the year, and guess what ? KSP 2 is the 2nd KSP Game! Makes perfect sense it is released in february. Now why is it released the 24th?

Well, Early Access = beginning, beginning = initial departure, and initial departure = Initial Crew !! "Jebediah", "Bill", "Bob", "Valentina", if you add the number of characters in each of these names you obtain 24! Coincidence? I DONT THINK SO!

If we then follow the beautiful logic of letters, "For Science!" is composed of 12 characters (including the whitespace), December is the 12th and last month of the year! so it makes perfect sense that For Science! is released in December.

Look at the Roadmap. First Science feature is called "Science Gathering" and is composed of 17 characters (with the whitespace). The 17th december 2023... is a Friday!

Here we go folks, For Science! will release the 17th december 2023 :kerbalklueless:


Sry for the spelling mistakes, I'm still learning english.

Edited by Sans
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  On 11/28/2023 at 9:08 PM, Scarecrow71 said:

I'm guessing announced on the 7th, released on the 14th, potential hot-fix the 21st.


Yeah, it would make sense for them to announce it the week before it comes out. If no date is given this week, then we'll know for sure it's not gonna be the first week of December.

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Apparently we'll be getting big news tomorrow according to dakotas discord status, and also we know that there was supposed to be a dev chat coming around this time as of a month ago. There's like a 70% chance we will get a science dev chat tommorow, and like a 35% chance that dev chat will contain a release date or something like that. 

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Folks, many mixed feelings accompany any update of KSP2, just as there was with any update to the original Kerbal Space Program. Regardless of anyone's personal feelings, making personal attacks is not tolerated on this forum. In fact, we have two forum guidelines this action may fall under:

  • Forum guideline 2.2d: Insults and threats, stalking, bullying or any other behavior construed to be of a potentially rude, slanderous, accusatory, combative or otherwise harassing nature to/of another person;
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So, please discuss your feelings, whether of great joy or dread, but do not take it upon yourself to make personal attacks about anyone whose opinion you may disagree with. Further personal attacks on this thread may require more severe moderator action.

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  On 11/29/2023 at 8:46 PM, Safarte said:

Apparently the devs have contingency plans in place according to Darrin


If you're not overworked all year, plenty of people have no problem working through Christmas.

I for one am taking exactly 0 days off between now and next year. That includes holidays I'll be working.

Edited by Superfluous J
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  On 11/30/2023 at 1:13 AM, Superfluous J said:

If you're not overworked all year, plenty of people have no problem working through Christmas.

I for one am taking exactly 0 days off between now and next year. That includes holidays I'll be working.


My company shuts down, so many people request PTO around this time that anyone left behind wouldn't really be able to do much. For national holiday days pay is compensated, for the in between holiday shutdown days you can either use PTO to get pay or just leave it as unpaid time off. I'm guessing they might have a similar policy. Idk how it is in the software game but I would assume communication between workers would be key to making progress and with the holidays causing many to not work I could see having those that would stay working instead possibly be counter productive and bugs that get created that may have been spotted might more likely get missed. Just speculating

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