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The Exploration Era Begins

Nate Simpson

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4 hours ago, MARL_Mk1 said:

Nate and team, been playing KSP1 ever since 2014 and it has continuously lived in my mind rent free. While being an adult makes you consider all possible realistic outcomes of an Early Access project the size of KSP2, it makes me genuinely happy to see that almost, if not all team members behind KSP2 are real fans and truly passionate people.

Earlier this year I made the biggest and most expensive PC upgrade I've done in my years of gaming, for the solely purpose of running KSP2 as it deserves. I hereby entrust you with making this game the best it can ever be for decades to come :D

I admit I might have upgraded my PC for the same reasons as you ... However CP2077 also looks quite nice on it lol

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I was extremely disappointed quite a long time ago when Career mode was not going to be in KSP 2, just completed the first couple of missions, and my disappointment has disappeared.  Exploration mode is an excellent replacement. I know you guys don't always hear much positive feedback, so I thought I would let you know this is as good or better than my old favorite way to play Kerbal 

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As some others said over on the Hype Train thread, I’m very impressed with the For Science! update. No more wobble. The missions actually make sense now. Performance continues to improve. Well done Nate, and well done Intercept Games!

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1 hour ago, Nate Simpson said:

I just wanted to say on behalf of the team that we love seeing how much fun you all are having with For Science! We'll keep chasing down bugs while we build toward the colonies update, but we're super energized by all the enthusiasm we're seeing for the game. It feels like the wind is finally at our backs, and we have you all to thank for it. Cheers!

Anything For Science!

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3 hours ago, MrFancyPL said:

Kinda ironic how it looks like bringing someone that had heart attack back to the living realm

I really hope the heart of the players keep beating in this game! 

Here's an update on the game's 'well being':


The reason behind the visible decline is because it is night [sleepy] time (in the U.S.) which is where a lot of the KSP players are from. Hopefully we see a good pulse tomorrow again!

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