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Is the game doomed?


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2 minutes ago, K^2 said:

So? A lot of studios are WFH now. The only reason I've been in the same room with some of my colleagues is because we used to work at another studio together previously. A bunch of others aren't even in the same state.

If you contributed to the game, you're part of the team. Don't take that away from people. Not yours to take.

Absolutely correct. I was responding to the implication that Jim viewing this thread was somehow nefarious or a gotcha. I object to the notion that he’s in any way culpable for the state of things.

now, back to reading emiko, because it was still in progress last time I caught up.

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2 minutes ago, FleshJeb said:

implication that Jim viewing this thread was somehow nefarious or a gotcha

I simply noticed the activity because I have a tab for 'online users' with a filter for KSP Team, and JJ is one such profile:

Just Jim
KSP Team

I wasn't saying "boo" about culpability... I just haven't often spotted 'KSP Team' (or Community Manager) on anything besides "Viewing Forum Index".

I also wasn't saying 'this person has doomed the game', just that they were looking at this very thread when I spotted them.

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I personally don't think the game is doomed, but I suspect we may be waiting quite a while before we see any more meaningful updates. Maybe they'll push out a few bug fixes before the end of June, but then there is likely going to be a protracted process of post mortem evaluation by a skeleton crew,  to determine what the prospects are for meaningfully improving engine performance with the current code base and also to evaluate how much more work would be required to get the colony content such as it is ready to go. Depending on the answers to those questions, it may not actually take that much more money to get the game to where it can honestly be represented as both working properly and having a meaningful amount of stuff that the original did not. If that is the case, then I expect that's what we'll get, but even setting aside how long that process will take, they will probably want to wait a while for all this brouhaha to dissipate anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if that ended up being close to another year at least.

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With this much silence, it's reasonable to conclude that the game has been carried to Mount Doom by a couple of Hobbits and chucked into the volcano.  It has shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the bleedin' Choir Invisible.

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31 minutes ago, Skorj said:

With this much silence, it's reasonable to conclude that the game has been carried to Mount Doom by a couple of Hobbits and chucked into the volcano.  It has shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the bleedin' Choir Invisible.

Look, I came here for an argument…

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2 hours ago, Skorj said:

With this much silence, it's reasonable to conclude that the game has been carried to Mount Doom by a couple of Hobbits and chucked into the volcano.

Ah, I see we've gotten to the, "I'm not saying it's doomed, but BFG 9000 did spawn in the main lobby," stage of the discussion.

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8 hours ago, herbal space program said:

I personally don't think the game is doomed, but I suspect we may be waiting quite a while before we see any more meaningful updates. Maybe they'll push out a few bug fixes before the end of June, but then there is likely going to be a protracted process of post mortem evaluation by a skeleton crew,  to determine what the prospects are for meaningfully improving engine performance with the current code base and also to evaluate how much more work would be required to get the colony content such as it is ready to go. Depending on the answers to those questions, it may not actually take that much more money to get the game to where it can honestly be represented as both working properly and having a meaningful amount of stuff that the original did not. If that is the case, then I expect that's what we'll get, but even setting aside how long that process will take, they will probably want to wait a while for all this brouhaha to dissipate anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if that ended up being close to another year at least.

I think there seems to be a fair scope for improvement with the game engine, there's been fairly incremental, large performance increases as development has been ongoing and Nate was talking about a huge improvement in memory usages (mainly VRAM). As for Colonies, it must be almost done at this point, they had an entirely separate team working on that concurrently to For Science! If not then what the hell have the folks at Intercept been doing?

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18 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Why on Kerbin would Mike and/or Dakota work on pushing out weekly challenges when they both know they are done at the end of June?  While I'm sure they are doing the best job they can to get to the end of this period, I am pretty sure that weekly challenges would be like the lowest priority on their list.  If they are even ON their list.

If they are still around, what else would there be to do, not like anyone is busy communicating :P
But that's the type of answers you get when you quote out of context ;)

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9 hours ago, GobboKirk said:

If they are still around, what else would there be to do, not like anyone is busy communicating :P
But that's the type of answers you get when you quote out of context ;)

They are propably forbidden to do it. 


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16 hours ago, Skorj said:

With this much silence, it's reasonable to conclude that the game has been carried to Mount Doom by a couple of Hobbits and chucked into the volcano.  It has shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the bleedin' Choir Invisible.

Well if the game's truly gonna go then that's how it has to and I will not accept anything else. If T2 cannot throw the game into mount doom then the game is now canceled.

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Yeah, with no official communication there's no way anyone is going to be allowed to say something on their own.  If they are going to continue development past bugfixes, this silence may have doomed the game anyway, due to the Steam review score.  Still, I would love to see colonies finished.

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8 minutes ago, Skorj said:

If they are going to continue development past bugfixes, this silence may have doomed the game anyway, due to the Steam review score.

This opinion is pretty common on here so I'm not picking on you personally, but this just isn't how things work. If by some chance the game is saved and they start putting out good updates public perception will turn around. Emotions are running real bad right now, but that's simply because people aren't getting what they want. If they start getting what they want they'll be back to happy in five seconds flat acting like nothing ever happened.

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2 hours ago, rjbvre said:

This opinion is pretty common on here so I'm not picking on you personally, but this just isn't how things work. If by some chance the game is saved and they start putting out good updates public perception will turn around. Emotions are running real bad right now, but that's simply because people aren't getting what they want. If they start getting what they want they'll be back to happy in five seconds flat acting like nothing ever happened.

You're talking about existing players.  I'm talking about potential new buyers of the game, whose purchase could fund future development work.  Recent reviews showing as "overwhelmingly negative" would be very off-putting to potential new buyers, so it's very hard to get a wave of new buyers giving positive reviews.  While it's theoretically possible to climb up out of that hole, e.g. people could change their existing reviews, that's quite a rare event.

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12 minutes ago, Skorj said:

You're talking about existing players.  I'm talking about potential new buyers of the game, whose purchase could fund future development work.  Recent reviews showing as "overwhelmingly negative" would be very off-putting to potential new buyers, so it's very hard to get a wave of new buyers giving positive reviews.  While it's theoretically possible to climb up out of that hole, e.g. people could change their existing reviews, that's quite a rare event.

This. Why the hell would anyone trust a publisher that has had ZERO communication with the community they sold this steaming pile to? If they had a plan to resurrect this turd then they would have announced it the same week they put in the WARN notice for IG. 

It's dead Jim. 

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I'm going to preface this by saying this argument is moot because I doubt the game has much of a future anyway.

3 hours ago, Skorj said:

You're talking about existing players.  I'm talking about potential new buyers of the game, whose purchase could fund future development work.  Recent reviews showing as "overwhelmingly negative" would be very off-putting to potential new buyers, so it's very hard to get a wave of new buyers giving positive reviews.  While it's theoretically possible to climb up out of that hole, e.g. people could change their existing reviews, that's quite a rare event.

Steam was smart enough to give both all time and recent review scores. It's not uncommon at all for games to improve, bring their recent review score up above their all time one, and be successful because of it. Nobody cares if a game used to be terrible if it's good now.

3 hours ago, calabus2 said:

This. Why the hell would anyone trust a publisher that has had ZERO communication with the community they sold this steaming pile to? If they had a plan to resurrect this turd then they would have announced it the same week they put in the WARN notice for IG. 

Because nobody outside the forums cares. This place has gotten way too self-important. Some guy browsing Steam isn't going to care that you didn't feel the publisher talked to you enough months before the games was fully released. If the game ends up being good word will spread, videos will be on youtube, and people will buy it. Trusting the publisher has nothing to do with it. Everyone hates EA and look how their games sell.

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2 hours ago, rjbvre said:

If the game ends up being good word will spread, videos will be on youtube, and people will buy it.

The game is not going to end up good, unless they keep developing it.  Nothing they have said gives me any confidence that will happen.  the pretty much complete silence on the topic actually makes me think they have already killed future development, and all we can realistically hope for is one more patch before everybody finished work.  (And even that patch is iffy).  

Think about it.  If they had a plan to continue development, would they have waited this long to say so?   

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4 hours ago, AVaughan said:

The game is not going to end up good, unless they keep developing it.  Nothing they have said gives me any confidence that will happen.  the pretty much complete silence on the topic actually makes me think they have already killed future development, and all we can realistically hope for is one more patch before everybody finished work.  (And even that patch is iffy).  

Think about it.  If they had a plan to continue development, would they have waited this long to say so?   

Completely agree, that's my guess too. Depending on what they already have, they might try to call it 1.0

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2 hours ago, stephensmat said:

And then have Colonies and Interstellar as paid DLC.

Don't know if they are going to do that, they might do what squad did with Making History and Breaking Grounds only with more parts.

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Does anyone know if they just tried to fix the KSP source code or if they started over from scratch?  I've been watching KSP2 videos and have seen some of the same KSP bugs in KSP2.  It looks like they used old code and not new code.

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40 minutes ago, miklkit said:

Does anyone know if they just tried to fix the KSP source code or if they started over from scratch?  I've been watching KSP2 videos and have seen some of the same KSP bugs in KSP2.  It looks like they used old code and not new code.

There's no way to know for sure without confirmation from the dev team themselves.  The general theory is that they started from scratch, but somehow ended up with the same bugs BECAUSE they didn't use the original code as a starting point.  At least, that's my theory.

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