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When the chief engineer of Master Aerospace said that the company could design and build a working manned jet plane with less than a ton of weight everybody laughed at him, three months later the first MA07 Anthony made his maiden flight.

This awesome small plane has a weight of 717 kg and 20 minutes of flight time. It's capable of both manned and unmanned flights, with 500 km of remote control range.



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14 hours ago, The Game Colonel said:

What add-ons or mods did you use for this Mun mission?

I used the following mods:

  • Procedural Parts
  • KW Rocketry
  • SpaceY
  • Kerbalism
  • Modular Rocket System
  • Tweak Scale
  • and some Visual Mods: Planet Shine, Environmental Visual Enhancements, scatterer and Raster Prop Monitors

Maybe i forgot one or two, currently i have about 70 mods in use. For example i am not sure where the fairing to cover the lander ist taken from. Oh, and i played in career, so it was a bit more dificult because some parts where not unlocked so i had to improvise.

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Hi Everyone.  I'm new and this is my first post here in forum. I'm playing Kerbal since 2 Months now and i like it :)  So...

I Made a little space station^^


The front has its own docking port, With a lander ship which can land up or downside. more docking ports for more ships coming too , and of cause enough food for the journey to another galaxy :D

Next part is on it's way to the right docking station:


Brought there by this rocket:



Need to look for more spacestation parts, it needs to get bigger :wink:




Part 5 Arrived before Part 4. its getting bigger and a bit laggy^^







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I'm not huge on the 'going to space' aspect of the game, but i like jet fighters to bits. i have for some time played around with a low-wing confuiguration on a twin engine fighter, and i think this is the end goal.
It's called Crown-21 (NATO callsign 'Flapjack'), if you guys wanna play around with it, tell me, and i'll put it up on kerbalX
mod: BDarmory


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You may have seen it elsewhere, but I like it so myeh 


As of recently, all astronauts on EVA are allocated a small amount of "awe time". It gives them the opportunity to tether their tools, to just stop, and see. And boy, do they see.

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