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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Reconstructing a part of and adding a new part to my space station.

Deleted some debris because I actually did some deorbiting missions and told myself I got to delete some extra.

Did some changes to my mods and added some cfg files of my own (kinda).

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I launched a geostationary probe and "accidentally" forgot to deploy the solars panels to have a reason to use my space shuttle.

PS: the space shuttle is useless, I only use it to dock to my station without transferring any crew(after all, the shuttle can only be used by one kerbal) and for punctual missions(mostly testings and deploying panels :P ).

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I put my Mun Science Laboratory in orbit, but had to abort my trip up with a science-spamming lander when I messed up RCS and broke it. Fortunately that lander had an escape pod docked to it so the pod carried the crew over to the lab and now they're part of the orbital crew.

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I designed a vessel to tour Krag's planetfactory system (sentar & friends). Took the entire day to tweak everything the way I wanted.

My first revision didn't go so well:


Back to the drawing board.

Added a few struts and it was solid as a rock


Of course, my rendezvous had to happen on the dark side. Had to fire up the drive unit's reactor to feed the ion drives. In total the 9 ions consume about 1600ec/sec.


Maneuvering the lander to the drive unit. Lander had already been launched yesterday patiently waiting for me to finish designing the drive unit:


The lander ready to dock after stowing its thrust assistance pods:


All ready to go! Just need some fuel sent up for the lander to make it down to the mun:


Edited by Immashift
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I launched a geostationary probe and "accidentally" forgot to deploy the solars panels to have a reason to use my space shuttle.

PS: the space shuttle is useless, I only use it to dock to my station without transferring any crew(after all, the shuttle can only be used by one kerbal) and for punctual missions(mostly testings and deploying panels :P ).

CAn't tell you how many times I have done that. That and parachutes. That is why I always put a thermal generator on all my ships to prevent that...

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Oh God!!! I just finished going to the Mun and back... in real time. No time acceleration.

Did you change your clothes, ordered pizza or went to the shower during the flight? If there is a yes, i guess you'll have to do it again... Just for the right feeling i mean... :P - Congratulations anyway!

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My Tylo ship returned from the ad hoc trip to Eeloo. As the design was otherwise fine, but there were some minor issues with RCS and batteries, I felt it was time to address the issues before sending the ship to its next destination.





The lander/transfer stage had to be replaced. Because it had nuclear engines, the only proper course of action was to recover it (as far from civilization as possible).

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My first time returning to orbit from Laythe failed without explosions. I was just short by 1 km/s. No kerbals aboard, fortunately. Next I'll send something with more fuel, if I can find a way to include a docking port without creating too much drag or any debris.

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I built a new science ship for Mun/Minmus and tested a new ion probe.

The ship works great. My lifter, circularization and transfer/moon circularization stages are all very well balanced. I could probably even ditch a tank of fuel on the transfer stage to reduce weight.

The lander is pretty solid, except I put the landing gear facing out to the side instead of on the bottom. So it lands on its engines, then I tip it over onto the gear. I need to change this still.

The ion probes work really well as long as there is sunlight. Landing on the dark side of a moon, however, resulted in 1 probe being lost due to an inability to slow down. The lander finished the job gathering more science and sample/EVA/crew reports. All in all I think I made about 1,200 science on the trip and now have access to the TNG so my probes now have a backup plan.

Next step is to build an extraplanetary vessel that will send up a bunch of probes all at once. I'm thinking maybe I'll target an unmanned Jool mission with it and have probes for each moon.

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After a 17 year trip, Jeffery Kerbin landed his can back on solid ground after a missed encounter with Eloo.... And picked up 53 science. ......... FOR SCIENCE!

he was less than happy

Edited by aleis
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Today I finished building my Spaceshuttle. It first had major stabilty issues, but now it is very easy to control. It will still need some thrust correction in flight though.

Here are some pics of the first succesful flight (landing is from the second flight, forgot to take pictures :rolleyes:):

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/G7zdB/embed"></iframe>

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Today I finally successfully docked a craft that I had landed in my career series that had nearly run out of fuel, however I had issues with the recording of said docking so now I am at a loss as to what to do. If I do again it will not be as special to me, and the actually excitement will be a bit lost. But then again it will be proof that I can actually now dock, well at least the smaller crafts.

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I sent Jeb over to Minmus on a rover/lander to collect more science for my planned capital ship, Leviathan. The nice thing about a rover that is also a lander is that you can use the rocket engines to increase your acceleration while driving.

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Brought back to Kerbin my 9 Minmus Rovsplorers = completing the entire technology tree on Day 28 of Kerbal year 1, with 3012 science left over. Now, I'm going to launch missions to each body starting as the transfer windows come up for each one. In the meantime I will be establishing Kerbal colonies consisting of no fewer than 30 Kerbals on Mun and Minmus.

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